Xee Support Thread (388)

28 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-05-24 14:36 ID:6TsVPKGD [Del]


It would be updated, if I had a bit more spare time... Sadly, I don't at the moment. I'd also like that Intel Mac so I could develop a universal version finally. There'll be more, but it'll take some time.

When opening NEF files, do you get more than one frame? Try to see if the Go -> Next Frame and Go -> Previous Frame options are enabled. There is the possibility that an embedded thumbnail gets loaded as the first frame instead of the full picture.

Autorotate how? JPEGs with orientation data in the EXIF can be autorotated from the menus or the toolbar. Other formats don't support this, however, because I don't have code to losslessly rotate any other formats. This would most likely only apply to camera RAW formats, and I'm not even sure they CAN be losslessly rotated without converting them to a full RGB format, which would make the filesize explode.

If you mean automatically rotate images as they are loaded, I don't want to do that, because it tricks people into thinking their image is rotated that way already, when it isn't. If they then for instance upload it to the net, it would have the wrong orientation.

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