The Legendary Next Update (365)

218 Name: Anonymous 2005-10-21 15:22 ID:Heaven [Del]


>> More information on the all threads page, date of the last post? file size?

Well, I had already proposed the filesize indicator in >>208, but optimally I would actually prefer that subback resemble the one in 0ch (ie, same as the main page thread list, but without CSS).

And single-post links don't include the thread's first post anyway, so there's no need for >>n. Quoting an entire post is not wise either.


>Isn't this essentially the same as saying "Please don't talk so much?"

In a sense, yes. Just like the postcount limit could be interpreted as "Please don't talk so long".


main page -- 161 Name:◆WAHa.06x36:2005/10/21(Fri) 14:44 ID:Heaven
subpage -- 4 :◆WAHa.06x36:2005/10/21 14:44 ID:Heaven

Question: does Kareha have a 1001th post message like "Name: 1001:Over 1000 Thread" for when a thread exceeds its postcount limit?

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