So. I kind of like, the default OS X unzipping utility. However, it has quite a number of limitations. Most other unarchivers on OS X have interfaces that I don't like, or just don't work very well. Also, thanks to Windows' idiotic idea of using the current system encoding for filenames, I have tons of archives from Japan with Shift_JIS filenames, which none of the unarchivers on OS X I've tried will handle properly.
And so I, because I obviously don't have enough to do already, get the idea that I need to write a better unarchiver. Features I think it needs include:
For actual information on the current state of this project, read on!
Not until somebody reverse-engineers the format.
So, which app handles the .sitx format and can one have it installed without interfering with unarchiver?
The Unarchiver crashes very often when cancelling extraction of sit file :(
Sorry for posting like this, can't provide link at the moment. Copy this and then remove the post. There are more chrash reports in the log, but all look similar; it's always Thread 1 that chrashed in function SIT_UnArchive.
Host Name: franks-ibook
Date/Time: 2006-11-27 21:51:04.620 +0100
OS Version: 10.4.8 (Build 8L127)
Report Version: 4
Command: The Unarchiver
Path: /Applications/Utilities/The Unarchiver
Parent: WindowServer [7068]
Version: 1.3 (1.3)
PID: 7107
Thread: 1
Exception: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS (0x0001) at 0xfc707aac
Thread 0:
0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9000ab48 mach_msg_trap + 8
1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9000aa9c mach_msg + 60
2 0x907dcb78 __CFRunLoopRun + 832
3 0x907dc47c CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 268
4 0x93203740 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 264
5 0x93202dd4 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 380
6 0x93202c40 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 96
7 0x93706ae4 _DPSNextEvent + 384
8 0x937067a8 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 116
9 0x93702cec -[NSApplication run] + 472
10 0x937f387c NSApplicationMain + 452
11 cx.c3.theunarchiver 0x0000292c _start + 760
12 cx.c3.theunarchiver 0x00002630 start + 48
Thread 1 Crashed:
0 de.dstoecker.xadmaster 0x000b3d84 SIT_UnArchive + 6244
1 de.dstoecker.xadmaster 0x0007a888 xadFileUnArcA + 412
2 de.dstoecker.xadmaster 0x0007a9e0 xadFileUnArc + 240
3 de.dstoecker.xadmaster 0x000bf87c -[XADArchive _extractFileEntry:as:] + 252
4 de.dstoecker.xadmaster 0x000bf75c -[XADArchive _extractEntry:as:] + 540
5 de.dstoecker.xadmaster 0x000bf2f8 -[XADArchive extractEntry:to:overrideWritePermissions:] + 352
6 de.dstoecker.xadmaster 0x000bf0b4 -[XADArchive extractEntries:to:] + 316
7 cx.c3.theunarchiver 0x0000428c -[TUArchiveController extract] + 1052
8 0x9295d194 forkThreadForFunction + 108
9 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9002b508 _pthread_body + 96
Thread 2:
0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x90049ea8 syscall_thread_switch + 8
1 0x929755d0 +[NSThread sleepUntilDate:] + 152
2 0x937a3a10 -[NSUIHeartBeat _heartBeatThread:] + 1100
3 0x9295d194 forkThreadForFunction + 108
4 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9002b508 _pthread_body + 96
Thread 1 crashed with PPC Thread State 64:
srr0: 0x00000000000b3d84 srr1: 0x000000000000d030 vrsave: 0x0000000000000000
cr: 0x44000244 xer: 0x0000000000000000 lr: 0x00000000000b3c78 ctr: 0x0000000000000003
r0: 0x0000000000000000 r1: 0x00000000f00803a0 r2: 0x00000000fc32cfc4 r3: 0x00000000003daae8
r4: 0x00000000003daae8 r5: 0x000000000000000c r6: 0x0000000000000007 r7: 0x0000000000000100
r8: 0x0000000000403b59 r9: 0x0000000000000001 r10: 0x0000000000401b55 r11: 0x0000000000000003
r12: 0x0000000090003138 r13: 0x000000000189914c r14: 0x000000000189955c r15: 0x000000000183b200
r16: 0x0000000000080000 r17: 0x0000000000000003 r18: 0x0000000000000001 r19: 0x0000000000000013
r20: 0x0000000000077ab3 r21: 0x000000000455e008 r22: 0x00000000044dd008 r23: 0x00000000044dd00b
r24: 0x0000000000000000 r25: 0x000000000077f008 r26: 0x0000000000000000 r27: 0x0000000000000000
r28: 0x0000000001898c08 r29: 0x0000000000000001 r30: 0x000000000183b200 r31: 0x00000000000b2530
Binary Images Description:
0x1000 - 0x9fff cx.c3.theunarchiver 1.3 /Applications/Utilities/The Unarchiver
0x29000 - 0x3cfff org.mozilla.universalchardet ??? (1.0) /Applications/Utilities/The
0x72000 - 0xd1fff de.dstoecker.xadmaster ??? (1.3 (libxad 13.0, modified)) /Applications/Utilities/The
0x8fe00000 - 0x8fe51fff dyld 45.3 /usr/lib/dyld...
