I'm using this now, but I'd like it better if it had these features:
yes, that did it!
(though its strange, that one cannot turn off
antialias when viewing no picture, had to first
load an png).
there is a way to force an application to use
rosetta, just by turning rosetta on (if the
app is universal) in the "get info" window.
i'll now try xee in rosetta and antialias ON.
if it crash, this is my last message for today :)
well, it really "crashed" even with rosetta!..
and cmd+tab doesnt work neither.
So then it's the OpenGL antialiaser that's broken. Sigh, it'll be a pain trying to debug it without the hardware to test it on...
sorry for finding a bug :p :p
if there is anything i can do, just write.
i'll try to check this forum regularly.
great app!
but why is no german localisation available? i could do the translation if you want. ichat: fajaekel
Once 2.0 is nearing completion, I'll probably request some translations. I'll try to keep you in mind for then.
I can make the spanish location
Ibane just beat me to offering help with Spanish localization. :)
I've been hunting for a real ACDSee replacement for years now, and I only found Xee today sigh. Thanks for this wonderfully useful application.
There is any way to change the scroll wheel behaviour? I have a mighty mouse and i like to use the mini ball to pan the image when zoomed. Using it for changing images it's a bit hard and I don't use it at all..
wanted to try a universal version for my macbook and downloaded Xee2.0_alpha_2.zip
sadly, it crashes my macbook everytime :((
Read the earlier posts in the thread - the antialiaser breaks on Intel Macs for some reason. You have to turn it off either by opening a small image and using the menus.
hey i love this app been looking for something to replace preview for about two years this is amazing and fast even with large images.. i have been using iview media pro but i think this makes muchmore sense to me amazing software and thanks for making it freeware...
i have a couple of suggestions for usability
mabey make a drawer function like preview on the side or the bottom so you can click between images..
and mabey a control bar in full screen that you can hide
if ound a contextual image viewer thats pretty good but not as good as xee its called picturepoppro its worth alook for ideas
thanks again im telling everyone about this app..
also i saw someone mention side track for the scroll pad functionality I use iscroll wich is freeware and amazing as well
thanks again awesome
I'm not really very interested in having a thumbnail view, because the finder already shows thumbnails, and it'd just waste processing power for images that don't have built-in thumbnails.
A control bar in fullscreen would be nice, but I have a lot of other stuff I need done before that.
Automatic rotation actually modifies the file? That's really a bad idea. I don't expect a viewer to alter my files.
Hello again,
Is there a way to have xee open only the files i put on it's icon instead of making a list of files that there are in the same folder of the file i put on it?
I mean, the preview behaviour instead of the "Windows image viewer" behaviour..
Maybe an option to get the dropped images or the image in the same folder? No?
Can you improve "Xee Document Files" icons? At 44px size I can hardly recognize BMP from EC and EXR from DR...
Maybe make file type letters bigger, or embed specific 48px, 32px and 16px size icons? I think each icon could have several sizes embedded.
Quitting from fullscreen causes a crash in the latest beta.
Thanks, I think I was vaguely aware of that but had forgotten.
If you (and anyone else) want to be helpful, make a bug report at http://code.google.com/p/xee/issues/list, and I will be less likely to forget again.
Looks like this dude did some more artwork tweaks of Xee. http://www.artofadambetts.com/weblog/?p=119
Mention of this made it into a TUAW article (how I found out about it). http://www.tuaw.com/2006/08/22/betts-mods-your-mac/
I'm sorry, look a little bit closer at what?
The "dude" you're talking about is the same who posted the icons here :)
I'm aware of that. Should I have written "Looks like you did some more artwork?" That would have been confusing.
Anyway, uh, on topic⦠Is Google Code's hosting thinger any good?
It can't be any worse than free hosting on sourceforge.
It had a shaky start but it's apparently working better now. Their bug tracker is actually kind of usable, as opposed to every other bug tracker in existence. The design of it is pleasantly minimalist. The project's headed by the usual kind of thin-skinned and arrogant open-source developers.
Short, declarative sentences.
Really good software ! I was looking for that for a very long long time ! it was the last thing my PC friends was laughing at me...
A few improvment idea :
Anyway, thanks a lot, it's really a big step forward for mac users :+)
Problems displaying huge tiff files. I have 2 screenshots to see the differences, where can i send them?
