The Unarchiver (1000)

1 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-07-01 16:32 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]

So. I kind of like, the default OS X unzipping utility. However, it has quite a number of limitations. Most other unarchivers on OS X have interfaces that I don't like, or just don't work very well. Also, thanks to Windows' idiotic idea of using the current system encoding for filenames, I have tons of archives from Japan with Shift_JIS filenames, which none of the unarchivers on OS X I've tried will handle properly.

And so I, because I obviously don't have enough to do already, get the idea that I need to write a better unarchiver. Features I think it needs include:

  • Handle as many formats as possible. Not just Zip and Tar-Gzip, but RAR, 7-Zip, LhA, StuffIt, and anything else you can think of.
  • Handle non-UTF8 filenames, perferrably automatically.
  • Have a simple and straightforward interface like
  • Not leave .tar files lying around when unpacking .tar.gz files and the like.
  • As a side benefit, produce some code that can be re-used to add archive support to Xee (so this whole project doesn't just steal time I could be working on Xee instead).

For actual information on the current state of this project, read on!

105 Name: Nick : 2006-09-24 00:59 ID:SdaPY55Z [Del]

Minor problem I'm having with 1.1:
The icons for some files are not showing up. For example, .zip (which is associated to Unarchiver) shows up as the unknown document icon (blank page) instead of the nice brown package icon. Works fine for others (RAR, for example).

Any thoughts?

Thanks for this app, it's soooo much nicer than StuffIt.

106 Name: Simon Wolf : 2006-09-24 02:45 ID:YNGiBvj0 [Del]

I should add that I have the same problem as Nick with my SIT files.

107 Post deleted by user.

108 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-09-24 06:23 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]


Is this for files downloaded with Camino/Firefox, or some other browser?

109 Name: Nick : 2006-09-24 09:04 ID:SdaPY55Z [Del]

I'm using Safari. I will try to find a .zip from somewhere other than Safari.

110 Name: Simon Wolf : 2006-09-24 09:23 ID:YNGiBvj0 [Del]

I'm using OnniWeb 5.5.

111 Name: Nick : 2006-09-24 09:30 ID:SdaPY55Z [Del]

Seems to be happening on all zip's regardless of where they came from. Tried rebooting, did nothing. .sit icons work fine though.

112 Name: Nick : 2006-09-24 09:36 ID:SdaPY55Z [Del]

May have found a fix...

Find a file of the type that is not getting the correct icon (Simon, in your case a .sit).
Get Info on that file, and go to the Opens With... section.
Change it from The Unarchiver to anything else that can open it.
Hit the Change All... button. The icon should change to the new apps icon.
Now go back to the drop down list and change it back to The Unarchiver, and hit Change All... again.

Worked for me.

113 Name: Simon Wolf : 2006-09-24 11:46 ID:YNGiBvj0 [Del]

Thanks Nick. When I changed it to another application the icon stayed blank but then changing it back to The unarchiver sorted it out.

114 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-09-24 12:21 ID:Heaven [Del]

I am tempted to blame Apple's kind of broken UTI handling for that one.

115 Name: aadm : 2006-09-24 13:01 ID:S9dd6Jte [Del]


hi again, no info on the console.
the hardware is an iMac intel core duo 1.83 ghz with 1.5 Gb ram; os x 10.4.7

hope this helps...

116 Name: Simon Wolf : 2006-09-24 13:17 ID:YNGiBvj0 [Del]

I have a funny feeling that this is a 10.4.7 issue too since it is not just The Unarchiver that seems to be affected. Roll on 10.4.8!

117 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-09-24 13:44 ID:Heaven [Del]

No errors on the console? That makes it more mysterious again.

The last thing you want is a mysterious bug. Sigh.

118 Name: CapFuture : 2006-09-26 06:07 ID:dSZALDiv [Del]


Found a bug in the SIT extraction process of unarchiver.
Look at the driver for the Roland RD700SX Stagepiano
You will find a difference if you extract it with Stuffit Expander or The Unarchiver.
Hope you can fix it :)

119 Name: Hiko : 2006-09-26 19:51 ID:puCaig18 [Del]

To help with the empty folders.

Try "Create New Folder" INSIDE the empty folder, or move (and move back later) a small file to the empty folder. Doing this should update the folder and suddenly make all the folder contents visible.

