4chan brought down by Distributed Denial of Service Attack (408)

25 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-21 13:46 ID:iT01i0Rv [Del]



Not only 4chan, but 7chan, 12chan & 420chan are down too.


Can't be purely because of DDoS'sing 'from a bunch of guys that are angry that moot doesn't want to move #4chan to lulznet.'

The word going round is that YTMND & Ebamsworld are DDoS-attacking all these boards. This sounds the most credible theory, but I wonder... Could it be either those invaded by Anon in the past have organized & started getting their revenge against Anon, or have the Admins of ALL these boards been partyv&d in a sweep of these boards by the FBI? Whatever, I hope the shutdown is permanent. Anon has no-one to blame but themselves. Thety're to blame. If they'd STRICTLY followed Rules 1 & 2, and hadn't gone beyond their own little universe, all the -chans would still be up. But Anon started getting ideas above their stations & went beyond said little world & went out into RL, for their so-called 'Lulz'. And not just invasions. It was the death threats, then Messing With Football. The result? THAT report on Fox News, which blew Rules 1 & 2 apart. The WHOLE WORLD heard of Anon (ever heard of YouTube?!). Now the Lulz is upon them. Call it Karma. The Biter Bitten. One thing's for sure: Those Who Live By 'Lulz' shall DIE By Lulz. And the only one Lulz-ing now are those who brought down the -chans.

I for one welcome our /b/ & Anon-less Internet. Anonymous has become An Hero.

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