Xee (1000)

1 Name: Mr VacBob!JqK7T7zan. 2005-07-26 13:25 ID:+Fwu3KWy [Del]

I'm using this now, but I'd like it better if it had these features:

  • some way to open a folder from the command line ("open -a Xee ." doesn't work).
  • some way to advance to the next image one-handed on a laptop keyboard, possibly with , and . (obvious joke goes here).

684 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-09-03 15:51 ID:Heaven [Del]


Known bug, already fixed in the development version.

685 Post deleted by user.

686 Name: Kalun : 2007-09-05 09:00 ID:xxuWaTUq [Del]

Any chance of ICC profile support? A must have for most colour savvy users.

687 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-09-05 14:04 ID:Heaven [Del]


I want it, but it's extremely difficult to do. On hardware that supports OpenGL pixel shaders, maybe, in the future.

688 Name: jerryc : 2007-09-05 20:27 ID:Cc4QbJKo [Del]

xee is great, but version 2.0 highjacked my cbz and cbr files and won't let them go... changing the preferences doesn't seem to do anything.

689 Name: vmg : 2007-09-07 04:06 ID:RbbLHbbA [Del]

A couple of things…

First I'd like to say this program is amazing. I use it constantly and would be lost without it.

There is a bug and a couple of feature requests.

Bug: OS X 10.5 (9A527) full screen only shows white screen. Images do not display.

Feature Requests:

  1. Option to traverse folders. I have a lot of images nested in folders and it's a pain in the nether regions to open each folder individually to display the images.
  2. Hide the mouse curser when in full screen while the mouse isn't moving. Nothing bugs me more than to view full screen images and have the mouse in the middle of the screen interrupting the view. Kind of defeats the purpose of full screen in my mind.

which brings me to…

3. Hud window toolbar in full screen and controller similar to quicktime's full screen controller. I imagine that the hud would appear and give the user rotating, image stepping, image copying and moving etc.

690 Name: jobaer : 2007-09-19 14:36 ID:WvQ9RxWH [Del]

Xee's great! What would make my day are two additional features when cropping a picture:

  1. The option of selecting a size with the same ratio as the original, e.g. by pressing SHIFT while selecting.
  2. The option of getting some of the traditional picture ratios (e.g. 3:4) in either landscape or portrait mode for the selected portion.

691 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-23 10:13 ID:7DfzYHmw [Del]



I am using this little program to hide my cursor globally on idle. It needs to be applied on every start but it does the job.

692 Name: aris : 2007-09-24 11:41 ID:d5xqJhbx [Del]

I love Xee. It works really well. The scrolling is lovely. A couple of requests to consider:

When viewing a large number of images, it would be useful to be able to perform a simultaneous (rotate)AND(shrink to fit). I am starting to get RSI from apple+R then ALT+zero (kidding!)

After a rotate then save, the EXIF orientation tag becomes "unknown". Can its value be modified and saved correctly?

Can we have something like a custom EXIF info window? For example: a small window onto which we can drop EXIF properties from the main Info Window. This way I can display only the properties I like in a compact window. It would also be great if the window could display those properties horizontally like a status bar. Maybe, the status bar can be made to accept a property dropped on it from the info window. Small size is the focus here.

Well, apart from that, I seriously have no complaints. Great work, keep it up, we love you, we kiss you, we applaud!

693 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-09-24 16:39 ID:Heaven [Del]

> When viewing a large number of images, it would be useful to be able to perform a simultaneous (rotate)AND(shrink to fit). I am starting to get RSI from apple+R then ALT+zero (kidding!)

I'll try to think about how to do that correctly. It's really part of a larger interface problem.

> After a rotate then save, the EXIF orientation tag becomes "unknown". Can its value be modified and saved correctly?

Hmm, it's getting set to 0 but maybe it should be set to 1 instead.

> Can we have something like a custom EXIF info window? For example: a small window onto which we can drop EXIF properties from the main Info Window. This way I can display only the properties I like in a compact window. It would also be great if the window could display those properties horizontally like a status bar. Maybe, the status bar can be made to accept a property dropped on it from the info window. Small size is the focus here.

