Xee (1000)

1 Name: Mr VacBob!JqK7T7zan. 2005-07-26 13:25 ID:+Fwu3KWy [Del]

I'm using this now, but I'd like it better if it had these features:

  • some way to open a folder from the command line ("open -a Xee ." doesn't work).
  • some way to advance to the next image one-handed on a laptop keyboard, possibly with , and . (obvious joke goes here).

837 Post deleted by user.

838 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2008-04-28 17:58 ID:Heaven [Del]


Hmm, I guess that should be fixed. File a bug on the bug tracker.

839 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-02 22:57 ID:WvpFsU6B [Del]

A possible feature would be to have xee handle finder's thumbnail request for archives (producing a thumbnail for the archive). Great piece of software, btw.

840 Name: fidel : 2008-05-09 12:45 ID:dALlaDPz [Del]


seems like Xee 2.0 is not able to handle Canons raw format completly.

If i use Canon Raw (.cr2) on a EOS 40D Xee is able to handle the images.
If i switch on the EOS to Canon's S-raw (.cr2) Xee is not able to handle the files.

a) Is that a known issue ?
b) If you are interested i can offer some example files. Just tell me what you need to know in detail.

Best regards and thanks for that great viewer

841 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2008-05-10 11:06 ID:BcTCx8CP [Del]


Xee does raw loading through the OS X built-in functions. If you find a file that does open in Preview but not in Xee, then send me an example. If it opens in neither, that's expected behaviour.

842 Name: nico : 2008-05-16 11:49 ID:YxDRJc78 [Del]

This doesn't seem to be an issue with other folks who use Xee, but i would really like to see an image re-sizing feature in Xee (to shrink down large images from their originals--say make a 3000x2000 pixel image 300x200 pixels, for web use.)

does xee already do this? am i missing a feature? or is this not a needed feature for most folks?

it seems very useful to me, for re-sizing of images for web. if i travel without a computer and use someone else's mac, i often need to resize photos for web use, but if the computer i'm using doesn't have photoshop, i'm outta luck for freeware programs that do image resizing.

843 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2008-05-16 13:47 ID:Heaven [Del]


Well, on the one hand, it's a bit outside the scope of an image viewer to do image editing tasks. On the other hand, firing up Photoshop is a royal pain. So I might add it sooner or later.

844 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-19 19:43 ID:Heaven [Del]

Ever try Seashore?

845 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2008-05-20 10:16 ID:Heaven [Del]


I think I tried it once, and concluded like all other similar apps, it is far too much of a toy to ever be of any practical use to me, and keeping it around just to resize images doesn't really win me much over just using Photoshop.

846 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-20 11:35 ID:Heaven [Del]

I use it to do all the stupid little things that it's just too annoying to load Photoshop for, like quick crop, resize, change format, draw a box, etc. stuff. More often than not I have no use for 99.9% of Photoshop's features and something a bit more lobotomized is quite handy to have around, especially since it loads nearly instantly. That said I grew up doing pixel-editing with MS Paint...

847 Post deleted by user.

848 Post deleted by user.

849 Post deleted by user.

850 Name: prometh : 2008-05-22 07:57 ID:CYj0cbXt [Del]


First off, Xee is an awesome product and I think it's absolutely great! However, like everyone, we have our own tastes, and here are 3 requests I have with stars (asterisks) representing my feeling of importance for each.

***** If you press either the next or previous image buttons, the mouse cursor should move to the new button screen position when Xee's window resizes to the image dimensions. Having to move my mouse every time gets annoying, and I like viewing images at their actual size.

**** When opening the first image (that opens the Xee window), it'd be nice if Xee didn't show up with a black background before the image becomes visible. It just looks sloppy.

** An icon pack that more resembles Preview would be cool, to keep in with the Apple feel. I have manually copied in Preview icons, but if such were already done, that'd be better.

851 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2008-05-22 18:14 ID:Heaven [Del]

> If you press either the next or previous image buttons, the mouse cursor should move to the new button screen position when Xee's window resizes to the image dimensions. Having to move my mouse every time gets annoying, and I like viewing images at their actual size.

Moving the mouse pointer is a big no-no in GUI design. I will not do that. With the default settings, the window should not resize when using the toolbar buttons, unless you explicitly changed that in the settings.

