The Legendary Next Update (365)

166 Name: 148,161 2005-10-19 18:40 ID:0dCD+kFU [Del]

>>> In the end, people actually enjoy the 0ch quirkiness. I know I do. I know about designing good interfaces, but there's something fun about an interface that is a little bit quirky, as long as it doesn't get in your way, and these things don't.

It does get in your way though, I enumerated cases where this is the case (albeit edge cases).

>>>Then just make one post with your name/trip and one with fusianasan and let your ID show up in both.

fusiansan is just intended for rare or special cases anyway, as is the whole subject of identification on anonymous message boards.

You still end up with no way to link the fusianasan post with the name/trip one without IDs enabled (unless the ID method is known and no secret data is used).

>>>It's rarely needed anyway. Also, these things are pretty easy to remember. "sage" and "fusianasan" is all there is, really.

You spelled it fusiansan once.

Also, how is Kahera unrivaled when there are still large sites that are not running it? Shiichan is still on world4ch, Thorn on parts of wakachan for example. is also semi-relevant

167 Name:   2005-10-19 18:55 ID:gBva8ggI [Del]


> Getting back to inconsequential nitpicking: I find the "___ image replies omitted" phrase to be a bit redundant, and for one it confuses me as to whether or not those image replies are separate from text-only replies. How about simply calling it "images"?

Yes, that's a great idea, which is why I've always done just that. You're thinking of 4chan.

340 Name: Anonymous : 2005-10-27 08:57 ID:Heaven (Image: 1010x554 png, 80 kb) [Del]

src/1130425040482.png: 1010x554, 80 kb

IMO minimalist web applications like Kareha should only focus on core content/functionality and leave the inconsequential presentation options up to browser extensions so that each user can tweak them to his whim. That's why I was pushing to offload the CSS selector to an extension.

Here's a better example, I think. Even if we can't remove the excessive side borders, is there a way to at least have rounded corners?

On formatting options: I think >>338 fails to understand that leaving the formatting options up to each individual user is a good thing by all means. Besides, they are absolutely necessary to the interface and core functionality, just like the Name and URL fields are. Preview functionality, on the other hand, should be implemented in an extension.

I think the issue that people have with the formatting options is that we don't have a Japanese counterpart to blindly model it after. Since we're going at this on our own, nobody is quite sure how it should be done. I'd like to see how it turns out on mode_image (if you feel the need to include it at all). :)

90 Name: Anonymous 2005-10-17 13:23 ID:Heaven [Del]

> Would it maybe make sense to make a separate thread creation page?

Considering that the ratio of users who start new threads to those who don't is pretty small on most message boards, I think it does.
A seperate page could also be used to put a more visible disclaimer/set of rules, as a seperate page with a different layout is likely to generate more attention from the user. Stuff that can be put there also wouldn't clutter up the frontpage.
I don't think this is an urgent matter, though.

83 Name:   2005-10-17 12:09 ID:Heaven [Del]

Oh yeah, regarding the CSS selector: HTML dropdowns aren't styleable, and will look like shit. I'll look into using some other trickery for that, though.

231 Name: Anonymous 2005-10-21 21:04 ID:Heaven [Del]

How about adding a link to 2ch in footer.html called "2ch mode"?

207 Name: 205 2005-10-21 03:40 ID:Heaven [Del]

From here on, this thread is about Kareha again:

336 Name: Anonymous : 2005-10-27 01:05 ID:GUU8bzQY [Del]

The whole point of websites is to implement things without the external application. I don't understand the argument for OH NO ANOTHER BUTTON MY WHOLE LIFE IS RUINNED crowd. If you don't like the extra buttons why don't you remove them with an external application and/or preferences? When you are talking about formating options, a preview makes sense. Are you going to set up your thrid-party application for every configuration of tags supported for every board?

If a feature is of a wide enough audience, it should be included. I'm sure nearly everyone could use a preview every once in a while, whereas something like a Bible quotation functionality would not have wide use.

