Xee (1000)

1 Name: Mr VacBob!JqK7T7zan. 2005-07-26 13:25 ID:+Fwu3KWy [Del]

I'm using this now, but I'd like it better if it had these features:

  • some way to open a folder from the command line ("open -a Xee ." doesn't work).
  • some way to advance to the next image one-handed on a laptop keyboard, possibly with , and . (obvious joke goes here).

535 Name: Remain : 2007-03-17 21:36 ID:PKK2glNl [Del]

I found some keyboard shortcut-related bugs.

Bug 1:

When Space is assigned to an action (in my case, Next Image)
it doesn't not work as the "select focused element" key in dialogs/sheets.

For instance,
if I'm in the Rename or Delete confirmation dialog and I use Tab to focus the OK or Cancel button,
pressing Space won't "press" on the focused button.

(note: If Space is not assigned to anything, then it works.)

Bug 2:

If Escape is assigned to an action (in my case, it's the default setting: "Cancel Action or Close Window or Drawer"),
it does not work in the Delete confirmation dialog;it doesn't close it.

(note: Just like Bug 1, if Escape is not assigned to anything, then it works.
However, Escape DOES work in the Rename dialog.)

Bug 3:

In the Rename and Delete confirmation dialog/sheet,
pressing Tab does not move the focus to the OK and Cancel buttons.

536 Name: Remain : 2007-03-17 21:46 ID:PKK2glNl [Del]

Whoa, now THIS is a weird bug.

If I display a file in Xee and choose Rename, then I rename the file to a name that contains one or many slashes "/", the file seems to DISAPPEAR.

I tried searching for the file in Spotlight.
And I did "ls" in Terminal.
The file is GONE.


537 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-03-18 05:39 ID:Heaven [Del]



538 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-03-18 05:43 ID:Heaven [Del]


Also, I know the reason for this one: Since OS X is a Unix system, slashes are not allowed in filenames, but because slashes have traditionally been allowed, a kludge was inserted that silently maps slashes to and from colons in filenames. However, I need to do that by hand and I have not implemented that.

That doesn't really explain why it would DISAPPEAR, though.

539 Name: Anonymous : 2007-03-18 09:33 ID:U+AQnAcm [Del]

opening a JPEG file procuded by a Canon EOS 400D (same as XTi in the US) result in a null pointer dereference. Following message appears in the logs: "(null): Custom function unsupported; please report to author (Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL)"

540 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-03-18 11:39 ID:Heaven [Del]


You'll need to provide me with an example file before I can fix it.

541 Name: Remain : 2007-03-18 13:02 ID:PKK2glNl [Del]


So those will be fixed in 2.0.1, I'm guessing?

Oh, by the way, I just realized that in Bug 1, I said, "and I use Tab to focus the OK or Cancel button".

But then in Bug 3, I said that I CAN'T use Tab to focus. What the heck???

I just tried it out now and indeed, it CANNOT do it.

But I distinctively remember having used Tab at a certain point. Really weird. (Maybe I just remembered wrong.)

In either case, I hope Tab, Escape and Space will all work in the next release.


Yeah, I do know about the UNIX thing.
That's why I tried to play around with ":" and "/" to see what would happen.
I first tried ":", and it showed up in Finder as a "/", which told me that Xee uses the "real" UNIX file names.
Then I tried "/", and, well... bye bye file. =P

Say, you wouldn't happen to know where that file could've gone, would you?

Is is still in that folder/directory? (though doing "ls" in Terminal shows nothing)

Or is it lost forever in hard disk purgatory?

542 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-03-18 13:29 ID:Heaven [Del]


They will hopefully be fixed once I get some time to work on it.

Also, I would have expected the rename to just fail and that nothing would happen. For the file to disappear seems very wrong. I'll look into that later.

543 Name: Alohaglide : 2007-03-18 21:44 ID:BiUq1gje [Del]

I apologize if I missed it in this thread, but is there a way to have the images open up so that their width expands to the full width of the screen, but not both width and height?

I want it to open an image as large as possible horizontally, but dont mind scrolling vertically.

Many thanks...the speed of this app is awesome!

544 Name: Remain : 2007-03-18 22:15 ID:PKK2glNl [Del]

I think the closest you can get is:
View > Automatic Zoom > check Enlarge To Fit

I don't think you can "enlarge to fit width" only.