Note: apparently there is a way to fix this (not tested by moi) in the preferences in StuffIt Expander. I heard that unchecking the "Set Execute Permissions by Default" will solve this little bug. Give it a try and see if it works.

120 Name: Simon Wolf : 2006-09-27 02:32 ID:nkebwr40 [Del]

Hiko, I'd already tried this solution but it doesn't work for me. In fact the extract process doesn't actually appear to work so I simply end up with an empty folder.

Anyway, it may help others I guess.

121 Name: Alexander Nilsson : 2006-10-01 16:34 ID:uCCP0Fq+ [Del]

I think you should offer a solution kinda like Filecutter has.

Where you can choose an "Upload to..." option and possibly some other options too.

That would IMO be a BIG ADDITION to this excellent app!

Thank you so far :)

122 Name: someone : 2006-10-01 17:23 ID:0Nc3xrDc [Del]

I really like The Unarchiver because it is simple and fits in with the rest of OS X. It would be really nice if the developer would keep it that way instead of piling options upon options (an extraction tool should be very simple) or adding UI that won't fit with the rest of the system (unfortunately, Apple has a habit of doing just that...)

Instead, it would be really nice if the developer could focus on supporting more features from each format. It is probably quite easy to add better support for the 7z format since portable source code is already available from the p7zip project. Personally, I don't support proprietary formats like sitx and haven't seen any software distributed in that format. I think the developer should focus on formats that are more cross-platform and open instead of a closed format like sitx.

123 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-10-01 18:23 ID:Heaven [Del]


Hmm, I've actually never seen a Mac app do that. It might not a be bad idea if I can figure out how to do it, and find some time to do it.


The 7-zip code is, unfortunately, quite horrible. When I started out, I was considering using it, because it can extract a lot of formats, but I found it very badly designed, full of Windows-isms, and completely undocumented and uncommented. Well, I am guilty of that last part myself, so I can't really blame the author for that, but it did mean the code was unusable.

Right now I am using the 7z-C code from 7-zip, which is a separate implementation in plain C instead of Windows C++, which is much easier to use, but not as capable.

124 Name: Floach : 2006-10-02 07:07 ID:1Na7sBAc [Del]

I agree with >>122, the app should stay simple and not add extra features like the items in >>121.

My two requests:

Concatenate 001, 002, 003 (et cetera) files back into a single archive.

Process PAR/PAR2 files for file recovery.

Also, a request for further down the road: A dock icon, perhaps invoked when you have an archive or collection of files (e.g., a RAR set) that is over a certain size. As it stands now, it's a bit annoying to have to keep re-finding the extraction dialog buried under tons of windows (since it doesn't show in the dock or cmd+tab).

Even with these few things, The Unarchiver is amazingly sweet. Thanks so much!

125 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-10-02 08:14 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]


There is no way to switch the dock icon behaviour that I know of. Either an app has one all the time, or never.

Multi-part archives are already supported, but this is only triggered for certain naming schemes, such as ".r01/.r02" and "part01.rar/part02.rar" for RAR. If you have files with another naming scheme, give me some example files and it should probably be easy to add support.

PAR/PAR2 has been requested, but I don't know much about it, so it would take some time to implement it. Unfortunately I don't have much time at the moment between all my projects, so I'd really appreciate it someone wanted to help out with this.

(For anyone interested in helping out with this: libxad reads data through a custom callback handler, that implements open/read/seek/close functionality. Multi-part archives are handled transparently through this, for instance. A PAR/PAR2 handler could be written that works like the multi-archive handler but additionally fills in any missing pieces by itself.)

126 Name: Alexander Nilsson : 2006-10-02 16:39 ID:uCCP0Fq+ [Del]

122 & 124

If you dont want the option to extract to a certain folder the simply dont install the finder plugin, if you are not used to e.g. WinRar on windows which has the Extract to.. option.
If you have you are pretty dependent on that, eg. when unararing huge archives > 1gb you want to extract to another physical drive to get a huge speed increase, and that is unfortuneatly not very easy with thuis application atm. You can set a drive as the drive to always unpack to, but when the archive is on that drive it unpacks to the same drive and you loose the aformentioned speed increase.

So !WAHa.06x36 i think you should really look into offering a "Filecutter-like-interface" for using an Extract to... option. If I recall correctly it was just a simple plugin file that you copyed into /Library/Contextual Menu Items/ or something.

