Kareha 2.0.0 (34)

1 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-02-26 14:54 ID:+S1qVTsT (Replies) [Del]

Double release day

All right, the long-awaited (by me, if nobody else) new release of Kareha 2.0.0 is here! I've been fighting with this for months now, but finally it is in good enough shape to release. There are no doubt many bugs still left in here, and the .0.0 version number should be a hint that it will not be the most stable version ever.

Well then, the news:

  • Kareha now has several different operating modes - at the moment, the old message board mode and a futaba-style mode.
  • Kareha now supports images, both in the old message board mode and, needless to say, in futaba mode.
  • Kareha will, therefore, replace Wakaba Zero.

The following posts will describe various changes in more detail, and explain how to upgrade from Wakaba Zero to Kareha 2.0.0.

3 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-02-26 15:04 ID:+S1qVTsT (Replies) [Del]

Smaller changes are:

  • The XHTML and Javascript have been updated to be as correct as possible, allowing you to set Apache to send pages as application/xhtml+xml. You can find out how to do this in an IE-friendly manner in the example.htaccess file. The thread views will always do this automatically. So keep your HTML code correct (close all tags, use lowercase, and never use & on its own).
  • Disabled automatic thread deletion entirely in the default config for message board mode.
  • Implemented rel="nofollow" for external links, to make search engines happy.
  • The >>1 link parser was fixed slightly to be less stupid.
  • Uses the updated tripcode parser that's also in Wakaba 2.1.0, so exotic tripcodes work better.
  • Lots of internal changes I've already forgotten about.
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