Tripcode test cases and implementation compatibility (33)

4 Name: Anonymous : 2009-10-21 09:26 ID:Q7kRKxhs [Del]


> or, rather, how inaccurately does 4chan match 2ch's tripcode creation?

Perfectly (as of a year or two ago), with the only exception being that '#' is not allowed. If any other trips don't match, post them in here or something I guess.

I don't know if English-speaking projects would accept 2ch compatible tripcodes, since it involves conversion to CP932 (not "Shift_JIS") and htmlspecialchars+ENT_QUOTES.

The first generator in your link seems to do the first but not the second? I've never seen that beforec

As for the first comment on the Drupal page, wakaba's silly name generator would be better.

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