That would be kinda the optimal solution cause the people that easily want the option can just copy the file and those who obviously dont just simply ignore that option.

Thanks alot once again for this neat app!

127 Name: dooode : 2006-10-02 22:43 ID:Yx+/YVM8 [Del]

I have checked "delete file after unzip" in the preferences (something to the deletion of the file after being unzipped), but the thing is if it's a 2-part file, it throws the first file into the trash (part 1) and not part 2. Just something you could fix. Great app. Great work :D

128 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-10-03 02:46 ID:Heaven [Del]


Yes, I know, it'll be fixed in the next version.

129 Name: Nick : 2006-10-03 15:15 ID:SdaPY55Z [Del]

Would it be at all possible to add an ETA/estimated finish time to the window?

130 Name: Anonymous : 2006-10-03 16:46 ID:Heaven [Del]

>>129 Like those are ever accurate anyway.

131 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-10-04 03:36 ID:Heaven [Del]

Right, since it would likely be inaccurate, and is very seldom longer than a minute or two anyway, it seems like it would just be a distraction.

132 Name: Eduo : 2006-10-06 12:26 ID:N0vdO12J [Del]


Have you considered adding support to view the contents of compressed files? I don't think much would be needed, nothing like Finder navigation, but maybe the option to see the contents (maybe if a modifier key is pressed) and extract only one file?

133 Post deleted by user.

134 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-10-06 18:41 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]


No. I used to run Windows, where every unarchiver worked like this, and I was always impressed with the minimalist functionalism of Apple's standard unarchiver in comparison to that usability mess. The cases where it would be useful to have this are so few in comparison to the common case that it doesn't really justify the code bloat, and the work for me.

However, if someone wanted to make an unarchiver app like this, I should point out that the libxad engine from The Unarchiver is built as a separate framework, and is very easy to use from any program.

135 Post deleted by user.

136 Name: Roamerick : 2006-10-09 10:24 ID:9o9pbViz [Del]


I'm with you in the UI, keep it non-existent. The way you've implemented it is superb. Fix that arc hive deletion bug and maybe implement Par2, and it's utterly perfect.

Keep up the good work.

137 Post deleted by user.

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139 Name: aadm : 2006-10-09 12:10 ID:S9dd6Jte [Del]


Hello again, I've tried again to use unarchiver on my other computer, a G4 macmini, working on the same sit files (Nikon software) that I couldnt un-sit on my iMac intel and guess what ?... it works !!! It seems that (at least for me) unarchiver works ok for sit files if you use a powerpc, it doesnt on an intel machine.

Hope it helps.

140 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-10-09 12:31 ID:Heaven [Del]


I suspected as much. I am hoping to get an Intel Mac soon, though, and then I'll be able to test it myself, hopefully.

141 Name: kL : 2006-10-09 13:52 ID:RfOTjNNY [Del]


doesn't extract properly in Unarchiver, but does in Stuffit 9. It's hqx.

(unarchiver is great anyway :)

142 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-10-09 16:02 ID:Heaven [Del]

It extracts fine here. Are you using an Intel machine?

143 Name: labrat : 2006-10-10 02:54 ID:5lIKAwp9 [Del]

First of all, thank you very much for this app.

Having to use stuffit was one of the major blemishes on my wonderful mac user experience and I'm sure many feel the same.

Don't know if this is Intel chip-related but when I unarchive Japanese files with Japanese encoding, even if I set the confidence level to 100%, it still asks me for confirmation whereas on my PPC iBook it never does and I have it set at 80% as recommended.

144 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-10-10 03:24 ID:TxhTWMUf [Del]


Ah, you probably misunderstood that option. Setting it higher means it will ask more often, because it sets the level of confidence the program needs before proceeding without asking.

However, if there are any files where it asks one one machine but not the other when the confidence level is set the same on both, then that's a bug, and I'd appreciate it if you sent me the file to test.

145 Name: ae : 2006-10-11 03:40 ID:LoWR2Ev5 [Del]

As Stuffit 11 now lost the contextual menu feature I used most of the day, I wonder if TU can be made to list archive contents in a contextual menu.

Even nicer would be to extract just a selected file from the archive.

Thanks, TU looks very promising.

146 Name: eobet : 2006-10-11 11:41 ID:OoIsAqKL [Del]

The latest patch for Sim City 4, in sitx format, doesn't extract at all with The Unarchiver (1.1)...