545 Name: Alohaglide : 2007-03-19 00:26 ID:BiUq1gje [Del]

I think you are right, Remain. If I make a patch, could I submit it?


546 Name: Bryce : 2007-03-19 02:03 ID:byy17Hx1 [Del]

This is a really great image viewer, and I appreciate all the effort you've made to make it as clean and simple, yet powerful, as it is.

I've started using it to view very large sets of images (20,000) and the performance upon opening the folder is really bad. The source of the problem seems to be that when you sort the files you call CFURLCreateFromFSRef for every single comparison operation. Maybe instead you could call it once for each file and cache the result? Or even better would be to build the full expanded path when you first read the directory contents so you don't need to expand it later.

547 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-03-19 06:39 ID:Heaven [Del]


It seems an awfully specific feature. I don't think many people would have a use for it, and I am loath to add clutter to the interface with such features. That way lies feature creep.


Yeah, I know, I really need to optimize this. However, there is a reason I use FSRefs and not paths in the list, which is to keep track of files as they are moved around. However, calculating paths once before sorting and then caching them might indeed help. I'll look into that.

548 Name: Bryce : 2007-03-20 01:37 ID:byy17Hx1 [Del]

Re 546: I went ahead implemented the caching of file paths during sorting, and it reduced the start-up time for my folder with 27,000 images from 327 seconds to 11 seconds. Not bad, huh?

In _runSorter I added:

int count=[entries count];
for(int i=0;i<count;i++) [[entries objectAtIndex:i] SetTmpPath];
[entries sortUsingSelector:@selector(compareTmpPaths:)];
for(int i=0;i<count;i++) [[entries objectAtIndex:i] ClearTmpPath];

and then added a tmp_path variable to XeeDirectoryEntry. I can send you the full source if you like.

549 Name: Bryce : 2007-03-20 01:47 ID:byy17Hx1 [Del]

I forgot to mention another change I made to improver performance:

-(void)addEntry:(XeeFileEntry *)entry sort:(BOOL)sort

[self lockList];

#if 0

int index=[entries indexOfObject:entry];
if(index!=NSNotFound) { [self unlockListWithUpdates:NO]; return; } // already added


This code adds another 50 seconds on top of the 327 seconds I quoted above. If there is only one directory loaded then this isn't necessary (as in my case). For other situations I'd recommend either sorting the list before adding to it (so a binary search would be possible), or add things unconditionally, then sort, then scan and look for adjacent items that are duplicated.

550 Post deleted by user.

551 Post deleted by user.

552 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-03-20 05:31 ID:Heaven [Del]


That won't work quite correctly in all cases, as the clicked image is added twice in some circumstances. Also, the whole thing needs to be thread-safe (current versions don't use threads when scanning but future ones will), so it's all kind of tricky to get right. I'll have to look it through thoroughly when I find some time...

553 Name: Will : 2007-03-21 14:33 ID:5ebTZK9b [Del]

Wow this thing is -FAST-! -Too bad it doesn't do optional thumbnailing & metadata. -You'd beat the crap out of ImageBrowser, et. al. !

Great work man!!!!!

554 Name: Remain : 2007-03-21 15:58 ID:DXOPBOuc [Del]


How about something to indicate when part of the picture is outside the boundaries of the window?

Since Xee doesn't use scrollbars (and I actually like this approach),
there should be another way to let the user know that the current pic can be scrolled.

I guess there could be an indication in the Status Bar?

555 Name: Remain : 2007-03-21 16:04 ID:DXOPBOuc [Del]


How about something to indicate when part of the picture is outside the boundaries of the window?

Since Xee doesn't use scrollbars (and I actually like this approach),
there should be another way to let the user know that the current pic can be scrolled.

I guess there could be an indication in the Status Bar?

556 Name: Anthony Sigalas : 2007-03-22 05:37 ID:7ZczXQxT [Del]

Great Work. I have a request: Bind a default keyboard shortcut to Slideshow Run (say command + option + S) so that I can complete a great Sofa Control Script to browse / view images via the Apple Remote control. I know I can do this myself on prefs but so will have to everyone that uses Sofa Control + Xee. I think that's very easy to implement. On a diiferent note some applescript support would be great for future versions :-)

557 Name: world peace : 2007-04-01 04:49 ID:xF5VHVGn [Del]

It would be nice to have thumbnail browser, where one can configure thumbnail size. This is convenient when searching for a photo and filenames are generic.

