The Archive Browser (171)

1 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2012-03-20 18:00 ID:rFsOye/G [Del]

So, along with the release of The Unarchiver 3.0 comes another new things: The Archive Browser. This is the often-requested version that lets you browse archives and preview their contents before extracting. However, since this is not a program that I personally need, this one will actually cost a few dollars. Buy it if this is what you really need, or buy it if you want to support the development of The Unarchiver!

For now, bug reports and feature requests can go on the The Unarchiver bug tracker:

It is much better to post them there than in this thread, because I tend to forget things that are not on the bug tracker.

171 Name: Sergej : 2017-06-22 23:36 ID:XWyZAsvi (Image: 1329x925 jpg, 233 kb) [Del]


I have about 100 RAR archives which are each split into three files, so total of 300 RARs:


Each of these archives (fileA, fileB, ...) is password protected - with the same password. What is the best way to "mass-extract" all of them without avoiding the mess visible in the screenshot: 100 separate windows opening up at the same time and cluttering my desktop?

I am missing an opption "use the same password for all" in The Archive Browser?

I am coming from Keka which was not able to mass-extract tons of password-protected files.

Many thanks and keep up the great work!

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