English Image Boards (854)

131 Name: Orochi Herman!hN02YkuTxM 2005-02-14 11:58 ID:gIUl8q4R (Replies) [Del]

Agreed. If you got csses you want on the site, gimme link and I'll implement it.

Also, roexpose now uses a different way to display tripcodes. I tried this before, but miserably failed as it was parsed differently.

But now I got it right. Now it's NAME•TRIP•SECTRIP

I don't know if kareha would parse it like wakaba does, but it's a diagonal box with a question mark in the middle.

132 Name: Anonymous 2005-02-14 12:51 ID:Heaven (Replies) [Del]


> it's a diagonal box with a question mark in the middle.

Doesn't show up right for me in either here nor on your board.

On here it's a dot in the middle of the height of the sign: •
On your board, there's just a question mark.

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