Xee Support Thread (388)

164 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2007-12-07 18:52 ID:Heaven [Del]


Thanks! I already made the EXIF fix in my local version (slightly differently but same basic idea), but I didn't do anything abou the fullscreen thing yet. I'm a bit reluctant to use that fix because it seems a little kludgy and might not be needed soon anyway, but for a stop-gap it's a good enough idea.

Anyway, the version in trunk is in some half-finished state, and may or may not be a good idea to run normally. If you want something that works a bit more reliably, check out the older source for 2.0 from tags. XADMaster and UniversalDetector come from The Unarchiver, you can grab them from there if you want to build a proper version.

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