Nice program otherwise.

147 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-10-11 12:08 ID:Heaven [Del]

SITX is not supported.

148 Name: Daniel : 2006-10-12 15:10 ID:EptQ9dvn [Del]

Extracting 7z files sets modified of all extracted files to "now", extracting with 7zx works.

149 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-10-13 03:28 ID:Heaven [Del]


The 7zC code used by The Unarchiver does not provide the date. I've asked the author to fix it, but I don't think he has, yet.

150 Name: dooode : 2006-10-14 12:28 ID:Yx+/YVM8 [Del]

My comment (127) I talked about the autodelete when there has been an extraction of a format. Is it possible for you to get this working in pathfinder? It doesn't delete at all in pathfinder. Can't wait for the next version!

151 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-10-14 13:40 ID:Heaven [Del]


That sounds more like a Pathfinder bug. Maybe you should try reporting it to them?

152 Post deleted by moderator.

153 Name: Mouloud : 2006-10-17 06:31 ID:A/bVdq6i (Image: 460x107 png, 15 kb) [Del]

src/1161091915265.png: 460x107, 15 kb

Thanks for this great software. With Xee and The Unarchiver you gave us 2 of the most wanted and needed software on mac. I can't understand why nobody did it before, because it's so obvious that this is the way cool apps should works : simple and fast ! :+)
Just for help : I can't extract the archive of WebGrabber you can find here :
It's a normal tar.gz file, and BomArchiveHelper extracted it without problem (as Stuffit).

154 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-10-17 14:30 ID:Heaven [Del]


Confirmed, I'll add it to the list.

155 Name: Daniel : 2006-10-18 04:56 ID:7f98TgwH [Del]

Thanks for this great app! More and more great pieces of software come out for the Mac these days. Very cool. Some of the last things I miss are a good Archiver that does RAR and a good mp3 tagger like mp3tag for windows.

156 Post deleted by user.

157 Name: myrrhlin : 2006-10-20 12:16 ID:lJQI4Hxy [Del]

sounds like a nice app, but since it's for 10.4 only, i can't try it. are there significant reasons keeping you from compiling a 10.3.x version?

158 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-10-20 13:45 ID:Heaven [Del]


Mostly that I don't have a 10.3 machine to test on.

159 Name: someone : 2006-10-21 23:12 ID:DyP3YFIp [Del]

The Unarchiver 1.1 crashes when opening this file:

I also posted the crash log on pastebin:

160 Name: someone : 2006-10-21 23:16 ID:DyP3YFIp [Del]


The original 7-zip makes use of many win32 features, but I was talking about p7zip, which is supposed to be very portable.

161 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-10-22 04:51 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]


p7zip is just exactly the same source code, but with a win32 compatibility layer compiled in alongside. It's a real mess, and compiling it into a separate application is nearly impossible.

The only really portable 7z code is the 7z-C code, which I am using, but which is less capable, as mentioned.

162 Name: Anonymous : 2006-10-22 11:21 ID:+QbPmvSO [Del]

I'm curious about those random files that Unarchiver is unable to decompress properly. Are those because of obscure bugs in the decompression engine that only get triggered by certain files or are they because of bad compressors?

163 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-10-22 16:35 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]


So far I've encountered one bad compressor, a couple of obscure bugs, and then there are a couple of still outstanding mysteries like the SIT files on Intel. That's PROBABLY another obscure bug, but I don't know yet.

164 Name: raf : 2006-10-27 20:10 ID:iwtRfGjF [Del]

once you get that SIT problem for Intel users sorted, and perhaps the contextual menu, I will gladly donate to you, and i'm sure others will too :)

great app. it's a favourite of mine, along with quicksilver.

165 Name: Anonymous : 2006-10-28 16:51 ID:uCCP0Fq+ [Del]

The lack of a contextual menu like way to "Extract to..." is the only thing keeping me from donating som of my coins

166 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-10-28 17:48 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]

Good news and bad news: Good news is I finally got an Intel Mac, and I am working my way through a number of Intel-only bugs (and others) now.

Bad news is, I managed to mess up my home directory drive in the move to the new machine, and I lost a whole lot of files. The Unarchiver isn't affected, since I could just download the 1.1 source again and start over with the few bug fixes I'd done so far, but I lost a lot of work on Xee, so that will be even more delayed.

