4chan brought down by Distributed Denial of Service Attack (408)

274 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-26 08:49 ID:HMUMBU6V [Del]

Anyone else think moot might be using the DDOS as an excuse to finally give up? Think about it, in the Time interview he's expressed his frustration over the difficulty in running the site with barely enough money to pay for it, and that stupid cat site making 3 million bucks while he gets nothing at all might be the final straw for him. Added with the incresingly negative publicity and how problematic /b/ has gotten over the past 2 years, and, well...maybe it's time to give up.

Considering all the shit that the site has gone through over the past 5 years, it's more surprising that it even lasted that long. Now that it's too popular, and subsequently too expensive to run, the DDOS is the perfect excuse to shut it down for good. The blame for the site's downfall gets shifted to someone else, while moot can simply sneak out the back door and no one will ever blame him. The end?

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