The Wakaba and Kareha support thread (1000)

547 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-06 12:57 ID:3obEaqim [Del]

If you are still experiencing it (as I'm sure my board would be too) you should comment out the block of code that handles the spam stuff. WAHa had me do that until further notice.

open in your prefered editor and find sub spam_engine. comment out everything from my $spam_checker to spam_screen($query), like this:

sub spam_engine(%)

my %args=@_;
my @spam_files=@{$args{spam_files}||[]};
my @trap_fields=@{$args{trap_fields}||[]};
my %excluded_fields=map ($_=>1),@{$args{excluded_fields}||[]};
my $query=$args{query}||new CGI;
my $charset=$args{charset};
for(@trap_fields) { spam_screen($query) if $query->param($_) }
######################COMMENTED OUT TO STOP SPAM ERROR##########################
#my $spam_checker=compile_spam_checker(@spam_files); #
#my @fields=$query->param; #
#@fields=grep !$excluded_fields{$_},@fields if %excluded_fields; #
#my $fulltext=join "\n",map decode_string($query->param($_),$charset),@fields; #
#study $fulltext; #
# #
#spam_screen($query) if $spam_checker->($fulltext); #


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