I kind of like this idea, but it seems like a whole lot of work to get right, so it might not happen any time soon.

694 Name: Dishy : 2007-09-25 20:44 ID:4sOYhXNh [Del]

I take a lot of photos. Then I use Xee to audit and erase those I'm not satisfied with.

My main issue is the pre-caching. I got tons of RAM and it would be great if I could configure the caching to get rid of (by my means) unnecessary loading times.

Any dates on the next release by the way?

Keep up the awesome work!

695 Name: Josef (moved from other thread) : 2007-09-26 06:57 ID:Heaven [Del]

Hello, I use it Xee constantly to browse me photos. I'ts working fine with may Raw files on Nikon (NEF) and Olmypus e-330 (ORF) but on Olympus e-400 Raw (ORF) I got error "Coulnd't display file "xx.orf".

696 Post deleted by user.

697 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-09-26 07:35 ID:Heaven [Del]


Maybe one day I'll make the pre-caching more configurable, but generally that is sort of tricky to get right, so it's not a priority.


Do the pictures open in Preview?

698 Name: moe : 2007-09-28 22:54 ID:d4VDefI9 [Del]

I love Xee but it always accesses all the files in a folder -- which can be quite a while if there are thousands of photos. I tried highlighting just the photos I want to browse and dragging those to Xee but it still grabs all the files. Is there a way to just browse a selected bunch of files?

699 Name: Arma : 2007-10-01 17:09 ID:TJNLhVTq [Del]

Nice stuff!
When for a SVG implementation?
Would be so great!

700 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-10-01 18:50 ID:Heaven [Del]

That would be neat, but SVG is a horribly complex format and there is no way I could implement it by myself, and as far as I know there are no open-source implementations that are anywhere near complete.

701 Name: Paul Buxton : 2007-10-02 05:17 ID:uEsxbIih [Del]

Lauri Raittila.

I posted this on Lifehacker, and I think it should meet your needs.

Thought I would share what I have managed to do with Xee.
Thanks to it's ability to open up image editors via the menu interface I thought it would be an ideal candidate for speeding up my digital workflow.
When you have a large number of digital images you want to quickly identify which ones to keep/process further. Enter Xee.
What I have done is create automator workflows which apply a label and add a spotlight comment. The tricky bit is how to make these workflows accessible to Xee. TIf this sounds interesting to you then read on.

1) Save the automator workflow as an appliction. Don't put it in your applications folder just yet!
2) Next you need to open the resulting application in AppHack [www.sveinbjorn.org]
Modify the input file types to include the image types you are interested in, make sure to mark the 'Editor' option for each file type as otherwise Xee wont recognize it.
3) Now move the applications you have created into your applications folder (under a sub-folder to keep things nice and tidy).
4) Right click on some of each image type and check that you can open the image with your applications.
5) Open Xee and check that it recognizes your applications as editors for each image type.

6) Go to SystemPreferences\Keyboard & Mouse. Go to the shortcuts section and add some keyboard shortcuts to Xee to launch your scripts on whichever shortcuts you like!
I have set alt-1,2,3 to set up rankings, alt-x to mark for deletion and alt-c to clear tags.

Hope this is useful to people!

702 Name: McK : 2007-10-03 12:59 ID:WhgVnl4b [Del]

Hello, I liked Xee very much, so I made a translation to Spanish. I sent you the files by email to your gmail account called paracelsus a few days ago. Did you receive them? I'll be happy if next release has spanish translation :) I can help if you need to translate something else.

See you!

703 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-10-04 11:53 ID:Heaven [Del]


I don't seem to have received them. Either way, there's not much point in sending them to me now, because they won't work with the next version anyway. If you give me an email address, I will mail you when the next version is ready to be translated.

704 Name: arau : 2007-10-04 18:17 ID:NA6CnkJT [Del]


I just checked out Xee from the google code repository. Is that the most up to date alpha?

705 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-10-05 06:44 ID:Heaven [Del]


Yes, but it is not guaranteed to even work, and it will change a lot still.

706 Name: arau : 2007-10-05 09:52 ID:NA6CnkJT [Del]

I was asking more from a developer perspective. I might end up sending you some diffs.

