Xee Support Thread (388)

1 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2005-11-15 14:59 ID:6TsVPKGD [Del]

This is the support thread for Xee. All kinds of questions and bugreports can be posted in here. This thread will also be linked from inside the program itself.

There is also a thread about Xee here: http://wakaba.c3.cx/sup/kareha.pl/1122405906/
It contains more general discussion, and announcements of new versions and updates.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2005-11-15 18:26 ID:Heaven [Del]


3 Name: lj : 2005-11-17 11:50 ID:Cd0r0Jwl [Del]

Just downloaded it on to iMacG5, OS 10.3.8
Program unexpectedly quits each time I try to open an image. What's up?

4 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2005-11-17 13:49 ID:6TsVPKGD [Del]

I've heard about it crashing on 10.3 from elsewhere too, but I have no way to test it... Could you post a crash report from ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/Xee.crash.log?

5 Name: kp : 2005-11-23 02:53 ID:N/8EiDmQ [Del]

great stuff! just some feature requests:

  • search subfolders
  • slide show option
  • fullscreen/orderless option

thanks a lot

6 Name: kp : 2005-11-23 02:54 ID:N/8EiDmQ [Del]

ups "Borderless2, not orderless :-)

7 Name: Pierre : 2005-11-23 03:26 ID:p7IeTvcT [Del]

It's amost perfect for my needs - thanks !
But I really miss that image browsing can't be done just with "left" and "right".
Why on earth should I hit page up/down ? On my laptop, I need two hands for that !



8 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2005-11-23 04:48 ID:Heaven [Del]


Fullscreen support is planned, as and probably also subfolder searching (although that is a bit tricky to do right - you don't want the program to lock up while scanning your entire hard drive if you accidentially open the root). Not sure about slide show.


Left and right are used for scrolling. For laptops, there is a (sadly undocumented) alternate set of keys for browsing, "," and ".".

9 Name: Anonymous : 2005-11-28 19:42 ID:Heaven [Del]

Quick bug report: when dragging into the folders drawer a folders that contains a "/" in its name, the "/" is replaced by a ":".

10 Name: Anonymous : 2005-12-01 04:23 ID:yF2vcB01 [Del]

I'd like to request 2 features:

- Last modified date in the statusbar, and an option to view files sorted by modified date
- Print

BTW, I'm the guy who reported problems with the sound notifications on copy/move, but the problem never happened again. Maybe I just wasn't paying attention correctly, sorry about that.

11 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2005-12-01 06:27 ID:TPNWUte8 [Del]

Different sorting methods is something I'd like to implement, but I haven't figured out the best way to do it yet. Ideally it should find the sorting order of the Finder window it was launched from and use that... I'll see what I can come up with.

Printing scares me, because I know just how hard it is to get printing right.

12 Name: Guntis : 2005-12-07 06:33 ID:mkaaC2zW [Del]

I have Sony DSC-W12 camera, and after taking pictures I rotate them in camera to vertical position. for some rason, Xee doesn't understand that and I have to rotate them agian in Xee. (Apple Preview shows all images correctly). Can you do something about it?
Secondly, after rotating JPG image, I want to keep it in that position, so I hit Command+S to save it. Strangely enough, Xee offers me to save JPG image as PNG inage. WHY??? For every image I have to choose JPG again. Can you move hte default format to Preferences, and offer the same format as currently opened image. If I have JPG image, please offer me to safe JPG, if I have PNG, then offer me to save as PNG, OK?

13 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2005-12-07 08:25 ID:TPNWUte8 [Del]

Your camera doesn't actually rotate the images. It just sets the orientation tag, and expects the viewer to rotate the image. Xee doesn't do this, an neither does any web browser I'm aware of. Preview, on the other hand, does. I find this behaviour confusing, since it tricks you into thinking the image will look right everywhere, when it won't.

Second, the rotation in Xee automatically saves the images. You should not save them again. Doing so will only degrade the image quality. The rotation is lossless, but saving images again as JPEG isn't.

All you need to do to rotate your images is to press Command-A. This will read the orientation tag, rotate the image appropriately, and write it to disk.

14 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2005-12-07 08:31 ID:TPNWUte8 [Del]

To expand on that a bit: The Save As command is only used to convert between file formats. That's why it won't pick the current file format, as that would make no sense. There's no reason to use Save As at any other time than when converting formats.

15 Name: Anonymous : 2005-12-07 12:05 ID:OGFm+ZjT [Del]

What if they want to save a copy? The Save As command is commonly used for that.

16 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2005-12-07 13:39 ID:Heaven [Del]

Then you'd be better off using the Copy File command.

