4chan brought down by Distributed Denial of Service Attack (408)

100 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-26 12:40 ID:Heaven [Del]

moot recently changed the flood limits on /b/, supposedly to slow the board down. Smart, but I still think he's going about it the wrong way, and making a second /b/ (and not linking the original one anymore from the front page, or even mentioning that this happened for that matter -- so that people who just cruise into 4chan and click "random" don't stumble on it and start being retarded) would be a much better solution. Oldschool /b/tards (who presumably have img.4chan.org/b/ bookmarked directly) would keep posting, and the newfags would get their own board to fag up.... but eventually the newfag board would shit out a gold nugget and it'd carry over to the "old" /b/ by those obsessive compulsive people who visit every board because they have nothing else to do.

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