707 Name: McK : 2007-10-05 13:46 ID:WhgVnl4b [Del]


Okay, when next release is ready, send me an email to my gmail account: mario.arias and I will translate it.

Thanks :)

708 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-10-05 18:26 ID:Heaven [Del]


I strongly recommend coordinating with me before making any changes, because I tend to re-write and re-organize large parts of the source, and I might easily stomp all over your changes doing that.

709 Name: _StranGe_ : 2007-10-05 20:56 ID:+BjmtJDp [Del]

Thank you very much for this good piece of app!!! But I would apreciate if you included colour management (just like other people said before)... :)

710 Name: Baguette : 2007-10-15 16:29 ID:dPbDWvnm [Del]

Is there a way to stop the delete sound effect or replace it with another sound? It becomes terribly annoying after a while.

711 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-10-16 04:30 ID:Heaven [Del]

The next version uses the global OS setting for sound effects.

712 Name: passerby : 2007-10-21 14:02 ID:DODcIHIa [Del]

Love both these apps... hope to see dev continue. One (minor) suggestion is posting dates for the file versions... when I didnt see any I started to wonder if the project was still live. Glad to see the comments are still active!

713 Name: Eddie : 2007-10-26 08:41 ID:Uglg9AaZ [Del]

Hi, first of all, your xee is awesome! I love it! Thank you!
I use it since tiger 10.4.8, and everything just fine. but I just updated to Leopard 10.5 build 9A581 today, and found that there is something wrong with the full screen view. when you choose view the picture in full screen mode, It responsed as a whold gray screen. Hope you can fix it and wait for the new release!

714 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-26 15:24 ID:x1O1oyZY [Del]

>>713 I can confirm this bug :/
console output:
27.10.07 00:20:38 Xee[1874] CGSGetSurfaceBounds failed - error 1001 (window:15264, surface:276013567
27.10.07 00:20:38 Xee[1874] CGSSetSurfaceBounds failed - error 1001 (window:15264, surface:276013567, bounds:{{0, 0}, {1680, 1050}}
27.10.07 00:20:38 Xee[1874] CGSRemoveSurface failed - error 1001 (window:15264, surface:276013567,)

715 Name: DJ.HAN : 2007-10-26 20:37 ID:BBomeyfl [Del]

in Leopard(10.5), xee can't link file assocation with ZIP file.
please fix this issue. ^^
Thanks for your development, Good Luck!

716 Name: DJ.HAN : 2007-10-26 20:38 ID:BBomeyfl [Del]

in Leopard(10.5), xee can't display image full screen.
only blank screen was displayed.

Please fix this issue. Thanks, Good Luck.

717 Name: zX : 2007-10-27 03:07 ID:KEuiVVuB [Del]

same problem - no full screen (in beta and official 10.5 release)

718 Name: Harald Loeffler : 2007-10-27 04:32 ID:XOw3AtDj [Del]

Same problem with fullscreen in Leopard. Please fix it and keep up the good work!


719 Name: John : 2007-10-27 10:04 ID:/UhgZXq+ [Del]

Same here. Xee does not work in full screen in Leopard. hope you fix it! Thanks!

720 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-10-27 10:12 ID:Heaven [Del]

Gonna have to get a copy of Leopard before I can fix it. It might take a while yet.

721 Name: johndoe3924 : 2007-10-27 10:54 ID:JBMQcGRE [Del]

Xee fullscreen gives me blank white screen when viewing pictures in Leopard. windowed mode is ok, but fullscreen doesn't work. Will that be fixed, i like this viwer but need fullscreen


722 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-27 16:31 ID:Heaven [Del]

For the people like me who noticed the fullscreen problem in Leopard.
You could use Sequential for now, its designed for comic and manga reading and not even close as featured as Xee, but it makes a decent substitute for now if all you want to do is view images.

723 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-10-27 17:49 ID:Heaven [Del]

You want this fixed quickly, buy me a copy of Leopard.

