4chan brought down by Distributed Denial of Service Attack (408)

238 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-24 15:26 ID:U62yW9BW [Del]

I'm not. Never said I was. I said to let them do "their" work - third person, not first.

Unlike you, I've been around the "big boys" enough, and know enough about them, to know that I'm not one of them. For starters, the big boys are not posting about responding with raids, and certainly not on iichan of all places. This is beyond raids, we're talking RL shit going down at this point. I know enough to stay out of the way of that, do you?

Read the thread. It's raidchan. IRC logs don't lie. Besides which, DDoS isn't YTMND or ebaums' style any more than it's Gaia's.

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