4chan brought down by Distributed Denial of Service Attack (408)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-20 14:41 ID:mDrphH4G [Del]

> 4chan is down because of DDoS attacks, stemming from a bunch of guys that are angry that moot doesn't want to move #4chan to lulznet.

-Kirtaner (of 420chan).

No real reasons to distrust this information, really. Let's hope it didn't hit 'em too hard. I must say, with the traffic that 4chan get, it must have been one fucking tidal wave of a DDOS.

401 Name: Anonymous : 2011-02-14 18:38 ID:/4R8qkli [Del]

Did it ever occur to anyone that /b/ could have been used to bring down 4chan?

Anonymous has a weakness, which its weakness is itself?

402 Name: Anonymous : 2011-02-14 18:40 ID:/4R8qkli [Del]

It would be rather poetic.

403 Name: grey!C.MxxuCiTo : 2011-02-16 14:34 ID:yFe6DuSw [Del]

Moot is dead
and Christopher Poole killed her.

404 Name: Herped too hard i derped : 2011-02-17 20:05 ID:5CSh1Cor [Del]

Shit, I miss /b/
need to rollllllllllllll

405 Name: largePenisAlphaMale : 2011-02-18 01:29 ID:YxjhWZIg [Del]

civil war was about abolishing slavery and the KKK.
stop making excuses for southern racists.
they beat the shit out of their slaves 'cause they could always fuck the women and breed some more.

stop sanitizing the redneck cunts.
slavery was and is wrong in the first place

406 Name: Anonymous : 2011-02-18 13:55 ID:Heaven [Del]


(a) I can't believe anyone fell for that troll.

(b) As with any troll, there is some truth within it. The war was sort of about slavery and sort of not: the southern states believed that it should be the right of the individual state to decide whether to permit slavery or not, etc. etc. Natch, they were by and large the ones who were in support of slavery and the northern states were by and large the ones who were against it. But if you haven't studied the Civil War in depth, look up the Horace Greely letter and give it a bit of thought. It's a more complex situation than most people think.

(c) Some people did beat their slaves, sure. That's why there are a lot of historical references to the act of slave-beating, and there are even written works on how to beat them "correctly" so as not to permanently injure them. But! It was definitely not something that everyone did. Also, mulattos weren't worth as much.

(d) The KKK was only founded after the Civil War ended. Watch Gone With the Wind some time -- there's a very cleaned-up reference to the founding of the KKK at the end, when the blacks come into town. (Alternately, watch Birth of a Nation if you can find a copy of it. It's largely about the founding of the KKK as response to the South losing the war.)

By the way, I'm not neither a redneck nor an apologist. I'm from up north; for a couple years I had to live in the deep south, in the bible belt, and the amount of racist, redneck, bible-thumping, closed-minded radical-conservative bullshit I had to put up with has ensured that I will do everything in my power never to live there again. Too bad for the minority of people who were actually rational about any issue.

407 Name: Anonymous : 2011-02-27 21:42 ID:CJ7WbBQh [Del]

Fuck man this sucks. Need fappage. I blame tumblrfags. I say we low orbit ion cannon them

408 Post deleted by user.

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