558 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-04-01 05:18 ID:Heaven [Del]


Once again, the finder already does that.

559 Name: Anonymous : 2007-04-01 11:43 ID:7DfzYHmw [Del]

Enhancement request:

Folders can be dropped onto Xee in the dock to browse that folder. Can this be extended so that:

- folders can also be dropped onto the Xee window to open that folder, as the window is much larger and easier to drop files onto

- be able to browse the items in that folder and its subfolders, using depth first search useful for browsing manga more than anything else

560 Post deleted by moderator.

561 Name: Gopher Bill : 2007-04-05 09:59 ID:aPuJ0Q0Z [Del]

I've noticed a problem with Xee in trying to delete files from an AFP mounted volume. The Finder will do it, but Xee says "The file "blabla" could not be deleted." I'm pretty sure that it's not a permissions problem. Maybe it's just me :)

562 Name: Remain : 2007-04-07 02:42 ID:eaPTUmHe [Del]


A preference to turn off the "Open" dialog when you open Xee directly (meaning not through opening a file).

I, for one, never use that dialog to open files; I open them through the Finder.

But also, there are certain instances where that dialog is completely pointless and only annoying.

For example, when you just want to open Xee to paste the clipboard.

Therefore, I believe that dialog should be made optional.

563 Name: Frank : 2007-04-10 03:00 ID:l1rF9/8j [Del]

I have some favorite folders where I have put aliases to the original pictures. When I open such an alias with Xee, it open correctly the original and views it. When I toggle to the next picture/alias, it views the next picture from the original picture folder, and not the next alias from the favorite folder.

564 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-04-10 04:54 ID:Heaven [Del]


I haven't checked yet, but this may be a limitation in OS X that I can't do anything about.

565 Name: J�rgen Lugsch (moved from other thread) : 2007-04-11 07:24 ID:6THb/Qdo [Del]


Is there an easy way to translate Xee to german language, e.g. by exchanging some strings in a text file?

566 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-04-11 07:24 ID:6THb/Qdo [Del]

Yes, the usual method of editing Localized.strings and all .nib files works. However, I already received a German translation so hopefully the next version, whenever I can get it finished, will be localized.

Also, please use the existing threads for short questions, to keep all discussion in one place.

567 Name: george : 2007-04-12 01:41 ID:wnItLTrp [Del]

when dragging a folder that has subfolders full of images to Xee, it reports "No images available". Maybe make it search recursively for images? It's this close to being pure joy.

568 Name: bhcatlady : 2007-04-12 21:16 ID:aEYOu2ZX [Del]

I seem to have a problem. To be honest I haven't read all 567 posts. Most of them I don't understand anyway.
I have a digital photo frame. I viewed all the pictures with Xee and deleted those I didn't want. They are on an SD card. None of them went to the trash. When I play the pictures, they all come up. If I go to the folder mode on the frame, it shows trashes and that is where the discarded pix live; but I am unable to see them on my Mac so that I can discard them permanently. How would I do this, or is it impossible?
Thanks for your response.

569 Post deleted by user.

570 Name: brooks : 2007-04-15 14:42 ID:rAPNNkGw [Del]

it would be really really nice to be able to see the exif data somehow, maybe transparent over it or something.


if there is a way already im sorry i missed it

571 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-04-16 05:03 ID:OmtsthcK [Del]


File -> Get Info

572 Post deleted by user.

573 Name: Allister : 2007-04-24 21:14 ID:GgFzthQp [Del]

Excellent piece of software. It would be perfect if I could get a thumbnail view of all pictures in a folder as well. As things stand Xee is great for looking at pictures but not so good for sorting.

574 Name: Remain : 2007-04-24 23:15 ID:zkNU1HHD [Del]


You can do that in the Finder though.

View > Show View Options (or Cmd J)

Check "Show Icon Preview"
(obviously, it'd be best to also set Icon Size to a reasonably large size)

As for sorting, you can change the order of the pictures in Xee by doing
Browse > Sort Order
There are 3 options: By Filename, By Date, By Size

Besides, I think Dag Ågren doesn't want to add a thumbnail file browser.