> When opening the first image (that opens the Xee window), it'd be nice if Xee didn't show up with a black background before the image becomes visible. It just looks sloppy.

Progressive loading of the image is a feature, not a bug.

> An icon pack that more resembles Preview would be cool, to keep in with the Apple feel. I have manually copied in Preview icons, but if such were already done, that'd be better.

If you can provide some icons that are colour-coded, badged, and distinguishable down to 16 pixel size, I'll put it up.

852 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-23 00:57 ID:Heaven [Del]

> When opening the first image (that opens the Xee window), it'd be nice if Xee didn't show up with a black background before the image becomes visible. It just looks sloppy.

When I open huge files I appreciate how it communicates that the app isn't stalled. Do you want to be left 20 seconds without any sort of feedback?

853 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-30 14:36 ID:lWxNf7bl [Del]


I don't want to install The Unarchiver, and I don't want anything associated with those files.

854 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2008-06-01 05:19 ID:Heaven [Del]


RCDefaultApp can set associations to a dummy app if you absolutely want. That's the only way to stop OS X automatically associating files with apps that can open them.

855 Name: Richard Yapeter : 2008-06-05 21:33 ID:4eZn1Dq4 [Del]

I'm replying about Canon RAW formats (also for other brand camera RAW)

Canon latest camera 40D and 450D raw are saved with .cr2 however it's different compression make them unreadable until update.

Since Xee depending on OSX Raw support. You can download the "Digital Camera RAW Support update" from apple website.

So RAW problem is not there because of Xee but because camera developer keep making new format and using same extention

856 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2008-06-06 03:40 ID:Heaven [Del]


Actually, the format is probably the same, but the problem is that there are differences between the sensors in the different cameras that use the same format, and this data about the sensors is not stored in the file, so the loading program has to be updated for each new camera.

It's not exactly a good design.

857 Name: GlassONionZ : 2008-06-10 18:44 ID:AUsYJ8k/ [Del]

Gracias! Thanks for this great piece of software.

Is it possible to implement in Xee a Lanzcos or a Bicubic interpolation for zooming small images? When Xee3? Thanks again.

858 Name: ConfusedUser : 2008-06-16 18:15 ID:dXfPjx8U [Del]

Why is it when I rotate a jpeg image from my camera and save losslessly that the resulting file is smaller than the original?

859 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2008-06-17 04:39 ID:Heaven [Del]


How much smaller? The embedded thumbnail is re-generated from scratch, so if the camera makes a very high-quality thumbnail, that could be it.

860 Post deleted by user.

861 Post deleted by user.

862 Name: ConfusedUser : 2008-06-17 06:41 ID:dXfPjx8U [Del]


Before IMG_0398.JPG 1.1 MB (1,126,799)
After IMG_0398.JPG 1.1 MB (1,126,435)

Before IMG_0399.JPG 1.2 MB (1,263,499)
After IMG_0399.JPG 1.2 MB (1,263,422)

The camera is a Canon Powershot A510 3.2 Megapixels.

863 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2008-06-17 13:41 ID:Heaven [Del]


Yeah, a difference that small would just be because of the new thumbnail.

864 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2008-06-17 13:42 ID:Heaven [Del]

(Also, I haven't looked into the details, but the Huffman compression step of the JPEG may turn out slightly different after you rotate the image, so that would also affect the file size slightly.)

865 Name: ConfusedUser : 2008-06-17 15:45 ID:dXfPjx8U [Del]


I guess I was just assuming the term "lossless" meant "lossless" obviously it doesn't mean absolutely "lossless". Thanks.

866 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-18 01:31 ID:Heaven [Del]

what do you think "lossless" means if not "not losing any information"?
the thumbnail shouldn't contain any information not in the actual image.

867 Post deleted by user.

868 Name: ConfusedUser : 2008-06-18 13:14 ID:dXfPjx8U [Del]

Well, if you're rotating an image and it's "lossless" shouldn't the size stay the same? If it's getting smaller, then isn't it losing information? Maybe I'm just not understanding the concept, but to my mind it should stay the same size, shouldn't it?

869 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2008-06-18 13:40 ID:Heaven [Del]


> Well, if you're rotating an image and it's "lossless" shouldn't the size stay the same?