724 Name: Franky : 2007-10-28 04:59 ID:lnBd+LZB [Del]

I've done italian translation of Xee. Can I send you it?
Another question. Reading this forum, I found spanish, french and german translation. Why don't you release a new version, just to include all avalaible translation made by users of this program? It's a minimal work, but it's usefull to spread of Xee and to increase its popularity.

Thanks for your good application.

725 Post deleted by user.

726 Post deleted by moderator.

727 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-29 00:41 ID:tVDkSUSX (Image: 160x389 jpg, 30 kb) [Del]

src/1193643709670.jpg: 160x389, 30 kb

Found a bug in Xee that was causing it to go into an infinite loop on the attached image. It gets stuck in the EXIF IFD parsing code. This image that was cropped in Photoshop CS2 looks like it has at least one bad IFD that has a "next" field that references itself. I changed the code to break out if it encounters this situation.

In exifutils.c readifds:

u_int32_t newOffset = offset;
do {

    offset = newOffset;
newOffset = readifd(offset, &(curifd->next), tagset, md);
curifd = curifd->next;

} while (offset && offset != newOffset);

I figured that was better than hanging. But it's possible I've totally misunderstood the problem.

728 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-10-29 05:43 ID:Heaven [Del]


The exiftags code I'm using for this has a number of bugs. I've fixed some in the development version, but I'm not sure about this one. I'll look into it, thanks for tracking it down.

729 Name: william : 2007-10-29 17:17 ID:Dd5uu9Om [Del]

Why is that I can't modify/change the orientation of a picture? Originally, the orientation is wrong, so I used C and CC to adjust the picture. After that, I saved the picture, but when I reopen the picture, it'd be in the wrong orientation again. What am I doing wrong?

I've even looked under Get Info, and if the image orientation was unknown, after I orient the picture to the right place and save it, it'd still be unknown.

730 Name: william : 2007-10-29 17:17 ID:Dd5uu9Om [Del]

Why is that I can't modify/change the orientation of a picture? Originally, the orientation is wrong, so I used C and CC to adjust the picture. After that, I saved the picture, but when I reopen the picture, it'd be in the wrong orientation again. What am I doing wrong?

I've even looked under Get Info, and if the image orientation was unknown, after I orient the picture to the right place and save it, it'd still be unknown.

731 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-10-30 09:22 ID:Heaven [Del]

I don't know, you'll have to provide more details of what exactly you did. Also check for error messages on the console.

732 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-30 13:45 ID:tVDkSUSX [Del]

I tracked down that fullscreen bug in Leopard. The problem is that apparently you're not supposed to re-parent NSOpenGLViews. Either use an NSView subclass with it's own NSOpenGLContext or release and recreate the view every time you switch between fullscreen and windowed.

See this email for more info:

I tried to change the XeeView to an NSView subclass but I still couldn't get it to work even following the instructions in the email. I'm guessing it's a bug in Leopard since it worked just fine in Tiger. Judging by the date of the email, I'm guessing they counted re-parenting as a bug and fixed it in Tiger and just re-broke it in Leopard.

I was able to get it to work by destroying and recreating the view each time though. Things didn't work perfectly but I suspect that's a combination of me not understanding your code very well and me still trying to get the hang of the new XCode tools.

733 Name: william Chen : 2007-10-30 14:15 ID:sU6JuvpR [Del]

Hmmk, let me rephrase my question then.

How do you change the orientation of a picture if the EXIF orientation is wrong?

734 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-10-30 17:54 ID:Heaven [Del]


Ugh, what a mess. Perhaps it might be an idea to just wait for 10.5.1 and see if that fixes it before messing up the code horribly just to kludge this?


If you rotate it manually and save, it's supposed to work.

735 Name: william Chen : 2007-10-30 20:25 ID:sU6JuvpR [Del]

I did rotate manually (cmd+r, cmd+shift+r) and then cmd+s
then it'd say cannot save image (or something to that extent)

and when I reopen the picture, the orientation's back the way it was before..

736 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-30 21:58 ID:Heaven [Del]

cmd+s doesn't work if it is impossible to save losslessly according to Waha.
I've personally never seen it enabled...