I would agree, because this would be a step towards bloatware.
(see: ACDSee http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acdsee )

575 Name: Guntis : 2007-04-30 03:17 ID:nWcigP/l [Del]

I have Xee 2.0 running on PowerBook G4 PPC Mac. I don't kknow why, but every time I open some JPG image and rotate, save, open next image, rotate, save, open next image... after 5-10 such operations Xee crashes... constantly...

576 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-04-30 04:14 ID:Heaven [Del]


Can you post a crash log?

577 Name: Juan : 2007-04-30 05:21 ID:tUUCj2h4 [Del]


Is there a Spanish translation of Xeen?
it is already done?

578 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-05-01 07:02 ID:OmtsthcK [Del]

A person apparently going by just the name "John" contributed some icons for Xee:


At some point I really need to link the alternate icon sets from the homepage, too.

Also, >>577, no.

579 Post deleted by user.

580 Name: sin : 2007-05-01 22:17 ID:FX5fVIbd [Del]

Adam Betts made a very great set of replacement-icons for xee

581 Name: ange : 2007-05-05 02:28 ID:n6ed9axZ (Image: 0x0 zip, 104 kb) [Del]


I've finalized the french localisation of Xee (2.0). But unfortunately i'haven't a FTP site to propose you the zip of the fr.lproj.... (108 Kb). I try with the Image button hereafter, else can you send me a email where i can send you this translation to be added to the software ?

Enjoy !

582 Name: XEE : 2007-05-06 06:12 ID:ZvngO1eN [Del]

I think this had been said a thousand times, but when it has Two-Page feature for comics, PERFECT! :D Is developer considering about that?

583 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-05-06 09:24 ID:Heaven [Del]


Thanks. I hope to add it to the next version when that is finally done, but it will probably need updating. I will mail you when the time comes.

584 Name: Remain : 2007-05-06 22:51 ID:Ikgne3Zq [Del]

Just curious: will the next version be able to remember window size and position?

I really hope so, as it is one of my biggest (and only) gripes with Xee.

Thanks a lot!

585 Post deleted by user.

586 Name: ange : 2007-05-07 23:28 ID:7V+e6kyR [Del]


Ok. I'm waiting with impatience the new version ! Does it include the possibility to change the resolution ?

587 Name: PiotrW : 2007-05-12 12:31 ID:7A62EW/N [Del]

I've just discovered Xee and love it. But I have one little feature request - could you add an option to browse only associated file formats? No it tries to open my RAFs and fails every time.

588 Name: TTaveira : 2007-05-17 12:46 ID:wzDYP/Ug [Del]

Someone mentioned that Xee lacks an option to Set the desktop background... That would be quite useful in my opinion. No responded though :)

Any plans to add that?

TTaveira, Portugal

589 Name: raiten : 2007-05-19 01:09 ID:ciioz3Ln [Del]

here a few feature request i have about xee
some are from windows irfanview

  • open a directory as thumbnail to have a more global view of multiple images (thumbnail size could be define freely)
  • when displaying image (full screen or not), you can add a text with name of file, base folder, some exif data like date, aperture, speed, or else
  • with the copy/move option, you can define a list of multiple folders with their keyboard shortcut to sort images quickly.
  • miss a lot a list of 10 or 50 last opened folders/files

(there is one in xee1 but never fills ...)

  • with a thumbnail view, it would be cool to be able to batch some operation like rotation, mirror or file conversion/resize
  • one quick operation it would be good to have is change of constrast and light
  • option to keep or not status bar in full screen mode.

else, a great tool
thanks a lot for it

note: as i'm waiting for 10.5, i'm still stuck with xee1 for 10.3. so maybe some feature exist. soory for it.

590 Name: Nightkrawler : 2007-05-21 11:21 ID:wADQXUb4 [Del]

So the thumbnail request...
I understand that Xee is just a image viewer and not a thumbnail indexer/viewer, and the implantation of that may be hard, but a shortcut to the inbuilt fullscreen thumbnail preview of OS X would be great and i think (Im no programmer) relative easy to code.
look at minute 4:00 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKP5fFelYkI they really improved it with core animation in Leopard, its way faster than in Tiger even at many pictures and really looks awesome.

So my wish is that it would be possible to open the inbuilt fullscreen slideshow presenter of OS-X right out of Xee with all the pictures. - only if a direct implantation of displaying thumbnails would be to ... far from the purpose of Xee.
Oh yes and a "set as wallpaper" really would useful :)

Anyway I love Xee, cant thinking browsing my images without it :)

591 Name: Guntis : 2007-05-21 12:27 ID:nWcigP/l [Del]

When I rename any jpg or gif file which has Spotlight Commnets, then after renaming these comments are lost... Can you improve Xee here?