No. First because of the thumbnail, as already explained, and also because JPEG does both lossy and lossless compression. The lossless transforms do not affect the lossy step, but they do affect the lossless step. The lossless compression will output differently sized files with differently transformed input.

870 Name: ConfusedUser : 2008-06-18 13:49 ID:dXfPjx8U [Del]

To my way of thinking if it does lossless rotation and the only thing you do is rotate the photo then the size shouldn't change. But, since it does, then either is not lossless OR I don't understand OR there's something else going on with a lossless rotation.

871 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-18 16:45 ID:Mz1m6iS1 [Del]

Ive installed everything correctly but Im getting a problem when I point my browser to domain.com/wakaba.pl

It redirects to wakaba.html (which doesnt exist) and gives me an error. Whats up?

872 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-19 04:34 ID:Heaven [Del]

This isn't the wakaba support thread. Learn to read please.

873 Name: flapane : 2008-06-24 00:53 ID:tNlGUPRb [Del]

Hi and thanks for this great app!
Any news on colour management? I still have to use it together with Preview.app and this bothers...

874 Name: aabhay : 2008-07-05 17:40 ID:hsaVP2LP [Del]

posted this on the support thread as well, but I dunno which one is checked more often...

I really like your application, I am just wondering if it is possible to assign the trackpad-scroll function to be for moving the image around instead of to move back and forth between pictures. I tried messing with the keyboard assignment configuration, but I was never able to get it to work. I don't even know how to assign a shortcut to left and right scrolling, so that's out of the picture. However, up-and-down scrolling never worked for me, either.

875 Name: andrabr : 2008-07-10 19:52 ID:Hs1QnPTf [Del]

Image resize is the only missing feature.
Please? Pretty please?

876 Name: User : 2008-07-28 17:35 ID:vpQJcfE5 [Del]

Please consider adding the following features:

Set image as wallpaper, as in Justlooking and Safari.

Start the window centered, it is a bit anoying that the window is out of center when a pic is opened.

When closing with X add an option to completely quit the program instead of staying in the background.

877 Name: dfa : 2008-07-29 13:25 ID:O1ykj9tF [Del]

please make it work exactly like the PC app called ACDSee (v.2.45)

878 Name: mike : 2008-08-02 20:05 ID:kA3qJ3aH [Del]


How about a new version??? Current one is extremely buggy! A new version is much needed!

879 Name: jan : 2008-08-06 02:13 ID:6Fv6Y3p9 [Del]

would be good to have print support!

880 Name: Lee : 2008-08-25 06:11 ID:GXU/WeOp [Del]

I was looking for a lossless JPEG crop application and this one was very close to what I wanted, but it lacks some critical features to make this usable:

1, Pixel grid co-ordinates. I cannot accurately position the mouse cursor precisely where I need it to make a good crop without referring to X & Y co-ordinates.
2, Crop lock aspect ratio. If I want to crop at 1:1 (i.e. a square), or a custom aspect ratio.
3, Zoom pan. If I'm zoomed into a image to make an accurate crop, I would like to drag the cursor to the opposite end of an image and have the image pan within the application window.


881 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2008-08-26 04:37 ID:Heaven [Del]


For 1, the crop borders are automatically set to the nearest blocks on those edges where it matters when saving (and you get to pick whether it should expand or contract the cropping area). There's no UI for it because I haven't figured out a good and easy-to-use one. Displaying a grid isn't really it - remember that only two of the edges need to be aligned, not all of them, and which two depend on the lossless rotation of the image.

For 3, arrow keys work for panning while cropping as a workaround.

882 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-08 04:41 ID:qhpSoMGY [Del]


I use xee as my primary image viewer, and it is definitly great !

I have on suggestion to make it even greater for my use :
I often have to present images to people using a projector. I don't like having windows and any sort of mess displayed. The screen should be showing a content or black (the background image of the screen is black).

So my suggestion is to add a preference to display fullscreen images on a secondary screen if available.