737 Post deleted by user.

738 Name: william : 2007-10-30 22:07 ID:sU6JuvpR [Del]

But all Xee has to do is modify the EXIF data... And can't I make it so it'd save the orientation automatically, without me having to change the direction, then his cmd+shft+s, then replace the file?

I remember it used to work when Xee was 1.0

739 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-10-31 06:49 ID:6THb/Qdo [Del]

Changing the EXIF data is exactly the wrong way to do it. This is only supported by some programs, so when you for instance upload your picture to the net, it will probably be the wrong way around if you rely on the EXIF data. Xee rotates the image data itself losslessly.

I might re-enable the automatic saving that 1.0 used as an option, but it's been disabled for now because most people don't expect a "rotate" feature to immediately change the data on disk.

Apparently there is some kind of bug where cmd+s doesn't work. I've never seen this happen myself, so I'll need more information about this before I can do anything about it.

740 Name: william : 2007-10-31 16:16 ID:iaxN5zcL [Del]

how would you re-enable the automatic saving??

And also, how would you rotate the picture so that it saves correctly?

741 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-11-01 05:51 ID:Heaven [Del]

Those are not the questions you want to be asking.

742 Name: william : 2007-11-01 16:45 ID:iaxN5zcL [Del]

what do you mean??

743 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-11-02 20:28 ID:Heaven [Del]


I mean that even if I answered those questions, it would not help you at all.

744 Name: Anonymous : 2007-11-08 13:02 ID:LcFMRG0l [Del]

It's not a technical issue, it's a policy issue. Too many bad decisions or too many decisions wimped out of by adding a preference over the years, and you end up with user-hostile crap like current versions of acdsee.

Also, I have a very unhelpful bug report in Leopard: sometimes the statusbar appears partly black. Happened after trying to go fullscreen then back to windowed, then browsing through pictures of various sizes. I have yet to find precise steps to reproduce the bug. Maybe it's related to the full screen issue in 10.5?

And while I'm at it I'll add a request, not sure if you're gonna consider it since you already have some issues with rotation behavior in general, but I think a "Remember rotation" option that would behave like "Remember zoom level" would be useful: I'm using a LCD that can be rotated by 90º, it would be very useful for example for reading comics. (Of course you can also change the rotation of the display in the system preferences, but it's not as easy as something you could affect a shortcut to directly in Xee, and on some older Macs the UI is no longer accelerated when rotated).

745 Name: George : 2007-11-12 16:31 ID:B7uhpT7l [Del]


Just wondering if there is a timetable for the next release of this splendid program?

Thanks George

746 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-11-15 16:15 ID:Heaven [Del]

No. It is being developed, but I have other things I need to take care of too. It all depends on when I have spare time.

747 Name: johndoe : 2007-11-21 09:58 ID:0HNnvInM [Del]

any updates?

748 Name: Anonymous : 2007-11-21 11:51 ID:Heaven [Del]

See >>746

And please don't bother a man who does free software in his spare time about when he's going to update.

749 Name: yup : 2007-11-22 21:33 ID:T0FjolNT [Del]

This software is amazing, it's one of the few that reads EXIF data, but doesn't allow to see and edit the JPEG comment field (JPEG standard allows you to add a comment).

Good work!

750 Name: frediverx : 2007-11-24 11:20 ID:tmmLrfvd [Del]

Fantastic software. I've been looking for a good viewer like this for a long time. Fast, clean interface, keyboard navigation, auto resizing of window when zooming - awesome!

Three items I'd love to see addressed:

1) full screen doesn't work in Leopard. I'm sure this is high on the fix list.

2) Add basic editing features like lossless rotate and crop.

3) Add a thumbnail view option with a slide control to adjust icon size.

751 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-11-24 15:05 ID:L4e87LFG [Del]


Uh, lossless rotate and crop are there already.

And the Finder does a thumbnail view already, I still see no reason to duplicate that functionality.

752 Name: Deepboy : 2007-11-27 10:02 ID:oVKpC6df [Del]

10.5.1 and no bugfix from Leopard's side for full screen view...waiting for Xee's side...

753 Name: Simon Howard : 2007-11-27 15:18 ID:dDGbq6ux [Del]

I have been using Xee for quite a while and find it very useful.

