How do I... (things from 4chan) (111, permasaged)

42 Name: Anonymous 2005-10-01 19:41 ID:jF8cdC6I [Del]

I do, I am just trying to understand what everyone has against stickies. If you think they clutter up the front page too much, have them on a different page altogether. If you think it is wrong for a moderator to assign the status give the power to the users and/or allow them to always be able to age threads. Stickies are useful on a 4chan style board. I agree that there isn't much use for them on a discussion board, just as easy to add something to the header and if you need discussion a link to a thread.

You have the best reading comprehesion I have ever seen.
Imagine someone talking about imageboards in a thread about imageboards, THE HORROR!
You might want to look up the definition of intuitive, here I'll do it for you:
1: spontaneously derived from or prompted by a natural tendency; "an intuitive revulsion"
2: obtained through intuition rather than from reasoning or observation [syn: nonrational, visceral]

If you learn about threads closing at X limit by reading about it or observing it, hey look it isn't intuitive.
Ignoring specific users is a useful feature, I cannot see a way where it would be implemented well on an anonymous board. I don't know how many other ways I can say this. It was only a comment in regards to the trust system not working well on an anonymous board and I pointed out another thing that does not work well. I obviously do not know anything about imageboards or 2ch style boards or anything, please enlighten me :(

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