The Legendary Next Update (365)

3 Name: Anonymous 2005-10-12 16:58 ID:Heaven [Del]


  • Conforming of navigation to 0ch standards for conveniency, efficiency, etc., i.e.
  • Navigation links also at the bottom of the thread pages
  • "First 100" to be replaced with "Next 100" (and "Previous 100") in thread pages
  • First post always showing up, even for later quoted ranges. Currently, you can supress this on 0ch by identing "n" before the post range.
  • Default l50 links in all lists
  • Automated archiving, i.e.
  • Automatic thread closing at a configured number of replies and/or thread size (recommended default values: 1000 posts or 512KB)
  • Automatic closing and moving of threads that do not get any activity in a certain timeframe (based on average activity frequency of the board)
  • Bonus features (not really important):
  • Fusianasan (reveal hostname by entering fusianasan or [string] into Name field)
  • Customizable Capcodes (please more than just "Admin", perhaps fancy colours)
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