Xee, part 2 (630)

1 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2009-07-22 10:34 ID:J9qvJKxH [Del]

This thread is for questions and discussion about Xee. Before posting, check that the question has not already been answered in this thread, or in the previous thread: http://wakaba.c3.cx/sup/kareha.pl/1122405906/

There is also a bug tracker for Xee here: http://code.google.com/p/xee/issues/list

If you have a bug to report, it is better to post it on the bug tracker if you can, so it will not be forgotten.

630 Name: freediverx : 2017-06-30 21:18 ID:VEWd6XjD [Del]

Apple's upcoming iOS and macOS releases later this year will introduce new codecs and file formats for both image and video files. In iOS 11 and macOS High Sierra 10.13, HEVC and HEIF will become the new and preferred formats, offering superior compression while maintaining the same image quality.

When can we expect Xee to be updated to handle these new image types?

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