The Legendary Next Update (365)

154 Name: Anonymous 2005-10-19 13:28 ID:1l2MEdqn [Del]


>5) Seperation of sage et al from the email field to something else...

This is kinda what I had pushed for earlier in >>52. I think that separating the sage (aka, "don't bump"), fusianasan (aka, "show IP"), and ID:Heaven (aka, "no ID") functions from any particular post elements in the main scripts would be ideal for implementing Kareha in systems where inputting a certain string to trigger these functions is not intuitive (ie, every board outside of the 2ch/Futaba family). These trigger strings (S_DONTBUMP, S_SHOWIP, S_NOID) and their assignment to a certain form field input could be instead implemented individually in each template.

>2) Have the string to sage and fusianasan defined as a constant in config
>3) A specific string for ID:Heaven instead of anything in the email field

As I mentioned above, this would better work if they could be modified within each template in the list of string variable definitions.

>4) Cookie preferences such as "Don't use expanding textarea" which leaves it small or big.. or another option for that choice as well; an option to not save Name/Email automatically; anything else that is useful?

I like this one, as far as saving name and e-mail inputs go. I occasionally browse 4-ch at school, and it'd be nice for just an option to clear cookies when you're done and don't want anyone else to use your name, e-mail, and deletion password.

What the hell is RENZOKU?

P.S. >>151 is RMS

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