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399 Name: Anonymous : 2011-02-14 04:52 ID:Heaven [Del]

The race conflict had nothing at all to do with the Civil War or the South "rising" in the first place. Learn a bit of your southern USA history, lest you look like an ignoramus.

It's one thing when non-Americans, or even northerners, get this wrong, but people go around casually conflating the Confederacy with the ideals of the KKK just irritate me, not merely because it's wrong, but also because it's tremendously dumb.

If you were a slave-owner, you would not beat your workers. That would render them unable to do their work effectively. With very few exceptions by possibly some brain-damaged people, and many more examples of hearsay and conjecture ostensibly invented by radical supporters of black freedom long after the issuing of the Emancipation Proclamation, this was common understanding. (Yes, people on both sides of a controversial issue can be radical, and the concept that blacks should be fully equal with whites didn't enter the mainstream until decades later.)

Next time you want to post a stupidass off-topic comment in some random thread, learn some history about the subject first.

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