Xee (1000)

780 Name: Hayden : 2007-12-25 08:43 ID:gr2ji/cV [Del]

I'm using Xee 2.0 and I'm shooting with a Canon 30D in Raw. Xee is really nice, but it seems to render RAW files not great. I shoot on a setting that lets me save to both RAW and JPG and the jpg files look a lot nicer (which I expected), but what is confusing to me is that Preview renders the RAW files and they look nicer than the way Xee does it. I've tried everything to make Xee render the files "correctly".

Okay, that's not a huge deal. Who knows, maybe Xee is showing the RAW files correctly. However, when I edit RAW files using Lightroom and save those files into JPGs, Xee renders THE JPG files differently than Preview. The image that I see as the final print in Lightroom, that's what Preview shows. But then I throw the same image to Xee, and Xee renders it with a lot of macroblocking, etc. It's really weird.

Anyone have any idea what's going on here?

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