167 Name: Anonymous : 2006-10-29 09:57 ID:0ajsD4q0 [Del]

This ZIP file that have a tracking application is not extracted correctly so it does not work when extracted with your aplication.

Hope this data help you in some way.

168 Name: someone : 2006-10-30 15:11 ID:DyP3YFIp [Del]

Can you reproduce the bug I reported?


BOMArchiveHelper also have trouble opening this archive.

169 Name: someone : 2006-10-30 15:27 ID:DyP3YFIp [Del]

Instead of implementing the various Finder Contextual Menu feature requests, maybe the developer can consider adding an Applescript dictionary along with a set of Automator Actions and Workflows in a later release.

There are several advantages to this approach:

  1. It avoids adding bloat to the Finder menu, much like how windows applications love to add bloat to the explorer menu
  2. It allows people to pick and choose which menu items they want
  3. It is a lot more flexible. People can utilize TU in their custom scripts and workflows. They also have more options when it comes to accessing these functions: the finder contexual menu, the applescript menu, droplets, folder actions etc.
  4. (Very important) It is easier to implement compared to a Finder plugin.

170 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-10-30 15:53 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]


Oh yeah, I forgot to mention it, I could and I fixed it. Should work in the next version.

Oh, and >>169 is certainly worth thinking about, at least. Although I've found Automator a little annoyingly sluggish to launch on the old Mini, so I am not entirely sure.

171 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-10-31 06:17 ID:TxhTWMUf [Del]

Update on 1.2: All outstanding archive handling bugs have been fixed! At least all the ones I've managed to keep track of.

(This doesn't include stuff like SITX or RAR encryption though, sorry.)

172 Name: Simon Wolf : 2006-11-02 06:12 ID:lYZrMO2T [Del]

This all sounds very promising and I'm looking forward to 1.2.

I'd also like to second the request for an AppleScript dictionary which would be preferable to Automator Actions.

173 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-11-02 07:02 ID:TxhTWMUf [Del]

What kind of commands should an AppleScript dictionary have, in this case?

174 Name: Simon Wolf : 2006-11-02 10:56 ID:VQDKCbSJ [Del]

Well I'd imagine that it should be things like having an Archive object which has properties such as:

  • Source File
  • Target Folder
  • Delete After Extraction
  • Open Target Folder After Extraction

I wouldn't expect anything too fancy but it would just be nice to be able to handle file extractions via AppleScript.

175 Name: Jia Huang : 2006-11-03 13:26 ID:p6GVfFt3 [Del]

I use it to extract sit file.. but only find an empty extracted directory. why?

176 Post deleted by moderator.

177 Name: milke : 2006-11-10 10:11 ID:d8ZVG9ZV [Del]

Well, I wouldn't rely on The Unarchiver extracting sit archives correctly. The problem is not with The Unarchiver, but with underlying library it uses, libxad. This library has got some obvious issues with sit archives.

I tried to use libxad for my own purposes. The sit archives I've used to test the library were made with StuffIt Deluxe 10. In many cases, libxad didn't recognised names of the files inside an archive correctly. As a matter of fact, the names were correct, but not full paths. That way, some files and folders ended up in completely wrong places in archive hierarchy, often not even in the same hierarchy level. I could recognise that since I knew what archive I created, but the user trying to extract sit archive with unknown contents is very likely to get messed-up hierarchy of extracted files. In case of app bundles, plug-ins and alikes, this would make them useless.

Another example is archive made with StuffIt Deluxe, all files recognised properly by the libxad library. But then, adding a new file in the root of archive (using StuffIt) results in the library being able to see only that new file, all others (couple of hundreds of files become inaccessible! Deleting newly added file brought everything back to normal concerning library's ability to correctly see all files.

Problems also exist with sit archives containing encrypted files. If only one file inside an archive is encrypted, the library most certainly won't see all files inside. And an attempt to extract those encrypted that are accessible results in library function ending with data corruption error.

So, as a conclusion: I don't know for other archive types, but as for sit, the libxad library, and that also means The Unarchiver, is (unfortunately) not reliable at all. If anyone still needs sit support, I'm afraid there's no escape from StuffIt Expander yet.

178 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-11-10 16:37 ID:Heaven [Del]


I have fixed quite a number of bugs in libxad's SIT handling, and 1.2 extracts all my test cases correctly. Well, except the encryption, I haven't done anything about that.