This would be a really simple modification :

  • An NSMatrix of 2 radio buttons in preference letting the user choose "Display on current window's screen" (tag 0), and "Display on secondary screen if available" (tag 1).
  • The selected ID bounded to use default "fullScreenDestination"
  • in the code, file xeeController, "fullscreen" IBAction,

line :
[fullscreenwindow setFrame:[[window screen] frame] display:NO];

replaced with
NSScreen *destinationScreen;
if ([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] integerForKey:@"fullScreenDestination"] == 0)

destinationScreen = [window screen];


destinationScreen = [[NSScreen screens] lastObject];

[fullscreenwindow setFrame:[destinationScreen frame] display:NO];

and boom, that's done !

For my usage, it would be really great !
Indeed, I compiled a version with this modification for my own usage (I'll use the feature during a presentation next week).

Thanks for this great piece of software !

883 Name: freediverx : 2008-09-16 18:12 ID:bR415B// [Del]

Any chance of an upgrade sometime soon? It's been a long while...

884 Name: DanW : 2008-09-18 12:09 ID:0ie0QcXs [Del]

Just want to let you know that Xee is simply the best image viewer for me. It's faster than any other viewer to load, it allows me to quickly scroll through large images with the arrow keys without any delay, the zoom is instantly responsive...what else can I say...oh yes, please release an updated build with the latest fixes and features :) !!! Thanks ! Well done, keep up the good work !

885 Name: D : 2008-09-24 00:01 ID:+cRsnmKP [Del]

xee won't let me sort the order of the files by date. i went into preferences and changed the default sort order but still comes out sorted by name. could someone please help me?

886 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2008-09-24 04:02 ID:Heaven [Del]


Yeah, that's a known bug, sorry. Hopefully I'll have some time to finish a new version and get that sorted out.

887 Name: D : 2008-09-24 14:43 ID:+cRsnmKP [Del]

thanks for the reply. i'll be looking forward to it.

888 Name: ic0n : 2008-10-04 20:13 ID:krlLv5mn [Del]


I'd like to see this too (resize window to fit width only, it'd make viewing comics/manga easier. Other than that, Xee is perfect.

889 Name: starlancer : 2008-10-08 06:49 ID:YtKOwb7M [Del]

I really want to like Xee, but there is one problem.
Xee doesn't support ColorManagement. Like this it is not usable for me and for a lot of other users too.

Please fix this and Xee will be perfect!

890 Name: torben : 2008-10-08 14:49 ID:CNppjerl [Del]

yeah, please, make it colormanaged!

891 Name: Rigido : 2008-10-12 14:29 ID:HX4wHK0s [Del]

I'm just another happy Xee user that decided to write here to ask why Xee saves RAW (Canon CR2) files on a wrong, and unusable, way.
I really like how Xee "reads" and shows CR2 files and I think it would be great (for me needs) to use it on a workflow to convert all of the CR2 files on a given directory to JPG or whatever.
Is it a know bug?

892 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2008-10-17 07:39 ID:L4e87LFG [Del]


You're going to have to actually tell me what the problem is before I can answer that.

893 Name: Roger : 2008-10-18 14:47 ID:ONLHR4iP [Del]

I just updated to Xee 2 after I found out that 1.2.1 has a bug when rotating images. At least I found that part of the left side of the image was moved to the right. Xee 2 works like it should, but suddenly the autosave is gone. Can you make this optional?

Another great option would be to be able to browse ODF files (OpenOffice), which are just zips with a specific file structure. Images inside documents are saved as PNG. Same goes for JAR files.

Thanks anyway! I really use it a lot to browse my images.

894 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2008-10-19 13:46 ID:Heaven [Del]

> but suddenly the autosave is gone.

I've been meaning to fix this for some time. It'll hopefully be back in the next version as an option.

> Another great option would be to be able to browse ODF files (OpenOffice), which are just zips with a specific file structure. Images inside documents are saved as PNG. Same goes for JAR files.

If so, they should open if you just drop them on the Xee icon, I think.

895 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-19 14:43 ID:zqcxQThQ [Del]

I'm just curious, will xee get support for multi touch rotation and zoom or is it something only preview supports?

anyways, great app!

896 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2008-10-19 16:15 ID:Heaven [Del]


I'd love to add that, but that would require me to actually have a machine that has a multi-touch pad.

897 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-23 20:26 ID:Heaven [Del]

Huh, I thought you had a powerbook...

