The Wakaba and Kareha support thread, part 2 (1000)

692 Name: Anonymous : 2009-10-01 07:56 ID:dxXJD0xP [Del]

You can easily blacklist words, that's the spam.txt file. Or the "ban word" form under the bans/whitelist page.
Stickies will never happen, neither will post editing. Look around for patches; they've been made. But please reconsider, since that sort of thing is annoying as hell on a board, and it generally enforces the principle that the userbase is only there to watch the administrators dick around. Stickies especially; the bullet-point list and space between the post form and the threads serves as a much better place to disseminate information; if you're trying to sticky threads to artificially redirect the natural course of conversation on the board, you're potentially stifling it.

Nevertheless, if you want to do that stuff anyway, know a bit of Perl, and feel like a small challenge, stickies are literally a five-line patch (if you don't want to draw icons for them).

(Incidentally, what is the difference between spam.txt and the "ban word" form? WAHa?)

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