4chan brought down by Distributed Denial of Service Attack (408)

255 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-25 02:16 ID:ZR7n7dIl [Del]

I don't entirely disagree, except for the "easy" part. They're easy enough to fake, but not easy to fake well. That means that they usually are reasonably reliable evidence.

I might add, that, in this case, the skiddie from raidchan that was at the center of the thing (pacifico) has acknowledged (on youtube) the authenticity of the log at this point, though he persists in disputing his or raidchan's role in the attack (he claims, among other things, that their attack lasted for only ten minutes, that it didn't involve a botnet, and that they don't have capability for the 3-5Gb attack moot referred to).

It was back for quite a bit earlier, but now it's down again.

252 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-25 00:55 ID:Nmra1kpZ [Del]

The problem is that made-up (or even embellished) logs always come out looking composed. This one has details people trying to fake it always forget. It doesn't look composed.

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