86 Name: Anonymous 2005-10-17 12:33 ID:Heaven [Del]

> The Title field should go above the Name and Link fields in 2ch mode.

Why should it?

> From every practical standpoint, the current solution in Kareha is a lot more convenient

It's more convenient if you want to start a new thread, but for those who don't it's one more form to have to scroll by.

> Futaba now uses "..." instead of ">>>" to prefix repy blocks.

Any idea why?

330 Name: 329 : 2005-10-26 20:02 ID:Heaven (Image: 1010x554 png, 76 kb) [Del]

src/1130378556374.png: 1010x554, 76 kb

Oops, here's the screenshot. orz

322 Name: Anonymous : 2005-10-26 10:38 ID:Heaven [Del]

You could add entire thread links to either the "num" or "posts" column in subback.

43 Name: Anonymous 2005-10-14 16:31 ID:Heaven [Del]

PS: I always wanted to say this: The # anchors on the TiddlyWiki automatically scroll me (FF, 1.0.7) just below the actual text box of the entry. Is that a bug, a feature or... ?

112 Name: Anonymous 2005-10-17 20:40 ID:UAOHJNRy [Del]

fusianasan is a voluntary function to show identity without having to memorize a tripcode. Works on all boards. Reveals your IP, of course...

Another feature I'd like is keyboard shortcuts like Wikipedia. Although you'd have to avoid stuff like Alt-D.

22 Name: | 2005-10-13 19:57 ID:Heaven [Del]

> statically linked executable

I have to disagree with this. It should run in perl too.

  • If you're running wakaba, obviously perl must be there
  • Most hosts that library-poor don't provide compilers (or shell) either

282 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2005-10-23 18:24 ID:Heaven [Del]


I'm not sure. On the one hand, people expect that to work. On the other hand, it can be a bit annoying. On the third hand, it's not all that annoying anyway.

79 Name: Anonymous 2005-10-17 09:16 ID:Heaven [Del]


It's good for referencing replies, too.

The "always show the first post" behaviour is sort of confusing at first. It seems more intrusive than useful.

352 Name: Anonymous : 2005-10-28 06:34 ID:Heaven [Del]

At least i got 350

209 Name: Anonymous 2005-10-21 14:16 ID:0dCD+kFU [Del]

More information on the all threads page, date of the last post? file size?

A quote button that puts >>n and puts the post prefixed by > in the reply box

Different secret strings for different functions (e.g. one for ID generation and one for secure tripcodes)

350 Name: Anonymous : 2005-10-28 03:57 ID:Heaven [Del]

> Does the CSS selector -really- get in your way?
> Is having the More options thing really ruining your experience,

Yes and yes and I already stated why.

I am sure you know this but text markup takes place on a whole different level than identification/bumping issues. Your comment about pgp signatures is very funny but I will not honour it with a comment.

196 Name: Anonymous 2005-10-20 12:51 ID:tlSRz7E3 [Del]


>The effect would be miniscule in comparison to the huge increase in bandwidth that would result from sending the entire static thread pages.

How about a parameter to split up thread subpages into X posts per page? The navigation links already use 100 posts per page for practically everything except "Last 50 posts".

Hmm, I just remembered: >> links would not work at all with static pages. Not good.

>Why? Even if 0ch or Futaba implemented secure tripcodes, you wouldn't get the same secure tripcode there as on another board. That's the nature of the security.

Right, I guess it was dumb to mention 0ch/Futaba in the first place. The point is, as you said yourself, tripcodes are a gimmick, and if someone wants to maintain a persistent identity across multiple boards and sites (ie, everyone here with a tripcode), they have no choice but to use ordinary tripcodes. Secure tripcodes are useless because they limit your identity to a single board, supposing each board/site's cipher key is different -- which it should be, since that's the point of having a secure tripcode in the first place. No one should be so paranoid about a tripcode that they'd need to have a different one per board/site.

>Not without doing a lot of changes throughout the code, and not without breaking current installations.

