The Wakaba and Kareha support thread, part 2 (1000)

135 Name: arf : 2008-01-31 09:10 ID:STN0h3mE [Del]

I've got a problem with my kareha forum, new threads show up fine in the "view all thread" page, but don't show on the front page, even though I think my file is fine:

"# Page look
use constant TITLE => 'Intersections';
use constant SHOWTITLETXT => 1; # Show TITLE at top (1: yes 0: no)
#use constant SHOWTITLEIMG => 0; # Show image at top (0: no, 1: single, 2: rotating)
#use constant TITLEIMG => 'title.jpg'; # Title image (point to a script file if rotating)
use constant THREADS_DISPLAYED => 10; # Number of threads on the front page
use constant THREADS_LISTED => 40; # Number of threads in the thread list
use constant REPLIES_PER_THREAD => 3; # Replies shown
use constant S_ANONAME => 'Anonyme'; # Defines what to print if there is no text entered in the name field
use constant DEFAULT_STYLE => 'Futaba'; # Default CSS style title
use constant FAVICON => 'kareha.ico'; # Path to the favicon for the board

I'm wondering what's up with that?
I've tried rebuild caches.
When I look at the raw html of the index file, the post is there.

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