I'm using this now, but I'd like it better if it had these features:
Main reason? Because I don't have a decent photo printer. Secondary reason? Because printing is hard. Just throwing an image at a printer will not very likely get you a good result. Printing needs lots of tweaking, and I don't really feel like implementing that. You're much better of using a dedicated app for doing that.
Also, you can use the "Open in Editor" option to make it easier to reload in another app.
any news on the ColorManagement? That would be awesome ;)
any news on the ColorManagement? That would be awesome ;)
For the zoom up thing, found out it depends on the video card, Intel GMA 950 (macbook) and Nvidia Geforce 8800 GT are jaggy and unfiltered, but ATI Radeon HD 2600 will filter upscales. The result at 150% is definitely nicer than unfiltered, but over 200% it is arguably worse. (So my having both cards in my machine "solves" my "problem", lol)
> Any chance of a GIF quicklook plug-in?
That's not related to Xee I think. But from looking inside the QL generators I use it looks like they output HTML, so if you care to do it yourself it may be pretty trivial to do.
Xee already has configurable keyboard shortcuts, and several different keys for going backwards.
Excellent app, thanks so much. I've been recently hacking through Preview with Applescript to allow me to navigate through a folder and look at images without having to preload the whole directory, and Xee does it perfectly!
Well done, keep up the great work!
Would be nice to have EXIF info (date shot, GPS...) displayed (optional) somewhere in tehh status bar (cumbersome to open CMD-I each time)
I'd like to put in another vote for recursive subdirectory loading. I sometimes do
find . -type d -exec open -a Xee {} \;
but that doesn't work very well with large directory trees.
find . -type d -print0 | xargs -0 open -a Xee
Much more efficient, as it spawns a lot fewer processes.
I hope you're not talking about the sort of "features" that mean I'll have to cling to my Xee 2.0 version in the same way I make sure to always have an Acdsee 3 archive available.
Is Xee dead? Xee 2 was released over a year ago, there's a ton of unresolved issues in the bug tracker and there's simply no updates.
Xee is pretty nifty but it crashes a lot! I've been using it for 2 months and I've had about 4 crashes PER DAY with it. Simply awful.
Here's one of the crash reports I saw few minutes ago: http://pastie.org/357220
The developer should just come out and say that this app is dead and not leave us waiting for YEARS.
I am a single developer, and I have a job and university to deal with too. Have some patience.
Also, that's a bug from exifparse, which causes crashes on broken EXIF data. It's fixed in the development version, but if you really get a lot of crashes from it you should find out where you are getting images with broken EXIF data.
I'm sorry! I was just frustrated so I might have come off harshly :(
I just compiled Xee myself (from SVN) and there's no more crashes! Thanks!
If anyone else is having EXIF crashes, you can grab this version: http://rapidshare.com/files/183548361/Xee_2.1Aplha4.zip
Until the official one comes out...
There are obviously no guarantees that that version will work as it's supposed to, but I don't think there are any major stumbling blocks right now.
Me again :)
I found a crash in the SVN version. It seems that EXIF is to blame again. Here's the crash log:
and the pic that's causing it is here: http://img133.imageshack.us/img133/7659/1231560289391fy8.jpg
But this version is MUCH, MUCH more stable than the 2.0! It's now a pleasure to use. :)
Thanks again!
I installed Xee on my brother's G3 500MHz Dual USB iBook but it crashes stating:
iBook:~ mladen$ /Applications/Xee.app/Contents/MacOS/Xee; exit
dyld: incompatible cpu-subtype
Trace/BPT trap
[Process completed]
Is there any way to fix it so that Xee can ride on G3? I'd really like to show him Xee as he's new to Mac and Xee is my only weapon of choice :)
It's really a secondary computer to him, and I bought it for like $50 :)
> Xee_2.1Aplha4.zip
works fine. i had issues before with the following things:
the small icon (only an eye?) looks creepy in the finder - maybe something colourful would look better (one color per filetype).
Those are not the standard icons. Them not being colour-coded is one reason for that.
Cool app dude, thanks for all your hard work. It's highly, highly appreciated. You have no idea how much I use Xee; far more than I use FFView or Preview, I can tell you that!! =)
just going to say, i love Xee.
Love that software. Only one thing bothers me. There's no way to turn off the alpha channel. Great job!
> Xee_2.1Aplha4.zip
I cannot make "Get Info" to show the IPTC for data that has been saved in Latn1 but it displays just fine if it is in UTF8.
