The Legendary Next Update (365)

85 Name: Anonymous 2005-10-17 12:26 ID:1l2MEdqn [Del]

I'll sign that partition for a separate admin script and XHTML interface (one that includes the banning, board nuking, and spamlist-changing functions in Wakaba).

How about adding flexibility to the DELETE_FIRST option in, using booleans to define when to keep or remove a thread (including AND/OR/NOT arguments)?

Also, options for both automated permasaging and pruning by postcount, creation date/time, and board position (all configurable in of course).

Some other layout points:

  • The Title field should go above the Name and Link fields in 2ch mode.
  • 2ch's "new thread" post box is at the bottom of the main page. From every practical standpoint, the current solution in Kareha is a lot more convenient, but you may want to go over that just in case.
  • Futaba now uses "..." instead of ">>>" to prefix repy blocks.
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