>>294 this board has an upload feature, just below the comment box.
this is the first picture is viewed with Mac os internal Preview. It looks good, attached.
this is the same picture, is viewed with Xee, there is major differences from Preview. look for yourself. print screen with details about the picture included.
How does it look if you open it with Quicktime.app?
With Quicktime the same file looks the same as Xee. Meening bad. Here is the screen shot.
Well, that explains the problem - Xee first tries to load images it can't load itself with Quicktime, and apparently Quicktime gets it wrong.
Ideally, you'd report this to Apple and they would fix it. Realistically, I'm not sure they would do much about it for a long time.
Alternatively, I'd have to force Xee to load TIFFs with NSImage or ImageIO.framework, but I am not sure how well that handles other features like multi-layer TIFF. So basically, it's a tricky problem to solve.
Even more ideally, I would write my own TIFF loader that would always do the right thing, but practically, I don't have the time to do this, since TIFF is a horribly complex format. Although maybe LibTIFF could do it...
So sorry, I don't have a simple solution. I'll think about it. In the meanwhile, you could try reporting the bug in Quicktime to Apple, and see if they bother doing anything about it.
Thank you for your answers. I will try to get to Apple with Quicktime problem but also i hope to see Xee doing the right job.
Thanks again.
Thank you for this great application, I remapped the keys to my likings and always use it to browse through photos just downloaded from my camera. I like the possibility to set zoom to 1:1 pixel with a keypress, and then scroll around with the mouse. And it's fast!
I'd like to try 2.0 alpha, but I have a question: will it overwrite my current Xee preferences and/or make them unusable with 1.x versions? In other words, can I have both versions installed at the same time without them interferring with each other?
I'd also like to be able to see current image's exif data (e.g. in a popup window when in full screen) by pressing a key... would it be hard to add such a feature?
You can use them both side by side - 2.0 adds some new preferences, but doesn't break the old ones. And I am actually working on EXIF right now.
Small interface bug report:
Tested with version 2.0 alpha 2 on PPC
On the Copy/Move drawer, when dragging an item off the list and pressing escape while still dragging, the item is removed from the list. The expected behavior would be for that element to snap back in place (it's that way everywhere else and I think it's mentioned in the HIG).
Anyway, I really like the direction Xee is taking. With all those feature requests, it's nice to see that you don't intend to go all ACDSee on it in the next versions.
I asked people in Apple forum about those TIFF files. Quicktime can't display CYMK images, only RGB ones. This is it: http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=623165&tstart=15
implement simple thumbnail mode and simple folder bar and you created the best image browser ever!
Thumbs up!
I checked the new beta on my intel-macbook
Looks good..., but it crashes when I try to rotate a picture (rainbow-ball and I need to restart)
PS: I don't want/need a thumbnail mode - there are enough picture viewers with this feature and that's why I like Xee ;)
Probably the same problem as everyone else, turn off antialiasing in View -> Antialiasing.
Next version will have it off by default unless I can find an intel mac to debug it on. I really don't think it should even be possible to cause a bug like that, though, so I'm going to put some blame for that on Apple and buggy drivers.
Testing v2 beta on OS 10.4.7 PPC (iBook G4 1GHz), seems ok but it looks slower than 1.x when browsing pictures: I usually drag a photo folder on the application icon and then browse through photos one at a time, and with v2 very often I see a black area at the bottom of the screen immediately after advancing to the next photo, which is then filled up with the corresponding photo part; looks as if the photo still has to be completely drawn (or loaded?) when I'm already viewing it.
This didn't happen with v1.x. I tried deactivating antialiasing but it made no difference.
With 1.x, you'd just have seen a completely black screen for about the same amount of time. I'm trying to get progressive loading working properly so you can see the picture as it loads.
Well yes with 1.2.1 sometimes I see a black screen for a brief moment, but I can assure you that, globally, browsing the same folder with 1.2.1 is clearly much faster than it is with 2.0 alpha 2 (without antialiasing).
Maybe the 2.0 code is not optimized yet?
Ah, I turned off antialiasing and now it works (rotating images)!
Thank you very much ;)))
Some quick testing on just the JPEG loading code I did earlier showed that it is slightly faster than that in 1.2. However, I think that was testing code from later than alpha 2. Whenever I finally finish the next version, try again and see how it seems.