I was so happy to find a replacement to stuffit expander i could not help but make a donation. I hope one day par support is added to the library as no elegant solution exists for os x
Many thanks! And I'll keep that in mind.
The Unarchiver is a must-have app.:)
Is there a possibility to add a preview-feature like in Zipeg ( )? This would be awesome!:)
Sometimes Unarchiver isn't capable of extracting certain rar-archives (pasword-protected).
Can I help with Dutch localization? I have XCode installed and can open the Unarchiver source code in it but otherwise I'm pretty clueless where to start. Can you give me a quick rundown? Thanks Roland
I'll add you to the list of translators, and mail you when there's time for a new release.
I'm having an odd problem with TheUnarchiver v1.3 and multi-part RAR files. Some of them work, but on some I get an error saying "the archive file is corrupted." I read on this discussion thread to check the output from Console, and I get this:
KATAMARI.ISO: crc error (f1c77610!=e8ca0330)
However, UnRarX, and WinRAR (run in Parallels) both say the files are fine, and extract them successfully. I've had this happen on archives named with .rar, .r00, etc, and on .part01.rar, .part02.rar, etc archives.
Email me at coredumperror AT gmail if you'd like a sample file that causes this error. I tried creating some small muilti-part archives using different options from WinRAR (authenticity, lock, recovery, etc) but everything worked except the one that I "locked." It didn't give me an error, though; instead TheUnarchiver just opens briefly and closes without extracting anything.
P.S. Is there any way to check which version of TheUnarchiver I have installed? I just downloaded and installed 1.3 to do these tests, but I wasn't sure if I'd had it installed already.
I have installed the app but it does not excute at all. I have a powerbook G4. when I double click the app from Application folder, I understand that I should be getting a "preferences" window but nothinh happens. There is nothing in Console.log. It does not even show up in the activity monitor.
Are you using 10.4?
This program is great! Congratulations!
Do you have a plan to put support .pax and pax.gz files to The Unarchiver?
It would be great!
I don't have any plan, but I could make one. Depends on how much work it would take, and whether anybody actually uses the format.
That formats use any install package inside...
.pax.gz: is a standard gzipped .pax file.
.pax: "The pax utility will read, write, and list the members of an archive file, and will copy directory hierarchies. These operations are independent of the specific archive format, and support a wide variety of different archive formats. A list of supported archive formats can be found under the description of the -x option." it's similar to .cpio.
Now that you mention it, I did see those when taking apart installers. Maybe there is indeed some use for it, then. I'll add it to the list, at the very least, and whenever I have some spare time (don't hold your breath), I'll see what I can do.
The Unarchiver 1.3 fails to expand an 85 part RAR archive. RAR Expander handles it OK.
Rar expansion definitely need improvement. ( The new rar version 3.7 is coming out soon )
Is there anyway i can view what is inside the archive without extracting it?
Anyway to know what the filesname(s) that will be extracted?
I know unarchiver is easy to use but sometimes i have to spend time to find out what is actually extracted out from the archive.
Can't do anything about it without having an archive that shows the problem.
It's time for a small update to The Unarchiver:
This has a few requested features and bugfixes, and also experimental support for 10.3! Please try it and tell me if it actually works, because I don't have a machine to test it on. The other changes include:
I just found this great app. Everything works great except Stuffit (.sitx) archives... Will you support this too?
Anyway, thanks! It's very cool!
I really, really wish that I could support .sitx, but there is no documentation whatsoever for the format, and nobody's managed to reverse-engineer it yet.
Do you implement the password support for RAR files?
It's planned for 2.0.
Is there a way to get back default system icons for all the archives?
While still using The Unarchiver? You can try finding those icons and copying them over the ones inside the The Unarchiver app bundle.
Feature request: the option to automatically scan the decompressed item for viruses using the virus checking app of your choice. Thanks!
