The Unarchiver (1000)

262 Name: Anonymous : 2007-03-02 11:57 ID:Mbbw6qgF [Del]

Re: 256

I can't give you a test case file (too large, for one thing.) However, here is the problem:

--- /tmp/TheUnarchiver1.3_src/libxad/portable/mac/XADArchive.m 2006-11-24 09:22:52.000000000 -0800
+++ /tmp/TheUnarchiver1.5_src/libxad/portable/mac/XADArchive.m 2007-02-08 17:40:46.000000000 -0800
@@ -1053,7 +1069,8 @@

    else if(detected_encoding) encoding=detected_encoding;
else encoding=NSWindowsCP1252StringEncoding;
  •   return [password cStringUsingEncoding:encoding];
  •   return [[password dataUsingEncoding:encoding] bytes];

+// return [password cStringUsingEncoding:encoding];

Clients of _encodedPassword (i.e. xadFileUnArc) require that the password be maintained as a null-terminated C string. (This means you can't use any encodings which might have embedded nulls as part of the encoding.) Also, dataUsingEncoding won't null-terminate the data. If a null char happens to immediately follow the data then the password works, but if not then the string continues until a null is reached, and so the password is (often) wrong.

Going back to cStringUsingEncoding for the password works just fine, since it appears xadFileUnArc can't handle anything else.

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