The alpha 2 causes my whole system to freeze and I need to reboot.
hope you get a intelmac to develop on soon.
great little tool. would love to have a simple slideshow-function like irfanview. zooming pictures looks quite bad compared to other tools. any way to improve that by some s-spline code or something like that?
Read the earlier posts about how to work around that.
No, it's not that easy, since the drawing is done with OpenGL. The 2.0 alpha has some trickery to produce prettier zoomed out pictures, though.
If you're referring to the zoomed in pictures, those are intentionally left pixelized, because I, at least, want to actually see the pixels in a picture when I zoom it.
How do we keep the "auto rotate" setting? There is no point in having to do that for every picture. It should remain the setting!
Just thought I'd upload a universal version of Xee 1.2.1. I couldn't find one and I can't stand the Rosetta load time. YUV decoding doesn't seem to work so go into prefs > advanced and set it to use RGB.
Here's a link:
Can't wait for the anti-aliasing build, though I checked out preview and it doesn't seem to anti-alias either. It only seems to do that for PDF documents. Xee alpha 2 crashed my Intel Mac too as soon as it launched. You'd have thought there would be some way that the system would auto-recover from a graphics driver crash.
Sorry about using Rapidshare. For those of you who don't know how to use it, you have to click the button that says free and then wait for the timer to count down and then input a code. It should download the zipped program that is about 1MB in size.
--please forgive my poor english--
hi, i really like your app, it's great.
i have some suggestions. i noticed xee when i was searching an qiv alternative for the mac. so i would be really happy with some shell support like qiv. for example something like xee find . -name "*.jpg"
to function would be great. (i found an workaround with open but it doesn't open all the pics given on the command line - just one and you can then browse the folder). another interesting feature would be an open dialog like the "go to folder" (don't know exactly the english local.) in the finder with path completion. i could think of much more... ;-)
thanks for the app! keep on coding.
There's a lot more than YUV that doesn't work. I'm pretty sure 32-bit PNGs won't work right either, and probably a bunch of other stuff.
To make alpha 2 work, run this in Terminal:defaults write cx.c3.xee antialiasQuality 0
Xee won't open several windows for files in the same directory by default. You can change this in the preferences if you prefer it to always open new windows.
I just tested some 32-bit PNGs and they work ok. So far, I haven't found any problems compared to the PPC versionapart from YUV but I'll post if I find anything. I'd like to use alpha 2 but I don't want to rely on a preference to prevent my system crashing.
On the subject of the anti-aliasing, are you using the same techinques that games designers use for FSAA? Surely there must be a way to prevent it from crashing the system in order to debug it.
I also found this about OpenGL antialiasing:
Texture AA would work since you are dealing with quads.
Here's some Apple documentation on FSAA. You probably know about this stuff already but I thought I'd post it just in case:
No, FSAA is pretty weak for antialiasing, and it's not supported on older cards anyway. I use other trickery, but there isn't really anything in there that should be able to crash the system, except maybe that I use all texture units. Of course, nothing should be able to crash the system in the first place, so something is definitely strange.
you misunderstood me, sorry.
the behaviour not to open many windows is good. what i wanted was something like a playlist - not just looping through the directory. maybe giving xee a file as playlist, or - as i meant - to give xee in the Terminal some files as argument: xee /dir1/file1.jpg /dir2/file2.jpg /dir2/file3.jpg /dir3/file4.jpg ...
Hi, I have a need for an image viewer that does something a little different from what Xee does -- unless I'm overlooking something. I sometimes use JSTOR, which is a service that serves scanned pages of old journals in GIF or JPEG format. I can save pages into a folder and then use a viewer to read them offline. Problem is, Xee opens images sized to fit the screen. So I have to cmd-0 to make the page legible, then arrow up to top of screen and start reading. At end of page I go to the next page... and Xee sizes it to the screen again, so I have to cmd-0 and arrow up to the top again, for every page. What I'd like is really two things: (1) once I've established a magnification, use it for all subsequent images unless I change it, and (2) concomitant with that, when I go to the next page, I want to be looking at the TOP of the next page (and for previous page, the BOTTOM of the page). I can understand why one might not want that mode of operation when looking at a folder full of pictures, but for this particular case of looking at scanned articles, Xee's behavior is annoying. So I guess I either need an "article mode" in Xee, or a different viewer. Suggestions?
