4chan brought down by Distributed Denial of Service Attack (408)

193 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-23 07:00 ID:SayOWrVU [Del]

So don't go to /b/ dumbass, theres only like 20 other boards on 4chan.

Anyway, this may actually last a long time, now it seems the 4chanstatus blog page is down, the last time I read it, moot said he was still fending off constand DDoS attacks.

If it comes to the worst thing possible, 4chan gets hosted somewhere else, moot still owns the domain name so it will most likely still be 4chan.org, just be directed to a different server.

That's what I see comming, or at least as a temp untill the attacks stop.

I'd also like to point out, 4chan isn't the only site. I know OverChan(2.o at least) was down for a day or two, and plenty other more populor -ch.

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