I wonder whether in the next version you could have a configure the status bar.

I would like to put selected EXIF options on. ie f/stop, ISO, Shutter Speed, lens

754 Post deleted by user.

755 Name: MikeStallings (moved from other thread) : 2007-12-02 12:51 ID:BcTCx8CP [Del]

Hi, On Leopard 10.5.1 Build 9818 I can't get Xee to display an image. I get this response by double-clicking a previously associated filetype like jpg; or using Open With from the context menu; or using Open from the Xee menu. The response is a slight screen flicker and s slight spike in CPU. I get the same response when I click on Xee Preferences.

756 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-12-02 12:51 ID:BcTCx8CP [Del]

Any messages on the console?

757 Name: ps : 2007-12-03 11:37 ID:MTMaYZeE [Del]

I like the slideshow + auto-rotate features. Is there a way to make it save the images it auto-rotates? It does a pretty good job of picking what to auto-rotate and I would like it to just go ahead and save them.

758 Name: Irving Olender : 2007-12-03 13:05 ID:MRVLzZvQ [Del]

How can I deactivate Xee as my jpeg default but keep it accessible? I am using Mac 10.4.11

759 Post deleted by moderator.

760 Name: andy : 2007-12-04 13:00 ID:TPfW0U4b [Del]

Great work, finally something like irfanview for the Mac!
It is tiny and makes a fast workflow possible! Thanx for the effort!

Did you consider the suggestion of post 690? The fixed
proportional selection would be nice to crop for those online
services that print out photos on 3:4 sized paper. Also having a
predefined square proportional selection would be helpful sometimes.

Irfanview for example shows the selection information
in the title bar: current cursor position, width, height and ratio



761 Name: starless : 2007-12-05 13:35 ID:aXYB2wLa [Del]

Hi, I have a PPC iBook with Tiger, and I've been a very happy Xee user for some time now. But recently something strange happens, and I can't understand why and how to fix it: although I have set the default sort order in Xee preferences to be "By Filename", as it always was, each time I open Xee it starts into "By Size" sort order, which is very confusing.

I also tried setting the preferences again, or even setting it to "Same as in Finder", but it still starts in "By Size" mode, and I have to change it by hand each time.

Xee is version 2.0.

Any clues?

762 Name: etlund : 2007-12-06 12:31 ID:rymDT9Uk [Del]

I would really like to see a 'Run Slideshow' button on the toolbar.

Great tool!


763 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-07 12:27 ID:Heaven [Del]

Just making a few wild guesses since I'm not at my mac right now nor have I ever had that problem.

  1. The preferences file could be corrupted,
  2. The preferences file could have the wrong permissions.

Try making a backup of whichever file it is, and then delete the original, and try changing the setting again.

764 Name: starless : 2007-12-08 10:20 ID:aXYB2wLa [Del]

Thanks, but no way, even with clean new prefs the problem happened the same.

But I just seem to have found the real problem: Xee always uses the "Same as in Finder" sort order, even when you set it to "By Filename" in its prefs.
I noticed that the problem only happened in one folder, and so I realized that this folder was set to "By Size" sort order in Finder, although I forgot it because I usually view it in columns mode which is not affected by the selected sort order.

So, my personal problem is now fixed, but it looks to me as if Xee has a bug here. Does anyone confirm?

765 Post deleted by moderator.

766 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-12-08 10:28 ID:Heaven [Del]

It's a known bug, fixed in the development version.

767 Name: Horoskop : 2007-12-09 13:30 ID:3ptgfmIO [Del]

I have the same problem! Thanks for the lot of Replays and Helps ;)

768 Name: Naouel : 2007-12-10 14:07 ID:dJAa10ne [Del]

Hello Xee users,

Here is a version with fixed fullscreen for MacOS 10.5

Just go there http://aorlinsk2.free.fr/xee/

769 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-12-11 03:26 ID:Heaven [Del]


Is that using samiamwork's fix, or your own?

770 Name: Naouel : 2007-12-11 05:12 ID:noe9+4zi [Del]

this is my own fix. I didn't know that another fix was made.