Hi, I have a need for an image viewer that does something a little different from what Xee does -- unless I'm overlooking something. I sometimes use JSTOR, which is a service that serves scanned pages of old journals in GIF or JPEG format. I can save pages into a folder and then use a viewer to read them offline. Problem is, Xee opens images sized to fit the screen. So I have to cmd-0 to make the page legible, then arrow up to top of screen and start reading. At end of page I go to the next page... and Xee sizes it to the screen again, so I have to cmd-0 and arrow up to the top again, for every page. What I'd like is really two things: (1) once I've established a magnification, use it for all subsequent images unless I change it, and (2) concomitant with that, when I go to the next page, I want to be looking at the TOP of the next page (and for previous page, the BOTTOM of the page). I can understand why one might not want that mode of operation when looking at a folder full of pictures, but for this particular case of looking at scanned articles, Xee's behavior is annoying. So I guess I either need an "article mode" in Xee, or a different viewer. Suggestions?
View -> Automatic Zoom.
Sorry about the duplicate post; the board was acting weird yesterday. Maybe it always acts weird. We'll see.
I hadn't noticed the Automatic Zoom menu option (I'd been looking in Preferences). With that turned off, it does something like what I want. Not quite. It opens each new image at unit magnification, centered on the top leftmost part of the image. What I would like is for the new image to open at the same magnification as was used for the previous image. (I realized I talked about using cmd-0 on each page, but that was just an example; for some texts that is not be the ideal magnification.) And, ideally but not critically, when going back a page, it would centered on the bottom rightmost part of the image.
ALSO -- is there a way to turn off the "feature" where scrolling selects later/earlier images? I hate that. On my MacBook I'm so used to the idea that 2-finger dragging on the trackpad scrolls window content downward that I find myself doing it without thinking in Xee, instead of using the arrow keys... and I find myself looking at some later image in the folder rather than a lower part of the same image.
I saw that you've been unable to reproduce my crash when quitting from fullscreen in 2.0 alpha 2. It's consistent for me, so here's a screen of the crash report. It looks like a NULL dereference.
I'd respond on the Google page, but I don't have an account.
I think it might have been fixed by some changes I made in the current development version. When I finally get alpha 3 ready, try reporting back if the crash is still there or not.
(PS: _deallocHardCore: is the best method name ever.)
Hi, I love XEE, but I have an intel iMac (Core 2 Duo) I compiled a universal binary with XCode, but .jpg files are wierd looking.
(look @ attachment)
I opened a .png file, and it worked fine.
Thanks for you help.
Here's what it's supposed to look like.
Yes, that is why 1.2 is not Universal. You'll have to wait for 2.0, which will still take some time. There is an alpha version available, but you'll have to disable antialiasing or it will crash your machine. Check older posts in this thread.
Xee is simple and efficient, Yeah! :-)
just one request , view an edit keywords (i.e. spotlight search)
Can you do that?
hew i tried the alpha.
on a ppc some really big jpgs only load half way.
and i could reallllllly use hotkeys to move to specific folders (as in, you assign a hotkey to a folder, and then press that hotkey to move an image there)
and maybe some kind of movie file handling (acknowledgement and handling of movies, not viewing them) so i can move them into folders like i would a picture)
Hi, I'm enjoying Xee, and have two requests/suggestions regarding automatic JPEG rotation:
1) differentiate between displaying an image with auto-rotation applied, and performing lossless rotation on the image file. I didn't realize that "auto rotate" would change my files on disk, but I can see that was the result. (Such file modification should be obvious or pop up a warning, especially since it can't be undone.) I appreciate the option to perform lossless rotation on my files, but usually I'm primarily interested in viewing images at the proper orientation, without altering the files. I suggest two different functions for displaying/performing rotation.
2) Make "display with automatic rotation" a sticky option in the preferences, such that it's truly automatic (without user intervention on each JPEG image).
Thanks for an outstanding app.
I've been working on pretty much just that, but I lost the code in a drive crash. I'm working on re-creating it now.
@ Chris Love
Xee Universal works great... just set in Pref -> Advanced -> RGB !!
not YUV... then the colors comes ok!
There are most likely other formats that do not work, even if you do that. .icns might be one.