17 Post deleted by user.

18 Name: Guntis : 2005-12-18 17:06 ID:mkaaC2zW [Del]

One small remark. Today I went through 50+ images in Xee and wanted to sort them (mark useful ones), but... no tools for that. I know, I can switch to Finder and move or copy files or apply color label, but... Can you add color labeling in Xee? For example, press Command+1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 to apply red, orange, yellow, green, blue, pink or gray color label.

(Current Command+1, 2, 3 could be assigned to <, > and Current <, > to LeftArrow, RightArrow.)

This way, I could go through the images and apply color labels, according to my taste. It would be good to display color label also over the image, maybe as a color circle somewhere in the corner?

19 Name: Chris : 2006-01-04 23:10 ID:J5/e8M+d [Del]

How can I make Xee default to opening files at 100%?

20 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-01-05 06:11 ID:Heaven [Del]

View -> Automatic Zoom.

21 Name: Retep : 2006-02-18 13:13 ID:qffR15X7 [Del]

Xee is basically excellent, still some bugs.

  • drop .jpg icon on Xee icon sometimes will open, sometimes not
  • rotate: most of the time it says: "JPEG Transform Failed" (a few times it worked correctly)
  • Full screen mode: image is "garbled"; the same happens, when I try to manually resize the picture beyond a certain limit. The limit is slightly over 1800 pixels horizontally. (If I limit the screen size to 1200 X 1800 via system prefs the full screen mode works correctly.)
  • In full screen mode the fit on screen does not work if the original size is bigger than the screen.

(Xee v.1.2.1, PB G4 + 23' screen, OS X 10.4.4)

22 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-02-18 13:57 ID:6TsVPKGD [Del]

> drop .jpg icon on Xee icon sometimes will open, sometimes not

Can't reproduce that. Where are you dropping it? The Dock? Does Console.app list any errors? Does double-clicking on icons with Xee set as the default viewer work all the time?

> rotate: most of the time it says: "JPEG Transform Failed" (a few times it worked correctly)

Actually, are you sure these files you have are JPEGs and not just named such? Could you upload one that fails here?

> Full screen mode: image is "garbled"; the same happens, when I try to manually resize the picture beyond a certain limit. The limit is slightly over 1800 pixels horizontally. (If I limit the screen size to 1200 X 1800 via system prefs the full screen mode works correctly.)

What graphics card does your Mac have? Do other OpenGL programs work in full screen?

> In full screen mode the fit on screen does not work if the original size is bigger than the screen.

What exactly happens?

23 Name: kohlmannj : 2006-02-25 13:20 ID:3mF/TFMH [Del]

Still absolutely loving Xee, but I thought I'd throw in some more feature considerations:

+1 for an option to open in full screen mode by default. Using Xee with iPhoto, for example, is absolutely sublime, except that I usually want to view whatever image I double-click on as large as possible.

A corollary to that – full screen button/bezel-esque controls? That'd be sweet.

Last thing on this laundry list – addition of image movement controls (arrow keys) to the Keyboard preference. I have a Mighty Mouse, so I'd prefer to use the scroll ball to move around the image, for example. I can't do this right now since there aren't any modifiable "scroll image left/right/up/down" keyboard shortcut entries in Xee's prefs, but it seems that it'd be a fairly easy addition.

Thanks once again for your work, Sir Dag. Xee totally r0x0r5.

24 Name: rino : 2006-04-01 06:56 ID:PBm3riUC (Image: 1632x1224 jpg, 529 kb) [Del]

src/1143899777491.jpg: 1632x1224, 529 kb
> rotate: most of the time it says: "JPEG Transform Failed" (a few times it worked correctly)

Actually, are you sure these files you have are JPEGs and not just named such? Could you upload one that fails here?

25 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-04-01 15:00 ID:6TsVPKGD [Del]


I can rotate this image fine. Are you sure the file isn't write protected (if you copied it in from a CD or something, it might be, or if you use several user accounts and the wrong one owns the file?)

26 Name: rino : 2006-04-01 15:54 ID:mCJ+nIUI [Del]

Wow. In deed there is something wrong with the permissions: the group was set to 'wheel'.
Although it doesn't make any sense (or am I being dumb? see below for file permissions), changing it to a group I belong to allows me to use the rotate function perfectly.

-rw-r--r-- 1 rino rino 678959 Apr 1 16:48 DSC00621 copy.JPG
-rw-r--r-- 1 rino wheel 672527 Apr 1 16:48 DSC00621.JPG

27 Name: Fredrik : 2006-05-24 12:48 ID:+lmWL2C/ [Del]

Is Xee not updated any longer? =/ This software is the BEST image viewer around for OS X. I wished it was updated so the following flaws would be fixed:

I'm trying to open Nikon Raw Format (NEF) files in Xee, but the program only shows a blurry, pixelated, really small picture that more seems like an icon than a picture. Is this a bug, since .NEF seems to be supported in the preferences.

