Xee Support Thread (388)

229 Name: OliK : 2008-09-11 12:22 ID:IVqt5Vhn [Del]

Thanks for that great application, I love it!

But there is one thing that could be improved: When flipping through image files in full screen mode Xee first deletes the whole screen with the black background color (as it is black in my preferences) and then it paints the next picture on top of the cleared screen. This causes screen flickering when quickly browsing through a list of images.

This can be avoided if the new image is painted on top of the last image and the new borders are painted after the new image has been painted on screen. This means, that just the area between the image border and the screen border is then painted using the black background color.

Doing this you can easily flip through high-res images and it looks like a HDTV would be playing. Works great on fast machines.

I made this recommendation to the author of IrfanView about two years ago and he greatly enjoyed and implemented this feature. So using irfanview on a windows computer offers flickerfree browsing through images.

I would greatly appreciate if you could think about implementing such a flicker free browsing too.

Thank you. Best regards Oliver.

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