179 Name: Gannet : 2006-11-12 14:30 ID:X1DRSpF3 [Del]

Cool, have you submitted those fixes back to the libxad project?

180 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-11-12 14:40 ID:Heaven [Del]

Some of them, but the project seems to be kind of dead and they haven't been incorporated.

181 Post deleted by user.

182 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-11-12 18:24 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]

Finally, v1.2 is done and released!

New stuff:

  • Added several localizations: Japanese, German, French and Spanish. Many thanks to E-WA, Christoph Schmitz, Thomas Steffen, Thomas Didrel, and Oscar A. Mata T. for their work on this!
  • Added an option to have The Unarchiver ask for a destination folder. Holding the command key while double-clicking an archive will also make The Unarchiver ask for a destination folder.
  • Fixed many unarchiving bugs. Several problems with Zip files fixed, and SIT files should now work much better, especially on Intel machines.
  • Fixed some other bugs in the interface, such as some problems with the filetype association list.

As you can see, I did not add some of the requested features like AppleScript support or a context menu item. I looked at both, and finally came to the conclusion that they were both enough work that I would never get this released if I started on them. There is a little workaround for the context menu though, as you can now command-click an archive and The Unarchiver will let you select the destination.

I still like the ideas, though, and I might add them in a later version. Even better would be if somebody wrote it for me and gave me the code, hint hint.

183 Name: Simon Wolf : 2006-11-13 01:28 ID:lYZrMO2T [Del]

Lovely, thanks for the new release. I'll try it this evening (I have to endure a day of Windows at work) and hopefully it will fix all of my SIT problems. As for the AppleScript support, I certainly wasn't expecting it in the 1.2 release so, from my point of view at least, please mark it down as a 'very nice to have' for a future release at some point. Bug fixes are much more important than what is, I imagine, a fairly niche request.

184 Name: Paul : 2006-11-13 02:19 ID:3vu927SL [Del]

I have the strangest of defects, so weird I don't even know if it's un unarchiver. I have tried to download the latest two nightly builds of Cyberduck ( - builds 2560 and 2574). Using BomArchiveHelper tells me that it can't write to whatever folder I try to unzip to (generally the desktop, as that's where I'm doing all of this). Using unarchiver it chokes when it gets to a classes.nib file, spinning the processors up to max without having anything happen.

Here's the magic - I kill the unarchiver process in activity monitor. I then copy the latest unarchiver app zip file on to my desktop, and unzip it (using unarchiver). Instead of just unzipping the file and giving me the unarchiver app to put in place, I get a folder called 'TheUnarchiver1.2' which contains the unarchiver app, and an apparently functioning copy of the cyberduck app I was trying to unzip :)

If you need more info let me know.

185 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-11-13 05:36 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]


Ah, yes, that behaviour with the files appearing in later unarchivings is a consequence of The Unarchiver crashing or being killed. It's pretty weird, but I have not bothred to do anything about it, since the program is not SUPPOSED to crash in the first place (and also it DOES let you recover some files).

I can reproduce the unarchiving problem, though, so I will look into the cause of this. (I am guessing it's a broken gzip compressor that causes it, but I'll need to check.)

186 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-11-13 05:45 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]

Update: Yes, the file is not a valid gzip file. I might try to add a work-around for this in a future version, but I think it might be hard to handle it in a useful way.

For now, I suggest you tell the author of the program to switch to a compression program that creates valid gzip files.

(If anybody needs the specifics of the problem, see RFC 1952,, section 2.3.1, the "ISIZE" and "CRC32" fields are missing in the file.)

187 Name: DH : 2006-11-13 05:52 ID:5+8zSv+j [Del]


Thanks a lot for a great utility. I would just like to make a small suggestion for an addition:

In the 'Info.plist' could you also add the 'CFBundleShortVersionString' so that the version number appears in the finder when the application is selected. It just makes it so much easier to know which version one already has.


188 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-11-13 08:10 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]




Update 2: There seems to be even more wrong with the file than just that, actually. There isn't much hope of extracting it correctly, but I did fix the bug that causes The Unarchiver to lock up on this kind of corrupted file.

Both of these fixes were small enough that I don't think it warrants a version bump, so I just silently updated the file. Re-download it to get the fixes!

189 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-13 22:08 ID:X1DRSpF3 [Del]


Stink. If someone else (ie, BetterZip) wanted those fixes would they need to contact you about it?

