The Archive Browser (171)

1 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2012-03-20 18:00 ID:rFsOye/G [Del]

So, along with the release of The Unarchiver 3.0 comes another new things: The Archive Browser. This is the often-requested version that lets you browse archives and preview their contents before extracting. However, since this is not a program that I personally need, this one will actually cost a few dollars. Buy it if this is what you really need, or buy it if you want to support the development of The Unarchiver!

For now, bug reports and feature requests can go on the The Unarchiver bug tracker:

It is much better to post them there than in this thread, because I tend to forget things that are not on the bug tracker.

2 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2012-03-20 18:01 ID:rFsOye/G [Del]

And since someone will no doubt wonder about this, I should clarify one thing: The Archive Browser is not a replacement for The Unarchiver, and The Unarchiver is still going to be developed just as before. I prefer using The Unarchiver myself, so I am not going to stop working on it. And all improvements in format support is shared automatically between The Unarchiver and The Archive Browser.

3 Name: Stefan : 2012-03-21 03:39 ID:YbZmnMOW [Del]

Hello, i would buy The Archive Browser IF it would be a complete replacement for the Unarchiver.

Dont get me wrong, the Unarchiver wich is free is pure awesome, but i dont want 2 Apps for one "Problem".

4 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2012-03-21 04:28 ID:rFsOye/G [Del]


It should be able to do everything The Unarchiver can do, but it does not have the same simple interface.

5 Name: ps : 2012-03-21 05:36 ID:RmspFPu6 [Del]

call me crazy, but you should make "the archiver" next. there still seems to be no simple way to make password protected zips. would pay 1.99 for that in a heartbeat.

6 Name: Me : 2012-03-22 13:03 ID:U6vX8Zk1 [Del]

Hey, what does one do if this application just does not work?

7 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2012-03-22 13:24 ID:Heaven [Del]


Well, start by explaining what happens, and what you are trying, and on what kind of system.

8 Name: Kevin : 2012-03-23 16:29 ID:/PLLP8hY [Del]

I see that you can Quick Look files in the archive, but does The Archive Browser allow you to Quick Look the contents of archive files in the Finder? (Like

9 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2012-03-23 16:31 ID:rFsOye/G [Del]


Not at the moment. Perhaps in the future, perhaps not, I am not sure.

10 Name: mglinski : 2012-03-24 00:24 ID:c0lIca8l [Del]

Make it faster!

I have an SSD equipped macbook pro and it still takes 1-2 seconds to grab the list of files from the archive and display them in a tree view. The interface is simple enough, just focus on making it as fast as possible to render the information I want to see.


11 Name: Feralix : 2012-03-24 15:31 ID:rQpIgg5H [Del]

I've purchased The Archive Browser, but I have 1 issue that prevents me from using it/enjoy it. The app still runs when closing the archive. You have to manually quit the app every time you use it to extract something. I still support the developer all the way, and have no problem paying for it even though I'm not going to use it now. I would really like to see this changed though. This would be my main unarchiving utility if this 1 change/feature was implemented. Maybe it could be made into a preference in case some people like its current functionality. I hope to see this happen!

12 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2012-03-24 17:27 ID:rFsOye/G [Del]


Post an issue about it, and I will see about it for the next update. However, I am not sure how that works when you want to start it up and then drop some icons on it, since it doesn't open any windows by default.

13 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2012-04-02 13:28 ID:rFsOye/G [Del]

Version 1.1 has been released. It is just a bugfix release that fixes crashing on 10.6.

14 Name: Anonymous : 2012-04-12 08:00 ID:vd5ZEC2U [Del]

I would love to be able to browse JAR archives, edit files in them and it automatically get repackaged. This is a PITA today, as JAR puts fiels in a special order. There are some tools out there which does this but none of them have been updated for ages and nothing works in Lion. Think this would be a very good "killer" feature

15 Name: Anonymous : 2012-04-19 14:13 ID:Heaven [Del]

can't you just use the jar utility included in the jdk?

16 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2012-04-27 13:28 ID:rFsOye/G [Del]

Version 1.2 is now released, and should show up on the App Store soon. Changes in this version are:

  • Added option for opening extracted files in the Finder.
  • Added Services for opening and extracting archives.
  • Added option for closing browser windows after extraction.
  • Added a workaround for a Mac OS X sandbox bug that was causing extracted apps to not launch properly.
  • Fixed extraction of partial RAR files.
  • Fixed spurious warnings about resource forks for some Zip files.

The Unarchiver should be getting a matching update to 3.2 too, but it is currently stuck trying to get through review. Hopefully that'll get sorted out soon.

17 Name: Anonymous : 2012-05-09 23:02 ID:6Ss3QQH+ [Del]

Do you think PAR2 support might be added at some point?

18 Name: Anonymous : 2012-05-10 03:35 ID:gD324n1Q [Del]

Suggestion: include a QuickLook plug-in for the Finder. There are a couple of options out there that do this for a few file types (zip, pkg, etc.), but most are old and not often updated. I would be very interested in spending $4 to get a version of your app that does that. QuickLooking into pkg & mpkg would require some way to display the scripts that run, where the files would be installed, etc., but you get the idea.

19 Name: Anonymous : 2012-06-02 01:56 ID:byUPOACs [Del]

Please add an option to display a .app as an application with its icon, not as a folder with a folder icon. The actual display is quite confusing when looking for an application in a large archive.
I understand it can be useful to browse inside a package, but this shouldn't be the standard option, maybe add a shortcut (option key?) to permit this.

20 Name: Anonymous : 2012-06-02 10:15 ID:KibDf5w3 [Del]

Hi waha. Love the app. One thing though, I'm new to OSX, could you explain how to make it the default program for archive files, so I don't have to right-click and select it manually? Thanks!

21 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2012-06-04 01:57 ID:Heaven [Del]


This is a lot harder than it seems, actually. Especially for solid archives.


Either use the list in the preferences, or use "Get Info" in the Finder.

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