> Another topic: since dynamic pages eat up CPU in order to rebuild pages according to URL parameters, what would be the likelihood of the current dynamic thread subpages having a significantly adverse effect in this aspect if a board were to grow to 2ch-sized proportions?
The effect would be miniscule in comparison to the huge increase in bandwidth that would result from sending the entire static thread pages.
The "entire thread" link can easily be changes to link to the files in /res/ instead of going through the script, but that would make it somewhat less convenient when you want to consturct custom URLs, so I haven't done it.
> Also, let's put out a partition to kill secure tripcodes (unless they originated from 0ch/Futaba)
Why? Even if 0ch or Futaba implemented secure tripcodes, you wouldn't get the same secure tripcode there as on another board. That's the nature of the security.
> captcha (until we find a way to implement similar functionality without requiring it in the form of a GIF/PNG image)
That's even more non-sensical. Nobody on the entire internet has figured out a reasonable way to implement captcha except by using images, and the only boards that use them are image boards where you have to load images anyway. And finally, they aren't just there to annoy you, people do actually try to flood boards, and they are stopped by the captcha.
> And is there any practical way that Kareha can be modified to run multiple (even nested) boards in a single installation?
Not without doing a lot of changes throughout the code, and not without breaking current installations.