If you want anything fixed, you need to post example files.
I would LOVE it if Saving Losslessly, such as when I rotate photos (my camera, Fujifilm F30 doesn't provide correct orientation data in the EXIF, so I have to rotate them), that the Updated Timestamp on the file would remain the same. I love having my raw images having the creation date on them, rather than the date I rotated the image. Maybe add that as an Option, so people can turn it on to retain the Updated Timestamp on the file during Lossless file saving.
You know, filesystems do keep track of file creation time as well as last-modified time.
Thank you very much for this great application.
I do respect that you personally don't see any use of browsing capabilities (subfolders etc.) and since you do the work, it is up to you to decide what to do. However, as pointed out by countless other people, it would be great if you could include browse functionality, similar to "gqview" on Linux. Again, it's up to you, and I have read your previous replies; just trying to provide feedback.
you know, it is open source... if you want that, why not fork it and make your own version?
gqview dates from a time where browsing pictures with normal file browsers was a laughable proposition. It's not the case in OS X today.
I think many requests for a browser are solved when you realize you can bind "Reveal in Finder" to a single key, set Xee as your default viewer, and a bind key to open in an editor. I find this workflow just as fast as acdsee, and I like not having to rely on a half-assed browser (how could a built-in browser compete with the finder? what would it have the finder lacks?)
If Xee or a fork stops being lightweight, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to use it in the no-bullshit way I like anymore, with the pictures in fullscreen, absolutely no interface overlaid, and all the commands available from single keystrokes.
Finder's thumbnail view has many limitations. You are limited in how large you can make the thumbnails and how tightly you can set the grid spacing, and there is no slider control to change these settings on the fly. There is also no way to link image navigation between the Finder window and the image viewer app (in this case, Xee) with the result being that you can never really switch back and forth between a large image view and the thumbnail view without losing your place in the thumbnail view (unless you always do your navigation in the finder and close Xee after viewing each individual image). And there is no convenient keyboard toggle between thumbnail and single image viewing (ie, tapping the Enter key in thumbnail mode to open the image.)
I agree that Xee's primary benefits include speed and low memory/resource consumption, and I would certainly not want to turn it into a bloated application. But I really wish there was a better way to browse and analyze images while easily toggling between single image and thumbnail modes.
In essence, I'm not so much trying to duplicate Finder functionality as I am trying to wean myself from my reliance on iPhoto - which is useless in many situations due to its requirement that you import images before viewing/working with them.
BTW, I realize you can bind a shortcut key for "reveal in finder", but with this method, the Xee window remains open when you go to the Finder, and if you then open another image, it spawns a new Xee window.
And yes, you can set Xee to open all images in a single window, but then that eliminates the option to open more than one image at a time.
So again, there are tons of workarounds available but none of them deliver a smooth and efficient workflow.
You could give Picasa a try. I'll use that or Xee depending on what I'm trying to do with my images.
Xee is awesome! The only thing I would add, is that if you are in Crop mode and hold down the Shift key, the crop marquee is constrained to be square. This is standard Photoshop behaviour and would cover 95% of all my image editing tasks to make icons for websites and whatnot. Thanks for the great app!!
As good as Xee is, it sounds like you might be interested in JustLooking
and/or Picasa (Beta)
Both fill-in niches lacking in Xee. Good Luck
As good as Xee is, it sounds like you might be interested in JustLooking
and/or Picasa (Beta)
Both fill-in niches lacking in Xee. Good Luck
I'm new to this program. Will it do this: I have a bunch of sequentially named files in a folder. I would like to collect them by certain EXIF date tag and put them into folders which are named by the respective date (like 20090303, 20090304, etc). Sort of like most camera download programs.
I'm not good enough to write a script so I ask if this or another program will do this. I have a mac os 10.4.11.
thank you,
Xee won't. There's no file management features at all in it, it's a viewer.
I just installed Xee to check it out. I clicked four file types to associate with it, and then wanted to go back to Preview. So I unchecked them in Xee Preferences, and now they all open in CoreImage Fun House!? What the What? How do I get these back to being associated Preview, and why didn't Xee take care of this for me? Bad Xee, bad!
File associations being a mess is only OS X's fault. Get Info in Finder, Open With Preview, Change All - do this on one file of each major filetype you use (JPG, PNG, PSD, GIF, etc.)
What >>962 said.
