here's a script that does an asston of different tripcode implementations, most of which i have not heard of:
but it uses gtk for no good reason, and it's in python too, which is obnoxious.
there's this one too: - which doesn't use a retarded gui toolkit, but it's javascript based which just about as annoying. (and also seemed to produce different results from one test run to the next, i don't know if it's my browser or what)
it would be really neat to have a decent implementation of a tripcode tester that actually runs right and doesn't depend on a bunch of crap, though, but those are ok i guess.
> or, rather, how inaccurately does 4chan match 2ch's tripcode creation?
Perfectly (as of a year or two ago), with the only exception being that '#' is not allowed. If any other trips don't match, post them in here or something I guess.
I don't know if English-speaking projects would accept 2ch compatible tripcodes, since it involves conversion to CP932 (not "Shift_JIS") and htmlspecialchars+ENT_QUOTES.
The first generator in your link seems to do the first but not the second? I've never seen that before…
As for the first comment on the Drupal page, wakaba's silly name generator would be better.
…and I haven't >>3's trip_0ch before, but maybe I just didn't look hard enough.
What is CP932 and how is it different from Shift_JIS? I haven't heard of this.
The charset Windows pretends is Shift_JIS but isn't.
I'm not sure what common characters are in it but not strictly in SJIS; it might not affect tripcodes all that much, but it will cause SJIS boards to fail the HTML validator.
test 2
nice tripcode, but you're testing in the wrong place
average tripcode, and you're testing in the wrong place
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So it looks like you can't have two trips on 4chan anymore. First nokosage and now this is gone? I never thought I'd see the say when I actually disapproved of a meaningless change like this...