Icons for .sit files aren't showing up for me (in fact it's been hard enough getting .sit files to open with The Unarchiver at all - it doesn't show up under the Open With menu).
Also, a minor issue with encrypted .sit files - if you enter the wrong password it will try to extract anyway but complain about corruption.
Sounds like there's a filetype conflict with some other app, then. The Universal Type system in OS X is a bit buggy that way.
it doesn't support .sitx archives. if it was added,i will delete stuffit。
I love the idea of The Unarchiver. Unfortunately, after installing it, I still had to install Stuffit because The Unarchiver, being able to decompress .sit files, couldn't do with just one. The Blank Dock Separator package available at MaxThemes. I am now on a brand new machine without Stuffit and would like to keep it that way, but have unfortunately forgotten to back up the separators, yet again. Does anyone have them and can repackage them in say .zip for me? Thanks! Kudos to the developers though for a killer app!
That file unpacks just fine for me. Were you using an older version earlier? There have been a lot of bugfixes to StuffIt unpacking in the later versions.
A small update for The Unarchiver:
This should, I hope, fix the problem with Xee where archives would fail to open. It also adds a Traditional Chinese localization. Other than that, nothing much has changed.
The .pax support is working great! Thx!
But, if I try unarchive an password protected rar arhive, The Unarchiver popup the password window.
But if I type the CORRECT password (100% it's correct, becase I can unarchive that file with unrar from console with same password) The Unarchiver give me a message window:
"Could not extract the file 'the file name': Command is not supported"
Hi! I found a spelling mistake in the german translation! A pop-up windows says:
Der Inhalt der Datei ... konnte nicht mit diesem Programm entackt werden.
entpackt (the "p" is missing)
Hi again!
I tested to open a passwort protectet .rar file (I made by myself with SimplyRAR)
but there's no passwort pop-up - instead a pop-up that says:
The contents of the file ... can not be extractet with this program.
RAR password support is not yet implemented. I'm hoping to have it in 2.0, whenever I find the time to work on that.
Thanks, fixed.
0.5 works fine so far in 10.3.9 so far (1.5GHz 15" PowerBook with 2GB of RAM); I used it for expanding a .tar.bz2. It doesn't have a Dock icon though, but I'm not sure if that's intentional or not.
Thank you very much for adding 10.3.9 support. I had all but written it of for when I get Leopard.
I downloaded phpMyAdmin in .7z format but The Unarchiver gave errors about unknown data formats when trying to extract it. 7zX handled it fine.
The Unarchiver uses the 7zC code from 7-zip, which doesn't support all formats (which is nearly impossible anyway, as 7-zip is defined as supporting a ridiculous amount of formats for no good reason). I've tried to nag the author to update it, but I don't think he has yet.
Just a little request, why don't you add growl support >
Sorry if this has already been asked.
Thank you for this app :)
I'm not sure it's very useful, as an unarching operation doesn't take more than a few seconds in the average case.
There appears to be a bug, introduced between 1.3 and 1.5, with password handling for encrypted ZIP archives. In 1.3, you can type the password, click Continue, and all files in the archive are extracted successfully. However, in 1.5, roughly half of the files fail to extract. (This is on 10.4.7, by the way.)
I need a test case to fix it.
Problem ... The Unarchiver simply closes right away if it has no write access to the folder of the clicked RAR file. It would be a good idea to either throw up an error message saying no permission, or ask if the users wants to extract somewhere else instead.
I'll add that to the list.
Is there a way to get StuffIt to stop stealing The Unarchiver's application default preferences? I even tried the Default Apps preference pane add on and StuffIt just won't stop being a jerk.
Are you using Firefox or Camino, and getting Zip files associated with StuffIt when downloading? This is caused by a Mozilla bug that they refuse to fix. You can work around it by choosing "Get Info" for one of the affected files, changing it to The Unarchiver, and then clicking "Change All".
Re: 256
I can't give you a test case file (too large, for one thing.) However, here is the problem:
--- /tmp/TheUnarchiver1.3_src/libxad/portable/mac/XADArchive.m 2006-11-24 09:22:52.000000000 -0800
+++ /tmp/TheUnarchiver1.5_src/libxad/portable/mac/XADArchive.m 2007-02-08 17:40:46.000000000 -0800
@@ -1053,7 +1069,8 @@
else if(detected_encoding) encoding=detected_encoding;
else encoding=NSWindowsCP1252StringEncoding;
return [password cStringUsingEncoding:encoding];
return [[password dataUsingEncoding:encoding] bytes];
+// return [password cStringUsingEncoding:encoding];
Clients of _encodedPassword (i.e. xadFileUnArc) require that the password be maintained as a null-terminated C string. (This means you can't use any encodings which might have embedded nulls as part of the encoding.) Also, dataUsingEncoding won't null-terminate the data. If a null char happens to immediately follow the data then the password works, but if not then the string continues until a null is reached, and so the password is (often) wrong.