898 Name: WernerS : 2008-11-04 14:58 ID:ELWgOhez [Del]

I wonder why I can't use Xee 2.0 to delete pictures on CF cards or on a NAS Device. Deleting them with the finder works and deleting files on the local drive works with Xee.
The external volumes have no trashcan...
Nice app though!

899 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2008-11-05 09:16 ID:Heaven [Del]


Yes, that should be fixed in the development version already.

900 Name: Rigido : 2008-11-07 14:59 ID:BR9FT4Nr (Image: 1280x852 png, 2736 kb) [Del]

src/1226098784809.png: 1280x852, 2736 kb

I'm the writer of post 891. The attached image is from a CR2 file opened with Xee and saved to PNG from the "File -> Save as.." menu.

901 Name: Rigido : 2008-11-07 15:05 ID:BR9FT4Nr (Image: 1280x853 jpg, 249 kb) [Del]

src/1226099151017.jpg: 1280x853, 249 kb

Just tried with TIFF format (compressed or not) and the results are the same. Just for reference here it is the original jpg image (I shot RAW+JPG)...

902 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2008-11-08 05:21 ID:BcTCx8CP [Del]


I need the actual file that causes the problem in order to find the bug.

903 Name: WernerS : 2008-11-08 09:53 ID:DWcNM3K2 [Del]


That sounds good. Is the development version already available so I can verify the fix?

904 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2008-11-08 15:23 ID:Heaven [Del]


You can TRY to check it out from SVN and build it, but I can't guarantee it would go smoothly, as the only active developer is myself and I've done zero testing that it builds on other machines than mine.

905 Post deleted by moderator.

906 Name: Fou-Lu!Id1gMYGA52!!UIR4DE3n : 2008-11-09 06:33 ID:9StMqmVK [Del]

>>905 Mother fuck, not spam

907 Name: Anonymous : 2008-11-09 09:44 ID:LwGs9smc [Del]

First I'd like to recommend/request two things regarding zoom:

  • An option to fit the smallest side of a picture to the size of the display. Basically, enlarge or reduce so that the whole screen is filled and the picture can only be scrolled on its longest side. I hope you won't think this is just power-user cruft - with all the pictures in 4:3 and 16:9, and all the displays in 5:4 and 16:10, there would be many possible uses for it.
  • An option to smooth (preferably aggressively) on upscale. I frequently find the 150% zoom useful, but the jaggies are really strong at this specific scale.

And a performance issue problem you probably know about, but which I didn't find ITT: when a folder contains enough image files, the first picture takes a long time to load, and after a deletion or move, going two pictures forward takes just as long (since the 1st is cached).
In my case folders with 3000 pictures are not unusual at all. In such folders each reload takes 6 seconds on a recent Mac Pro: that's difficult to use it for fast manual batch selection of pictures. It's frustrating since the shortcut system, the copy/move shelf, and the "skip 100" options otherwise make Xee so suitable for this kind of heavy lifting.

908 Name: Anonymous : 2008-11-09 10:19 ID:Heaven [Del]

contrary to what "Fou-Lu" says, that does appear to be spam.

909 Name: Anonymous : 2008-11-09 16:40 ID:Heaven [Del]

Highly persistent spam, at that. They've been spamming that site for months on various boards, and use different URL redirectors every time.

910 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2008-11-09 16:51 ID:Heaven [Del]


The new version should be a lot faster when there are lots of files, I hope.

As for the others, I'm not sure about the smallest side scaling - I don't even know how to describe that in the UI, which is a sure sign it might not be all that useful. Smoothing on upscale is tricky - the default OpenGL upscale is pretty ugly, and a better algorithm would have to be implemented as a pixel shader. Possible, but probably not something I'd do any time soon.

911 Name: Anonymous : 2008-11-09 18:05 ID:Heaven [Del]

I think "pan & scan" is the accurate way of describing it, but one that most users don't know. Maybe a couple of commands (or modes) to "fit horizontally" or "fit vertically" could be a more intuitive way of describing what I recommended?

912 Name: Samuel : 2008-11-12 19:59 ID:AMOjBBUF [Del]

I have set Xee as my default viewer for GIF's this is what I really need it for. However, it would be nice if there were a quicklook plug-in that accompanied the software so Leopard users could view GIFs in their full animation glory when the need to.