592 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-05-23 06:58 ID:6THb/Qdo [Del]


Some of that is implemented in Xee 2, and some won't be implemented any time soon, such as thumbnails, because Finder already does thumbnails for you.


I've never seen that feature in Tiger. How would one access that?


I'll look into that at some point, but it sounds more like an OS X bug than anything else.

593 Name: Nightkrawler : 2007-05-23 16:11 ID:k6ZuOiR1 [Del]

select some pictures in finder, rightclick them and choose "slideshow".
Or open them with preview and press shift+cmd+f.
But its only nice when you have 90 pics max or so in tiger.

594 Name: Remain : 2007-05-30 14:14 ID:eTKRYtBS [Del]


For me, it's 99 pictures max: 9 rows of 11 pics each.
(unless it's different at different resolutions)

Bug 1:

By default, Space is assigned to both Toggle Animation and Next Image. (that's 1 problem)

But it only acts as Next Image. Even if I remove Space from Next Image, it still won't work as Toggle Animation for some reason. (You'll hear the system sound, meaning no effect.)

Bug 2:

Certain GIFs has a very dark color for their transparent areas.

In browsers, you'll see these transparent areas as white.

But in Xee, they'll be displayed in that dark color.
This can effectively make the image "un-viewable."

Here's an example:

This is the actual GIF image:

Here's what it looks like in a browser:
(see how the transparent areas are white)

Here's what it looks like in Preview:

But here's what it looks like in Xee:

Yeah... you can't see much of anything. (If you zoom in, you'll see that it's not actually black, it's just a very dark shade of gray.)

This is why I'd like to request a way to set the color of transparent areas of GIFs, PNGs, etc.

In Preferences, there's a pref called "Default image background" but it does not seem to do anything.
(Say, I set it to red then I try out GIFs with transparencies, but I see nothing red. So I'm not really sure what that pref does.)

595 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-05-31 05:21 ID:Heaven [Del]

> Bug 2:
> Certain GIFs has a very dark color for their transparent areas.

That's not a bug as such, it's just displaying the GIF as it is defined. The problem is that the GIF is specifying a non-sensical background colour. Xee compromises by displaying the transparent colour with a pattern. If I changed it to override the background colour defined in the GIF, there would a lot of other images that would display wrong instead.

You could try complaining to whoever or whatever made the broken image.

596 Name: Remain : 2007-05-31 07:13 ID:eTKRYtBS [Del]

Well, I got that image from the Web, so I don't really know who made it.

But the thing is, that's not the only one that's like this.

I've got a bunch that have the same issue.

Yes, I understand that it's the image makers' fault and not Xee's.

But I use Xee as my main image viewer,
so it would be nice if I were able to view my entire collection with Xee without having to resort to opening in a browser for certain random ones.

I'm not saying make "white for transparent areas" the default behavior.

I just want to request a way to set it that way, perhaps temporarily.

For instance, a quick pref under the View menu. (View > "Show Transparency in White" or something)

So that for cases such as this, where nothing can be seen, that quick pref can be toggled on, and you can see it as you would in a browser.

Thanks for your time!

597 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-05-31 13:00 ID:Heaven [Del]


I might, but I've got a lot of other stuff that needs fixing too.

598 Name: Remain : 2007-05-31 13:06 ID:p9h+HAsF [Del]

Thanks for considering it. Much appreciated.

Actually, the number one thing on my Xee wishlist right now is for Xee to remember window size and position instead of always loading the default size.

In any case, I'm really looking forward to 2.1!

599 Name: jamik : 2007-06-01 23:17 ID:loonkKkL [Del]

Thx! Xee the best!

600 Name: Justin : 2007-06-02 10:39 ID:8tI0zW0m [Del]

I think a great feature would be if Xee supported the autorate stuff from cameras with a rotation sensor. It would be very helpful

601 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-06-02 17:19 ID:Heaven [Del]


It does.

602 Name: czechxteam : 2007-06-03 10:25 ID:KFhevC9j [Del]

I would like see one feature in next version:
I would like to see filename with path while slideshow/presentation - it should depend on some preference.