Going back to cStringUsingEncoding for the password works just fine, since it appears xadFileUnArc can't handle anything else.
Thanks for tracking that down, but the problem is that cStringUsingEncoding is 10.4 only, and thus I can't use that. I'll have to look at other options.
In that case, this should work (haven't tried compiling yet though!):
char nullChar = '\0';
NSMutableData *pwdData = [NSMutableData dataWithData:[password dataUsingEncoding:encoding]];
[pwdData appendBytes:&nullChar length:sizeof(char)];
return [pwdData bytes];
There will still be problems if the password string's encoding contains any nulls (like Unicode), but I don't think that's going to be a common case, and xadFileUnArc can't handle such encodings anyway.
Actually, you can just use increaseLengthBy:, as the new data will be initialized to 0. I'll probably go with that.
The Unarchiver hangs when you cancel the extraction of a rar file. Shows "Preparing to extract ..." message as though it is working to extract the file although it was canceled before selecting a destination. I'm running 10.4.8, 1.83 Core Duo with 2GB Ram
Known bug, will be fixed.
TheUnarchiver used to extract archives into a subfolder of the current folder named after the archive file... it doesn't do that for me any more, and I'd really like it to. Did I screw up a setting, or has that feature been removed? (or maybe I'm just hallucinating again...)
It does this if there is more than one file or folder in the archive. If there is only one, it is not put in a subfolder.
Ohhhh, that makes sense, I guess. Still, it would be nice if there were an option to always extra to a subfolder, since if you don't know the name of the file inside the archive, it could be an issue finding it in the finder window, since it always alphabetizes on the fly. Making a subfolder with the same name as the archive will make the subfolder show up right next to the archive in Finder, which would be great!
It's been requested before, so it'll probably show up sooner or later. Maybe not in the next version, but I'll add it at some point.
Absolutely bizarre problem with the unarchiver in regards .sit files.
Mac OS does recognize it as an application that can open .sit fles (all other archive types yes, but not.sit)
It can happily open .sit files, but assigning it as the default application seems impossible.
Any ideas?
Well, let's just say that Launch Services, which handles this stuff, is... less than well-designed.
Something similar has happened to me when I had another program installed that defined a UTI with another name for the same extension. You'd have to use something like RCDefaultApp to see if that is the case, or to delete suspicious apps (AND empty the trash, or else it does not count).
If you can find an app that causes it, send me its Info.plist!
Hi, been using The Unarchiver on 10.4.7 (PPC) and again on >=10.4.8 (Intel) with absolutely no errors so far. Thanks for a fantastic app!
Is there any way to automatically associate all supported compression types with The Unarchiver? In the past I just used "Change All" in the Info window as I came along files that opened with BOMArchiveHelper, but having an easy way to set all of them at once would be very convenient.
Also, any plan on making "The Archiver"? Would be nice to replace the "Create Archive" option in Finder's contextual menu with options to create compressed tars (tgz and tbz2 preferably) and such.
Doubleclick The Unarchiver, and you get a preferences window that has a list for associating filetypes.
Also, sorry, no plans for The Archiver. I am generally happy with what's available already, personally, and I've got lots of work as it is.
Another release of mostly bugfixes and tweaks:
As pointed out on MacUpdate, The Unarchiver defines for the system the filetype of "RAR-Archives" as files ending on .rar, .RAR, .r00, r01 etc., as well as .001, .002, .003 etc.
The problem is that multi-part split files also end on .001, .002 etc. The Unarchiver is unable to open/merge these files (which I would not expect it to do, anyway - it is an unpacker, not a filemerger).
I cannot dissociate .001-files from The Unarchiver without dissociating .rar-files as well, since both are defined for the system as rar-archives.
I would like to propose, that in the preferences a seperate filetype for .001-files ("Multi-Part Document"?) is added, which can be ticked or unticked to be opened by The Unarchiver. That way, the user can choose if he wishes to open .001-files with The Unarchiver or a different program.
