4chan brought down by Distributed Denial of Service Attack (408)

57 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-22 19:51 ID:6x3Jj3sI [Del]

You win an infinite number of internets. If it weren't for whoever broke Rules 1 and 2 in the first place, none of us would give a shit about all of this. It's like Fight Club (which the first few rules were based off of). It's meant to be a totally exclusive club, but you can't keep something a secret for long, no matter how awesome it is. I was told about 4chan by at least six different people on the same day. Naturally, I kept it a secret for about a year, and then BOOM! Boards go down for the first time in a year and I freak out. I ask all my /b/tarded friends about it, and they all directed me to a shitload of other /b/tards who were even moar hardcore than the other people. It's a neverfucking ending cycle of violence and CP, but it needs to happen as more and more people get disgusted with 4chan's current state and sign off once and for all. If it weren't for 1&2 (the abscence thereof), there would be no more 4chan. It would've simply gone down with Moot and the original few who knew about it and sank without a bubble.

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