Shouldn't we sacrifice some backwards compatibility for a more robust and scalable design? It might even be possible to provide an for old threads.


>You could only trigger the functions in a specific format, say...

That's a cool idea, though for now it would have to be left alone if we want to keep Kareha compatible with 2ch/Futaba conventions.

Exactly. The methods and the effects of saging a thread are separate subjects.

P.S. I recently discovered "rXX-XX" for threads in /soc/. How exactly does this work? From the sound of it, it's supposed to randomize the post order, but when I hit refresh I get the same order.

313 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2005-10-24 18:41 ID:Heaven [Del]

Well, I don't want to have to read posts without highlighting. It's annoying. Just for that, I don't want leave it off.

On another topic, a vote: I could make the secure tripcodes and other parts of the script that use the SECRET more secure by some small changes, but this would make secure trips change when you install the new version.

Good idea, y/n?

155 Name: Anonymous 2005-10-19 13:42 ID:Heaven [Del]

Kami! Nice ID.

181 Name:   2005-10-20 06:39 ID:ReFmOAs0 [Del]


The one with encoded Javascript that makes you post with fusianasan is cute.

71 Name: Anonymous 2005-10-17 08:18 ID:Heaven [Del]

Nevermind, the issues seem to have resolved themselves within the hour of the new version being uploaded.

More stuff:

To more closely resemble the 2ch look, how about prefixing thread title headers in the main board page with a 【position:postcount】thingie?

And as suggested before, the navigation links on the bottom of individual thread pages should include "Previous 100" (ie, all posts before the first post in the URL) and "Next 100" (ie, all posts after the last post in the URL). Of course, this could get screwy if you're using reverse order and out-of-order posts in the URL, so I dunno how well it could be implemented.

The "First 100" link should also be removed from the bottom of individual thread pages, and there should be a link to to thread-list included below the reply box of each previewed thread on the front page.


Change "Del" links to widget buttons.

In order for the CSS selector not to take over the entire header, how about turning it into a drop-down menu? The same could be done with the Admin functions (appearing only after one correctly inputs the password), placing it on the right side of the board and thread title headers (this would also allow admins the convenience of deleting and permasaging threads from the front-page).

and would something like this work (given that all boards share the same root directory)?


P.S. When you mentioned serving dynamic pages in >>46, were you referring to individual thread pages? As I mentioned before, it'd be nice to make the front page as dynamic and flexible as thread pages when it comes to viewing options (via PATH_INFO).

289 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2005-10-23 19:40 ID:Heaven [Del]


Return links are actually not a very good idea. I know some browsers will clear all input fields if you follow a link back to the page you came from, but leave the fields intact if you click the back button.

273 Name: Anonymous : 2005-10-23 16:34 ID:Heaven [Del]

Oh, and "AA mode" should be changed to "Text art mode" so we won't be incessantly quibbling about the difference between ASCII and SJIS art.

165 Name: Shii the Metal Idol 2005-10-19 18:13 ID:z/kxsMjQ [Del]

> Huh?

You know, like [email protected].

Shiichan 2000 let you enter "down" to sage and "showip" for fusianasan, but it was mainly just a curiosity and was not used. There's no one English word that does the job of the pseudo-Japanese "sage". Better to have a tick-box and explain to people why it is useful. Or an option for it.

> Then the board has to be configurated to just do that (it already can).

No, 148 is referring to a user-end problem, not a server-end problem.

351 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E : 2005-10-28 04:55 ID:Heaven [Del]

I think you're a bit nutty, >>350...

42 Name: Anonymous 2005-10-14 16:30 ID:Heaven [Del]

Forgot this one:
The general functions of imageboards do not seem to be clear to most people that eventually come around, the influx of total newbies is still big. Many neither know what sage is, how to properly reply to threads, what tripcodes are, etc.
Because of that, I believe it would be good to include a default link at the bottom of the unordered list at the bottom of the new thread form that links to


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