Another question: Why not add the possibility to have autorotate on the pictures. I know you have heard this from a lot of users - and now even from me. =)

Best Regards,
Fredrik, Sweden

28 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-05-24 14:36 ID:6TsVPKGD [Del]


It would be updated, if I had a bit more spare time... Sadly, I don't at the moment. I'd also like that Intel Mac so I could develop a universal version finally. There'll be more, but it'll take some time.

When opening NEF files, do you get more than one frame? Try to see if the Go -> Next Frame and Go -> Previous Frame options are enabled. There is the possibility that an embedded thumbnail gets loaded as the first frame instead of the full picture.

Autorotate how? JPEGs with orientation data in the EXIF can be autorotated from the menus or the toolbar. Other formats don't support this, however, because I don't have code to losslessly rotate any other formats. This would most likely only apply to camera RAW formats, and I'm not even sure they CAN be losslessly rotated without converting them to a full RGB format, which would make the filesize explode.

If you mean automatically rotate images as they are loaded, I don't want to do that, because it tricks people into thinking their image is rotated that way already, when it isn't. If they then for instance upload it to the net, it would have the wrong orientation.

29 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-05-28 13:50 ID:6TsVPKGD [Del]


Update: I got a hold of a NEF file, and I notice the same problem. It will be fixed.

30 Name: Fredrik : 2006-06-01 04:32 ID:+lmWL2C/ [Del]

Oh, great! Thank you for your answers! I have also found at strange behavior when trying to step forward to the "next" image in the architecture; sometimes it won't go to the next picture, even though it's there and in the same format and size as the previous images. Any clue about this? =P

The image showed up when trying to load a .NEF picture is certainly the thumbnail, with the size 160 x 120 (from what i can recall). It does not help to step forward and backward. How soon do you think you'll have a fix for this? =)

Best regards,
Fredrik, Sweden

31 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-06-01 08:05 ID:Heaven [Del]

Sorry, can't give any definite date on that. I don't have much spare time at the moment to work on it. It's a quick fix, but there are a million other things I'd like to fix too before making another release.

32 Name: Fredrik : 2006-06-05 03:15 ID:+lmWL2C/ [Del]

We are eager to get our hands on the next release!! =D
Have you got any offers to sell your software yet, its THAT great.
(and if so - please dont) :)

Best regs,
fredrik, Sweden

33 Name: Zuk : 2006-06-07 10:50 ID:VCRBlSVS [Del]

I would like to view main EXIF data in some way.
Thank you for this great software!

34 Name: Fredrik : 2006-06-16 15:23 ID:+lmWL2C/ [Del]

Really...I'm not sure that you have understood how many users that just loves this software. This is a great app, just fix the .NEF support and let the colors be the same as they are shown in for example Photoshop (the colors in Xee looks strange).


35 Name: Courtland : 2006-06-23 23:31 ID:ntpZ2+rR [Del]

Can you add antialiasing for the zoom feature? I hates me some jaggies.

36 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-06-24 08:17 ID:6TsVPKGD [Del]


Not easily, but I've been trying to figure out a way.

37 Name: Kender : 2006-07-06 05:37 ID:Fu4853yw [Del]

Xee crashes on a Macbook when trying to open a file, but if I launch Xee without opening a file, it loads. Seems to be a display issue.

Here's the beginning of a crash report:

Date/Time: 2006-07-06 08:33:03.617 -0400
OS Version: 10.4.7 (Build 8J2135)
Report Version: 4

Command: Xee
Path: /Applications/Xee.app/Contents/MacOS/Xee
Parent: WindowServer [55]
Rosetta: Yes

Version: ??? (1.0)

PID: 221
Thread: 0

Exception: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE (0x0002) at 0x00000078

Thread 0 Crashed:
0 <<00000000>> 0xb56bb896 0 + -1251231594
1 <<00000000>> 0xbfffe0b0 0 + -1073749840
2 <<00000000>> 0x05009f42 0 + 83926850

Thread 0 crashed with i386 Thread State:
eax: 0x00000072 ebx: 0xb50e94e4 ecx:0xbfffe100 edx: 0xb5013e74
edi: 0x4ca97d90 esi: 0xb50e94b4 ebp:0x8200fb80 esp: 0xb7fffabc
ss: 0x0000002f efl: 0x00010283 eip:0xb56bb896 cs: 0x00000027
ds: 0x0000002f es: 0x0000002f fs:0x00000000 gs: 0x00000037

38 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-07-06 07:05 ID:TPNWUte8 [Del]


Wow, that crash report seems really broken, or maybe it's just Rosetta being weird. Either way, does this happen for a specific image only, or for any image? Also, sometimes a crash can mess up QuickTime to the point that it will crash several times on launch afterwards, but then start working again later.

So, is this reproducible?

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