603 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-03 14:13 ID:eTH0EC1M [Del]

^ I 'd like that!

604 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-04 13:58 ID:901KVNlC [Del]

Print capability. That's essential!

605 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-05 09:07 ID:D1yPWtkN [Del]

>>592 >>591
According to "Renamer4Mac" file comments are lost when things are renamed via the "System" instead of the "Finder"

I have no clue what that means but changing the preference from "System" to "Finder" does keep the Spotlight Comments.

606 Name: Athanasios : 2007-06-07 15:34 ID:C4cbQfku [Del]

Hi everyone.

Do you know why I cannot seem to be able to have antialias for scaled up images? I have antialias set to smooth high, but if I try to view a small image in a large window( say 200 or 300%), it is all pixeled up, no antialiasing whatsoever. All of this with xee2.0 on a core2duo macbook.

best regards to everyone

607 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-07 16:13 ID:Heaven [Del]

608 Name: Athanasios : 2007-06-08 03:55 ID:BWaRchy+ [Del]

Ah. Fair enough. Anyway, it would be nice to have smooth zoomed in pictures.

best regards

609 Name: Sparky : 2007-06-10 17:50 ID:LBsa/qHa [Del]

When I try to open RAW files from an Olympus C5050-z I can see them in the preview pane, but Xee is unable to open the image.

I get a black screen and a statement "Couldn't display file (filename)"

610 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-06-10 18:45 ID:Heaven [Del]


Can't do anything about that unless I have an image to test on.

611 Name: Timothy Bonnici : 2007-06-13 09:00 ID:xgl04JOL [Del]

Just dowloaded Xee and I really like it. It's pretty much perfect for how I sort my photos with one exception - no capability to add tags/Spotlight keywords. If it could do that then it'd be pretty much perfect in my eyes.

Another thing which would be nice is if there was a preference to control the sound effects/turn them off.

612 Name: Andreas : 2007-06-13 13:33 ID:rD/jlGCW [Del]

Xee is the best image viewer I've found for Mac (almost as good as irfanview for XP).
I've however found a small "bug"; rotating an image in full screen crops the image and you have to go to normal mode and then back to full screen for it to display properly.
Otherwise it is super!

613 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-06-13 16:38 ID:Heaven [Del]


That is completely normal behaviour. It's just not changing the zoom level. Use Zoom out or Fit to Screen.

614 Name: Kat : 2007-06-18 06:27 ID:Qobp8V+w [Del]

Whenever I use Xee to rotate a picture and then save it "losslessly" the picture quality is still degraded anyway. I read a post dated 2006 in this forum that said Xee automatically saves the rotation of a picture without loss of quality, so pressing Save is unnecessary and actually reduces quality. I guess this has changed? My rotations are not automatically saved, so I manually save, resulting in a very discernable reduction in image quality despite it supposedly being lossless. Also, for cropping, saving losslessly isn't even an option, I have to "save as." Any suggestions?

615 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-06-18 07:01 ID:BcTCx8CP [Del]


The system for saving rotations has changed, yes, you need to manually save. But it really does not degrade quality - there is no way for it do so unless you select Save As and manually pick to save as "JPEG" instead of "JPEG without recompressing".

Also, since cropping is not ever "lossless" as such, as you lose the data you cropped out, you have to use Save As for that. The default option should be set to "JPEG without recompressing" which is the "lossless" mode.

616 Name: wm : 2007-06-22 00:43 ID:XVGtf/+a [Del]

Is there a way to set the current zoom level in a way that it won't change when going to the next image? This would be particular helpfull when doing a presentation (or watching) of digicam pictures which tend to have the wrong size an must therefore manually zoomed 2 times each picture again...

617 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-06-22 07:09 ID:Heaven [Del]

View -> Automatic Zoom

618 Name: wm : 2007-06-22 10:26 ID:4YS6XVa9 [Del]

Thanks, that was exactly what I had been looking for.