190 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-11-14 04:49 ID:TxhTWMUf [Del]


They're all in the The Unarchiver source zip in It also contains my XADMaster.framework, which abstracts out a lot of the bother of dealing with libxad and presents a nice, Objective-C interface to use instead.

191 Name: DaMacGuy : 2006-11-16 07:12 ID:adWLzYLM [Del]

I've started getting errors while trying to build .pkg installers using Iceberg. The builds fail at the pax file portion of the build. The only thing I can think of that might be related is that I've updated to TheUnarchiver 1.2.

The system.log file reports entries like this...
Nov 16 09:54:41 MyMac /bin/pax: open on /tmp/ Cannot allocate memory
Nov 16 09:54:41 MyMac /bin/pax: close on {5: Bad file descriptor
Nov 16 09:54:41 MyMac /bin/pax: error closing files: Bad file descriptor

Is there any possibility that TheUnarchiver is the cause of the problem?

c w a l d r i p a t m a c d o t c o m

192 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-11-16 08:18 ID:Heaven [Del]


The Unarchiver has no support for pax files (something I'd like to add if I could find the time, though), and looking at that log, it seems to be running the right programs and not anything related to The Unarchiver, so I doubt it. Unless it's something that happens earlier, but I can't think of what that would be.

193 Post deleted by moderator.

194 Name: Andy : 2006-11-16 09:46 ID:aavjDu0F [Del]

I am running Unarchiver 1.2 on an Intel Mac running Tiger 10.4.8. Love the app, it is fantastic. However, I have one slight annoyance and I am not sure whether it is actually a bug in the program or something wrong with my Tiger OS.

Every once in a while (this seems to happen at random after restarts/shut downs), all the associations in the preferences for Unarchiver are unselected. I am pretty sure that it is not a Unarchiver bug, because at the same time this problem happens, Firefox ceases to be the default browser and I have to select it as default again.

195 Name: Andy : 2006-11-16 09:47 ID:aavjDu0F [Del]

Sorry for my double post.

196 Name: jimwick : 2006-11-16 20:32 ID:Krxb8te8 [Del]

I would like to be able to hide the Preferences window after I have set them. That's a usual thing elsewhere in the Mac world . . .

197 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-11-17 03:23 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]


I am not sure what you mean here. You only get the preferences window if you click the icon directly, and the only reason to do this is to change the preferences. When unpacking archives, there's no need to click the program icon.

198 Name: someone : 2006-11-17 03:43 ID:DyP3YFIp [Del]

I just have a tiny request here:

Can you remove the option to associate .jar files with The Unarchiver? While .jar files are zip files, they are meant to be executed rather than decompressed and associating them with an decompression utility would make it difficult for users to run some Java programs. Unfortunately, most novice users aren't aware of this and they just blindly click on the "Select All" button.

199 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-11-17 12:48 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]


Are they, nowadays? When I last did some Java programming, on Windows a few years back, there was no way to run a jar file direcetly, as I recall. It had to be done from the command line, or through a wrapper. Most Java apps I've seen use some kind of other of wrapper, too.

Is there now some way to run jars directly?

200 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-18 13:36 ID:GZdZ9qln [Del]

>>199 see things like, which runs for me (On Windows, natch) with just a double click.

also, 200GET

201 Name: Gannet : 2006-11-20 19:39 ID:QiKPNXzF [Del]

On OS X you can (normally) just double click a .jar file to run it using the Apple Applet Runner (or whatever it's called). But it's still nice to have the option to extract it.

202 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-11-24 11:33 ID:3em7Hrs8 [Del]

Time for a bugfix and internationalization release:

New in this one:

  • More localizations: Portugese and Russian. Thanks this time go to Nylson Coelho and Michael Krekin
  • Changed the modifier key for extract-to-foler: Either Shift or Option works now. Command was too easy to accidentially trigger when opening a file with Command-O.
  • Fixed a bug where app bundles in StuffIt files would not run correctly after being extracted.
  • Fixed a bug where apps would be launched when the open-after-extracting option was on.

Plus the other post-1.2 fixes mentioned earlier.

203 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-11-24 11:33 ID:Heaven [Del]

(Sorry, no fix for the jar association yet.)

204 Name: ...Deus...??? : 2006-11-26 06:07 ID:cAQxOn9b [Del]

can unarchiver open the .sitx(not .sit)?????????? pls??

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