I encountered a very odd bug.
As I was posting an image reply for the /4koma/ board into the "Nyoron" thread, the upload time for the image was unusually long.
So I hit refresh and proceeded to hit the 4koma button in the side menu to get it back up. It loaded rather quickly, but something I noticed was that my vericode seemed to have stayed the same (which was 'kaith').
However, as I went to post another response, it stated that the vericode that I'm typing in is wrong ("Error: Wrong verification code.")
Anyone know how to get out of this bind?
I'm also having this problem, and I cant find a way to resolve it.
Basically the first/mainpage creates a code.
I can then create a picture and upload it to the next screen. I cannot use that screens generated captcha code, I can only post if I remember the first/mainpage code.
I had a look at the captcha database, and it lists 2 created keys. one for the first page (pagekey:'mainpage'), and one for the picture submitter (pagekey:'default').
I've tried multiple times to clear the cache/database and delete cookies, but im actually quite rubbish this stuff :D
here's a picture
I've tried creating it again from scratch, and its producing the same problems. Here's what Im doing, is something wrong with my method?
You people really should be posting in http://wakaba.c3.cx/sup/kareha.pl/1141929669/l50.
It might be a bug with the oekaki code, because it is seldom tested, but for reason it won't work at all on my local setup so I can't test it right now.
ah, my apologies for posting in the wrong thread :)
thanks for looking into the vericode problem!
i found this like in captcha.pl
my $key=($query->param("key") or 'default');
i changed it to
my $key=($query->param("key") or 'mainpage');
it now only creates a "mainpage" entry on the captcha database table. it also works for sumbiting oekaki!
could any problems arise from my modification of this code line?
spoke too soon!
posting an image works. reply + upload image works.
posting a oekaki works. reply + uploading a oekaki fails.
it also creates another entry in the captcha db, resX
really sorry to bump this again, but i really cant seem to advance at all. im completely lost! ive been snooping around looking for other working oekaki wakaba boards but they are either inactive or 404'ing - i cant get any clues from them. the only other option for me would be to use trevorchan :(
if you're willing to take a look at it, i could email you the ftp/database details?
Mine works just fine... http://lulz.net/oekaki/
What exactly is your problem? I do not use captchas with my oekaki, so if they are the problem I don't know what to tell you.
well, the "Anti-spam filters triggered" message seems to be very sensitive and is triggered by almost anything i test post - so i decided to empty/blank spam.txt and use captcha enabled instead.
the only problem im having is that wakaba oekaki doesnt/cant/wont use the codes generated by captcha. it only applies to oekaki, normal posts/uploads work fine.
soo.. if i disable captcha AND spam.txt i have no form of protection :)
Waha made a patch for the spam filter bug but I don't think anyone has tested it yet. You can find it here: http://wakaba.c3.cx/stuff/wakatest.zip
If the bug fix does not work you can just disable the spam filtering by following the instructions here: http://wakaba.c3.cx/sup/kareha.pl/1141929669/547
okay i'll give that a try!
with no spam/captcha i guess i'll have to get some admins to watch for spam
you won't have many spam posts at all. there may be some floods, but captchas don't stop flooding either. a few people with 10 minutes on their hands can flood multiple boards with captcha at a time.