619 Name: Timothy Bonnici : 2007-06-25 06:17 ID:ImSNrvx5 [Del]

Since I posted the comment above I've learnt a bit more about metadata and it turns out that what I like is adding tags to the EXIF keywords field rather than the Spotlight tags which are stored in the .DS_Store files. A system like Photoshop/Adobe Bridge where you can store the keywords in a list, grouped together in user-defined categories is perfect. At the moment that's what I use to tag my photos and it seems a bit ridiculous to fire up such a heavyweight app just for tagging, especially as I've converted over to Xee for organising and naming my photos

620 Name: Danielj : 2007-06-26 12:04 ID:s5Ng5qyA [Del]

When using Xee to open images out of a directory (external drive) with many image files (thousand+) the loading time for opening each image is unreasonable long, compared to preview. Is this a known bug, and is there any chance it will be fixed? :)

621 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-06-26 16:37 ID:BcTCx8CP [Del]



622 Name: turbo : 2007-06-30 19:33 ID:JXIGr8Wn [Del]

thanks for xee, i'm using it as my default image viewer because it's quite fast, easy, light-weight and supports many formats. i just got a feature request: cmm - color management. apple's preview's got it, most other apps have it, too. whenever i open pictures with icc profiles embedded other than srgb, they are displayed incorrectly.

623 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-07-01 20:05 ID:Heaven [Del]

It is on the list, but it will most likely be a long time before I get around to that. It is no easy task.

OS X has built-in CMM, which pretty much every app uses, but it does not work together with OpenGL, which Xee uses, which means it will probably have to be implemented from scratch.

624 Name: ruby : 2007-07-06 13:18 ID:dxXlUIKb [Del]

super fast! now i find a image out of hundred in a few seconds.

i like to have a switch to disable the alpha channel.

625 Name: n8 : 2007-07-11 16:20 ID:lqa2y0Jv [Del]

I just found Xee and it's really nice! I'd like to second the request for color management, though. Lots of my pics are in Adobe RGB mode and they look funky in Xee.

Thanks for the great programs (The Unarchiver too)!

626 Name: guerom00 : 2007-07-12 15:28 ID:Y8AET5mg [Del]

Feat. Req. : PDFs ! And hence, .ai :)

That would be great.

627 Name: raiten : 2007-07-16 23:46 ID:ciioz3Ln [Del]

a few more remarks (based on 1.2.1)

  • why xee does not retain last used file format when saving ?
  • why no "save" option
  • is there a way or planned feature to view and edit IPTC tags ? to search them ?

thanks a lot

628 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-07-17 05:58 ID:6THb/Qdo [Del]

> why xee does not retain last used file format when saving ?

Not many apps do that I can tell. I'm not sure if this is a desirable behaviour or not. If you want it, convince me why.

> why no "save" option

This is largely useless. The only common saving operation is lossless save, which exists in 2.0.

> is there a way or planned feature to view and edit IPTC tags ? to search them ?

Viewing, maybe in the far future, searching, no.

629 Name: Mdd : 2007-07-17 12:10 ID:B9mlcI6M [Del]

Thanks for the app!

630 Name: Nick : 2007-07-20 01:28 ID:yEyWprIZ [Del]

I really must be missing something, but I simply cannot figure out how to open the destination list. I was expecting, I dunno, a menu item or a context menu or a toolbar button. But I am completely at a loss at this point. What am I overlooking?

This app is really neat, I just downloaded it right now. It could have saved me a lot of time image sorting before now! Thanks a bunch.

631 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-07-20 04:42 ID:Heaven [Del]


File -> Copy/Move Image...

632 Name: First Name Last Name : 2007-07-21 16:37 ID:kgMId2h3 [Del]

Have no requests, just want to say >THANKS< for this great app! It's so superior compared to any other image viewer. Keep up the excellent work!

P.S. All right, maybe just one request: subfolders scanning? Maybe? Please? :)))

633 Name: Visual destination list : 2007-07-22 19:57 ID:tZ5+hftS (Image: 997x600 jpg, 59 kb) [Del]

src/1185159424193.jpg: 997x600, 59 kb

I'd love to see a "destinations" pane similar to the iTunes "Sources" pane with the various Move/Copy destinations. It would be much easier to just click (move) or option-click (copy) things to this drawer rather than try to remember what folder is assigned to what number.

634 Name: Few more requests... : 2007-07-22 19:58 ID:tZ5+hftS [Del]

  • If resizing the window, try to keep the upper left corner stationary - this will keep the toolbar buttons from moving about unexpectedly.
  • A full-screen button would be great to have on the toolbar.
  • When in full screen, it would be great if the toolbar could appear iPhoto style from the bottom (translucent black), or the aforementioned "Destination" list.
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