Any chance of a GIF quicklook plug-in?

913 Name: fidel : 2008-11-13 11:16 ID:uIFyPm6j [Del]


i am wondering why Xee has no print-dialog.

Xee is my fav. image-viewer, but in some cases it would be great to be able to print something, without being forced to reopen the file in preview or whatever other application to print it.

As i am just writing herE: Thanks for this great application.

914 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2008-11-13 14:46 ID:Heaven [Del]


Main reason? Because I don't have a decent photo printer. Secondary reason? Because printing is hard. Just throwing an image at a printer will not very likely get you a good result. Printing needs lots of tweaking, and I don't really feel like implementing that. You're much better of using a dedicated app for doing that.

Also, you can use the "Open in Editor" option to make it easier to reload in another app.

915 Name: Fou-Lu!Id1gMYGA52!!UIR4DE3n : 2008-11-18 13:10 ID:WKGH3h6/ [Del]

I was saying "not again".

916 Name: larzon : 2008-11-19 08:08 ID:Mml5vQWB [Del]

any news on the ColorManagement? That would be awesome ;)

917 Name: larzon : 2008-11-19 08:10 ID:Mml5vQWB [Del]

any news on the ColorManagement? That would be awesome ;)

918 Name: 907 : 2008-11-21 04:44 ID:Heaven [Del]

For the zoom up thing, found out it depends on the video card, Intel GMA 950 (macbook) and Nvidia Geforce 8800 GT are jaggy and unfiltered, but ATI Radeon HD 2600 will filter upscales. The result at 150% is definitely nicer than unfiltered, but over 200% it is arguably worse. (So my having both cards in my machine "solves" my "problem", lol)


> Any chance of a GIF quicklook plug-in?

That's not related to Xee I think. But from looking inside the QL generators I use it looks like they output HTML, so if you care to do it yourself it may be pretty trivial to do.

919 Post deleted by user.

920 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2008-12-02 12:51 ID:BcTCx8CP [Del]


Xee already has configurable keyboard shortcuts, and several different keys for going backwards.

921 Name: sijitsma : 2008-12-05 15:12 ID:eFyu9MtL [Del]

Excellent app, thanks so much. I've been recently hacking through Preview with Applescript to allow me to navigate through a folder and look at images without having to preload the whole directory, and Xee does it perfectly!

Well done, keep up the great work!

922 Name: phc : 2008-12-07 08:14 ID:wzQsxd1y [Del]

Would be nice to have EXIF info (date shot, GPS...) displayed (optional) somewhere in tehh status bar (cumbersome to open CMD-I each time)

923 Name: Anonymous : 2008-12-11 08:12 ID:eC2ojgP2 [Del]

I'd like to put in another vote for recursive subdirectory loading. I sometimes do

find . -type d -exec open -a Xee {} \;

but that doesn't work very well with large directory trees.

924 Name: Anonymous : 2008-12-11 19:07 ID:Heaven [Del]


find . -type d -print0 | xargs -0 open -a Xee

Much more efficient, as it spawns a lot fewer processes.

925 Name: Anonymous : 2008-12-12 06:05 ID:Heaven [Del]


find . -type d -exec open -a Xee {} + \;

926 Name: Joshua : 2009-01-08 00:28 ID:f0lXWUzH [Del]

I'm a former ACDSee user having a devil of a time finding these two features that I enjoyed so much in ACDSee v5:

1. Separate panes for viewing folders vs files ... so you can click on an expandable file directory list in the left pane, and, in the right pane, see all the relevant thumbnails for the selected folder.

It's amazing how much time this saves, having two panes (one for browsing and one for previewing) when you're looking for a particular photograph. Yet I can't find it anywhere in the Mac world.

2. A slideshow with cross-fade, variable delay between images, and the ability to choose a sub-set of images (by command-clicking on the filenames) to be shown in the sideshow.

I've been looking for days for anything that meets these fairly basic criteria, but can't find it anywhere in one application.

One thing I have found is hundreds of people clamoring -- begging, really -- for more ACDSee-like functionality on the Mac. And actually ACDSee says they're releasing a beta version of their Pro software for the mac, but it's likely to cost well over $100 once it gets released.

