Kareha 2.0.0 (34)

3 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-02-26 15:04 ID:+S1qVTsT (Replies) [Del]

Smaller changes are:

  • The XHTML and Javascript have been updated to be as correct as possible, allowing you to set Apache to send pages as application/xhtml+xml. You can find out how to do this in an IE-friendly manner in the example.htaccess file. The thread views will always do this automatically. So keep your HTML code correct (close all tags, use lowercase, and never use & on its own).
  • Disabled automatic thread deletion entirely in the default config for message board mode.
  • Implemented rel="nofollow" for external links, to make search engines happy.
  • The >>1 link parser was fixed slightly to be less stupid.
  • Uses the updated tripcode parser that's also in Wakaba 2.1.0, so exotic tripcodes work better.
  • Lots of internal changes I've already forgotten about.
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