771 Name: George : 2007-12-11 05:23 ID:F/e/6s0R [Del]

Thanks Naouel - it works a treat for. Hope your fix finds its way into the release soon.

772 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-12-11 07:13 ID:6THb/Qdo [Del]


Do you have a diff for it?

773 Name: Naouel : 2007-12-11 12:59 ID:dJAa10ne [Del]

774 Name: VaNyA : 2007-12-11 15:23 ID:D6c4RSvf [Del]

Thanks Naouel!

There still are some problems with this fix. If you don't go full screen Xee works as usual. Once in fullscreen, sometimes a picture won't show (or will show half-loaded); if you exit fullscreen the problem persists. If you launch Xee with the picture that didn't show before and go fullscreen, then this one will be displayed but some other won't.
This happens with folders where some pictures have been saved by Photoshop or some other app (screenshots as well). Folders with only straight out of the camera or downloaded from the web pictures seem to be working perfectly.

775 Name: Kevin : 2007-12-14 18:12 ID:kn8N1vA0 (Image: 1440x900 png, 1538 kb) [Del]

src/1197684737833.png: 1440x900, 1538 kb

Hey, I love Xee, but on Leopard I've noticed a pretty serious color discrepancy between Xee and other OS X image viewers (like Quick Look and Preview).

The colors in Xee seem a lot more washed out. Is this a known bug? I'm using 10.5.1 on a 15" SR MBP.

776 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-12-14 20:13 ID:Heaven [Del]


777 Name: Kevin : 2007-12-15 19:50 ID:kn8N1vA0 [Del]

Okay, I just wanted to let you know. Did this exist in Tiger? I've been on Leopard since the end of October and I can't remember.

778 Name: Kevin : 2007-12-15 19:50 ID:kn8N1vA0 [Del]

Okay, I just wanted to let you know. Did this exist in Tiger? I've been on Leopard since the end of October and I can't remember.

779 Name: Miell : 2007-12-24 15:09 ID:FrzXJW4h [Del]

Issue with a lot of files in a folder.

Folks, I tried using Xee 2.0 (on Leopard) to manage a folder that had about 1,500 images. As soon as I started Xee, it would crawl to a stop and the CPU would spike to 100% and stay at that level for few minutes. When I would delete/move files, same thing would happen... it would beachball and CPU would hit 100%.

Anyone know what's causing that?

780 Name: Hayden : 2007-12-25 08:43 ID:gr2ji/cV [Del]

I'm using Xee 2.0 and I'm shooting with a Canon 30D in Raw. Xee is really nice, but it seems to render RAW files not great. I shoot on a setting that lets me save to both RAW and JPG and the jpg files look a lot nicer (which I expected), but what is confusing to me is that Preview renders the RAW files and they look nicer than the way Xee does it. I've tried everything to make Xee render the files "correctly".

Okay, that's not a huge deal. Who knows, maybe Xee is showing the RAW files correctly. However, when I edit RAW files using Lightroom and save those files into JPGs, Xee renders THE JPG files differently than Preview. The image that I see as the final print in Lightroom, that's what Preview shows. But then I throw the same image to Xee, and Xee renders it with a lot of macroblocking, etc. It's really weird.

Anyone have any idea what's going on here?

781 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-12-27 17:15 ID:Heaven [Del]


Known bug, fixed in development version.


Lack of colour management. Will be fixed sooner or later.

782 Name: Pierre : 2007-12-29 08:07 ID:50LABsr2 [Del]

Hi guys !
I used Xee for quite some time and it's great.
Open my Nikon RAW files without trouble.
Recently I bought a Canon G9.
Xee keep telling me it could'nt display file ???
Yes, Canon CR2 raw image is selected in the formats list.

Any tips ???

783 Name: Pierre : 2007-12-29 08:07 ID:50LABsr2 [Del]

Hi guys !
I used Xee for quite some time and it's great.
Open my Nikon RAW files without trouble.
Recently I bought a Canon G9.
Xee keep telling me it could'nt display file ???
Yes, Canon CR2 raw image is selected in the formats list.

Any tips ???

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