It will also be filled with tons of image editing options that I could care less about, as a Photoshop user. I just want a better interface for enjoying my final photos -- which means finding and viewing them in a slideshow.

So I started wondering how hard it would be to just write the damned thing myself. I design interfaces and code PHP professionally but have no experience with Cocoa or desktop applications.

And then I realized your software was open source, and you've got about 50% of the features I'm looking for already. What you have so far looks clean and performs well, so maybe you're the perfect person to team up with.

So with that in mind, what's the chance that I could either:

1. Get some tips and coaching about how to add these features myself, or

2. Pay you or someone else a reasonable fee to add these features to your software

Please let me know.

You an reach me directly at joshua at atlaswebdev dawt com.

Having tried a half-dozen image viewers over the past week, I can say yours is probably the most elegant I've found. I'd love to see these new features get added soon.

927 Name: Anonymous : 2009-01-09 04:21 ID:LwGs9smc [Del]

I hope you're not talking about the sort of "features" that mean I'll have to cling to my Xee 2.0 version in the same way I make sure to always have an Acdsee 3 archive available.

928 Name: mike : 2009-01-10 00:20 ID:kA3qJ3aH [Del]

Is Xee dead? Xee 2 was released over a year ago, there's a ton of unresolved issues in the bug tracker and there's simply no updates.

Xee is pretty nifty but it crashes a lot! I've been using it for 2 months and I've had about 4 crashes PER DAY with it. Simply awful.

Here's one of the crash reports I saw few minutes ago: http://pastie.org/357220

The developer should just come out and say that this app is dead and not leave us waiting for YEARS.

929 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2009-01-11 05:22 ID:Heaven [Del]


I am a single developer, and I have a job and university to deal with too. Have some patience.

Also, that's a bug from exifparse, which causes crashes on broken EXIF data. It's fixed in the development version, but if you really get a lot of crashes from it you should find out where you are getting images with broken EXIF data.

930 Name: mike : 2009-01-15 01:08 ID:kA3qJ3aH [Del]

I'm sorry! I was just frustrated so I might have come off harshly :(

I just compiled Xee myself (from SVN) and there's no more crashes! Thanks!

If anyone else is having EXIF crashes, you can grab this version: http://rapidshare.com/files/183548361/Xee_2.1Aplha4.zip

Until the official one comes out...

931 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2009-01-15 09:31 ID:Heaven [Del]

There are obviously no guarantees that that version will work as it's supposed to, but I don't think there are any major stumbling blocks right now.

932 Name: mike : 2009-01-15 23:32 ID:kA3qJ3aH (Image: 427x512 jpg, 57 kb) [Del]

src/1232091174945.jpg: 427x512, 57 kb

Me again :)

I found a crash in the SVN version. It seems that EXIF is to blame again. Here's the crash log:


and the pic that's causing it is here: http://img133.imageshack.us/img133/7659/1231560289391fy8.jpg

But this version is MUCH, MUCH more stable than the 2.0! It's now a pleasure to use. :)

Thanks again!

933 Name: Poison : 2009-01-16 06:12 ID:Mlj6qKhQ [Del]

In my opinion, Xee is a nice app except the icon. XD
For some special needed, I do a bit modification in the svn source to add remote controller support and prevent my mac from sleeping while it is performing slideshow.
Remote controller function:
Play: Slideshow
Menu: Fullscreen
Vol+: Slideshow delay +
Vol-: Slideshow delay -
Next: Next image
Previous: Previous image
Xee-svn-r28+patch Usernal Binary
Source Patch:
Source Patch File

934 Post deleted by user.

935 Name: Mario : 2009-01-18 13:39 ID:j8WVFyet [Del]

I installed Xee on my brother's G3 500MHz Dual USB iBook but it crashes stating:

iBook:~ mladen$ /Applications/Xee.app/Contents/MacOS/Xee; exit
dyld: incompatible cpu-subtype
Trace/BPT trap
[Process completed]

Is there any way to fix it so that Xee can ride on G3? I'd really like to show him Xee as he's new to Mac and Xee is my only weapon of choice :)

936 Name: Anonymous : 2009-01-19 04:29 ID:Heaven [Del]

he's new to macs and all he's got is a G3?

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