OK, Xee may seem like it's dead, but this is actually just because of me totally fucking up my development cycle, and suddenly starting to re-design several interal parts of the code at the same time, and then getting distracted by adding other new features on top of that, and then finally having a goddamn hard drive crash and losing like two months of work on the damn thing, and so on, and so on. Lesson learned: Release early, release often, and goddammit, upload the source too. So with that in mind,
This version has been so long in development I forgot half of the stuff I did. I finally got my Intel mac so it's been fixed up to work correctly on Intel now, at least. However, I still couldn't replicate the antialiaser crash, so nothing has been done about that, except to disable antialiasing by defualt on Intel. If some brave people would try and see if it still crashes under 10.4.8 when they turn it on, that would be very helpful.
Other stuff I can remember:
Stuff that is broken in this version:
Works very well here, thanks.
What ACDSee on Windows had was not only rotate pics but also store them losslessly again. Something for you to implement? Would be awesome!
Besides of that, it seems to work well on my MacBook Pro 17" Intel Duo Core. Great Job
That's what I'm working on now.
Xee is awesome. It's just the app I've been looking for. Thanks so much for making this app available for us.
I've just tried Alpha 3, and I'm sorry to report the anti-aliasing is still crashing my Core 2 Duo MacBook, running on 10.4.8. :(
For what it's worth, I used to run Xee 2 Alpha 2 on my MacBook Pro, and the anti-aliasing never caused a crash on there. However, it has on this MacBook and the previous one that I exchanged for this one. So I'm wondering if it's related to the integrated 950 graphics chip?
If you'd like me to try any potential fixes, feel free to email me at "jason at resequenced dot com".
> So I'm wondering if it's related to the integrated 950 graphics chip?
It's looking a whole lot like it. None of the Intel machines I've had try it have experienced any crashes, and none of them had the 950 chip.
Xee is a BEST picture viewer for MAC!
Can you put a little option?
When open an image with Xee, then show me full screen automatically.
That's will be PERFECT!
Anyway thx for this cool software!
Lossless JPEG transforms now work, including cropping - however, there is still no crop tool, so that's not very useful yet. However, this will come soon.
But right now, you can rotate an image, and when you select Save As, you have the option to save it without recompressing. EXIF data and thumbnail should be updated correctly, too.
Awesome to see on the lossless tranforms. I will be making good use of that.
Just for kicks I made my computer crash with the antialiasing bug again, to see if maybe it was fixed by accident in alpha 4. :) Nope, still freezes the screen solid.
PhotoPresenter, Preview and iPhoto all managed to find a way to antialias (eg "resample" or "interpolate") downsized images on my 950 chip without crashing. Maybe you can ask the PhotoPresenter guys how they handled it?
Thanks again for the awesome app.
It's easy if you use the normal, slow APIs. Xee uses OpenGL all the way, which makes it fast, but also makes antialiasing hard.
That said, there's nothing wrong with the code that is there now that I can think of, and I really suspect this is a bug in the 950 OpenGL driver, which I'll have to work around somehow.
Great program! Are you going to release the source for Xee 2? I desperately need to display arbitrary exif tags in full screen mode.
It's there in the same directory. If you're thinking of hacking it, be aware that since it's still in alpha, I'm doing some pretty big changes on it constantly, so keep me up to date if you want stuff included.
Finnaly! Great program. I would be very usefull to configure xsee to open in fullscreen mode (like PhoenixSlides) and display important exif info transparent (like PhoenixSlides)
Xee2.0alpha4.zip won't work with my Mac OS X 10.3.9 ?
After unzip, open the application but it just close itself (boucing at the dock for a second and disappear again).
Xee1.2.1.zip works though, but i want to try Xee2Alpha4 version.
Now, here are some fairly big updates:
Some of the code is very untested. Please report any and all problems! The more testing you do, the better!
It probably doesn't support 10.3, no. I might fix that later, but it's hard since I don't have a 10.3 machine to do testing on.
Oh... i'm outta luck then. Can only stick with version 1.2.1. T.T
Some requested features:
All the new stuff is accessible from the menus (which have also been re-arranged a bit).
Yes! The anti-aliasing problem on the MacBook is indeed fixed. Perfect.
Love the auto-fullscreen mode too. Finally, I feel like I've found a replacement for Irfanview. :)
Thanks again for creating such an awesome program. This will be a huge hit when it's done.