The Legendary Next Update (365)

208 Name: Anonymous 2005-10-21 13:46 ID:cRmds2wO [Del]

Recapping, here are the things I'd like to see in the final release:

  • better configuration of date and time (with optional timezone offsets), parsing certain characters for individual elements (ie, yyyy/MM/dd(D) hh:mm:ss -5:00:00) and also accepting numerical inputs for fixed dates and times (Eternal September)
  • parameter to permasage after a certain thread filesize/total number of characters has been reached
  • change the no-ID-on-email option to no-ID-on-sage
  • no EMAIL_ID parameter (most if not everyone uses "Heaven" anyway, and if they really want to change it they can easily find the string in

Some nitpicky template adjustments to mode_message in order to more closely resemble 0ch (see and

  • multi-page links (1-, 101-, 201-, etc) at the top of subpages
  • red, bold thread filesize indicator near the bottom of subpages
  • "read all later posts" link just below the filesize indicator
  • non-bolded post numbers
  • colons before dates
  • colons before names (thread subpages only)
  • colons after thread position number in main page thread list
  • smaller and (at least for Pseud0ch) black and bolded title in "Create new thread" box
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