I hope that is not too much to ask. I feel the program is amazing, and the developer has been doing a great job!
Also (since I seem to be the roll right now :-) ), I would just like to register my vote to keep the current behaviour of The Unarchiver of extracting one file archives into the current folder and archives with multiple files into a new subfolder.
It has been requested on MacUpdate that ALL extractions should be into a new folder, regardless if one or multiple files. I don't think that is a good idea, and at least should be optional for users who prefer the current way.
Once again, Launch Services is being a useless piece of crap... sigh. Oh well, I guess I'll have to go with making a separate file type for those, although I can just tell that will lead to some other problem instead somewhere down the line.
Yeah, I'd only ever make than an option, and it definitely wouldn't be the default.
Hmm, I can't extract .sitx. Not supported yet?
Sorry I just founded out with sitx. I hope they release some docs before too long.
It cannot open password protected files!
It cannot open password protected files!
Yes, it can. Just not all of them.
I get errors when trying to extract the zip for NuFile (which BOMArchiveHelper has no issues with) (In the .rtfd/):
Would it be possible to add the version number to the main window so I can quickly tell which version I have?
Right-click the app and Get Info. If that doesn't show anything, you have a pretty old version.
Although it appears that file does not open in the current version either. I'll add it to the list.
I haven't tested it recently but it won't extract a working version of Adobe Flex Builder (Beta).
When trying to run Flex, it does nothing. I attempted to extract with Bom and it worked.
I need the actual file or at least a link to it before I can do anything about it.
Yes, I realized it was available in the Get Info window (I have the current version), but thought it might be easy/good to list it in the main window, so I wouldn't have to try to find the application to run Get Info on it.
I just noticed after extracting a rather large zip file that the modified date of the folders were set to today if the folder had anything in it and to the original modified date if it was empty. I recognize that the file system is doing this as the folder contents are written. From the point of view that the extraction should result in as exact a copy of the original as possible, shouldn't the folder dates be reset after they have been filled?
How do we donate to you? It looks like a lot of people are loving your application and you're putting in some serious hours on it over the last few months. I'm hanging out for v2.0 and password protected rar support... can I paypal you a few bucks to help with a beverage of your choice while you work?
There is a donation link on if you want to!
i love this little tool, but many password-files (for rar's) didnt work with the unarchiever :-( Please do not give up the development. The Speed is amazing!
Just plaudits: Thank you so much for this wonderful, well designed utility. Obviously, a lot of work and thought has gone into it. I can't imagine an unarchiver with a better interface or more complete (useful) functionality. So thank you!
Unless somebody is already doing it, I would be glad to translate The Unarchiver to Italian; all I need to know is which files I have to modify in order to complete the translation. Do I have to translate only the strings inside "Localizable.strings" or there is something else?
Thank you very much
My e-mail address is francesco (at) allascala (DOT) it
I found a case where using Unarchiver v1.6 on a rar file of an iso disk caused Unarchiver to run forevvvvver, using about 70-85% system resources. I eventually Quit the program from Activity Monitor.
I tried the same rar file in UnRAR v2.2, and it ran through the extraction, up to 99 %, looked like it would finish, but then its status window reported a CRC error. and finished the process. The reported error statement from UnRAR: "CRC failed ??? - the file header is corrupt"
So I am guessing that Unarchiver 1.6 got hung on the CRC error and never quit. But why use up all the system resources in that? And no feedback in the Unarchiver other than a perpetual 'spinning' bar.
And I think it would be good if Unarchiver would give some sort of status indicator, both of progress and outcome (or failure).
(I looked in Console logs, did not see anything that looked like unarchiver)
Thank you. All the best.
That was obviously not intended behaviour. I can't do anything to fix the bug without a file that causes it, though.
i had another 324mb 7z file today, and same result.... i can tell you where to download it from but would rather do it in a private manner... please let me know if you're interested... thanks :)
i think it is not necessary though... just create a 300mb+ 7z file using any capable utility, and try extracting it with the unarchiver and you should see the problem...
No Sitx support :(
Goddamnit, I can't wait for the day when I can get rid of stupid Stuffit once and for all.
Would it be possible for the window that appears when you are unarchiving something to be like the BOMArchiveHelper window and float above everything but isn't actually "selected" so you're still in the Finder even though the window is floating above it?
I'm dying having to use unrarx to get at my password protected rar files (I interface with a bunch of Windows users who use encrypted rar every day!). Can you give us any idea at all on when we this might be ready for release? I am more than willing to help with testing...