I don't see why Xee is off the hook, the Xee UI let me associate a file type with it, it should set it back to what it was when I uncheck that association. It shouldn't be too difficult to see what the filetype is associated with before it takes that association on, store that info someplace out of the way and restore that original association if gets unchecked. Thankfully I didn't Select All =D
It shouldn't be, no. But it is. OS X does not provide a reliable way to do this. The filetype association system is quite broken, and the APIs for programs to access it is even more broken.
Ahh, that more detailed explanation makes better sense then. So I retract and reassign my original chastisement .... Innocent Xee, Bad Apple Baaaad!
First: Xee is excellent! There is one feature I would love to see: mouse gestures. There used to be http://www.cocoasuite.com/ but it causes some trouble at least with OS X 10.5.6.
I have recently moved from a PC to a Mac. I was a massive fan of Irfanview and spent ages looking for a Mac equivalent. That is, until I found Xee.
One feature I would like to see however (the reason why I'm on this website), is the ability to apply colour labels to files as I browse through them. I'm a photographer and this would make picking out the best shots (for further editing) a breeze.
Keep up the good work!
That's not a bad idea, I suppose. If you file a bug for it I am less likely to forget about it.
Try xGestures. It's very cheap, powerful, and works for the whole OS, not just cocoa apps.
I would REALLY like Xee to have pan zoom capabilities in slide show mode.
Actually, I cant find any OSX picture viewing application that has auto pan zoom in slideshow.... and I think its great!
Hope I see it in a future realease.
Well... iPhoto does that, and it's certainly for OS X. ;)
I downloaded the source and tried to compile it. It failed to compile with a duplicate symbol error in XeeTypes.h (over 40 errors). Removing the duplicate it still fails to compile with a 'Framework not found XADMaster' error.
Get XADMaster from The Unarchiver.
Hi, can you post an entire list of formats supported?
reply to your "adobe rant" in xee source-code (it's nice they actually replied)
it'd be nicer if their reply included something like http://libpsd.graphest.com/files/Photoshop%20File%20Formats.pdf...
Would be awesome if there was some way to hide the mouse cursor in fullscreen mode...
that's the only thing I'm really missing! Great work :)
has the default sort order been fixed? it won't use the "same as in the finder" option. i've had this problem since i first started using xee.
great stuff but i am new to mac and don't know how to set it as my default viewer if there is a way? thanks for any help
To set Xee as the default App for a particular file type, 'right-click' on a file of that type to bring up the contextual menu, then where it says "Open with:" select Xee.app from the drop-down list, then click "Change all..." and click "Continue". All files of that type will then open with Xee.
To set Xee as the default App for a particular file type, 'right-click' on a file of that type to bring up the contextual menu, click on "Get info" then where it says "Open with:" select Xee.app from the drop-down list, then click "Change all..." and click "Continue". All files of that type will then open with Xee.
FOR MODERATOR: Could you please delete this, and post 982 as I forgot to mention a step and have posted a corrected version (983). Thank you.
Been using Xee as my default image viewer for a long time. It works almost perfectly for me, I only have a few requests:
Hi there,
great and fast ProgrAM.
I would like to see a zoom/magnifier option for left click as you can configure for exaple in FastStone viewer (on PC).
Wonderful little program, thank you.
I'm using .PEF files (Pentax RAW format) which Xee can apparently read, but does not consider, when going from image to image in a folder. Any way to add PEF as one of the extensions Xee looks at?
Thanks, best,
Just a bug report with a jpeg file that causes Xee to hang miserably on my machine. I have attached the image with this post.
Intel GMA 950, OSX 10.5.7
Seems to be fixed already in the dev version.
Not sure if this has been reported, but after saving a lossless rotation, the app doesn't properly redisplay the rotated image until it's been restarted.
BTW, any idea when the next release is due?
That should not happen. Is that on a windows share or something?
The next release will be out... sometime. I need to get The Unarchiver 2.0 done first, for one.
great app not many .iff viewers out there is there any way of seeing the alpha channel with no colour for comp and maya purposes, it tells you it can see the rgba can you switch between them oh and open exr wow
I second Geza's request. It would be great to be able to browse PEF files as opposed to needing to open each one individually.
On windows I used acdsee32 (the classic viewer from the 90s).
Xee is comparable, a very nice and light weight viewer with good zooming/resizing options.
One question, maybe missing: Is it possible to resize the window and have the image shrink with it?
Please fix support for sRGB. Currently pictures exported from Lightroom turn out looking washed out. Preview seems to handle same photos correctly.
Thanks for the much needed software though!