The Wakaba and Kareha support thread, part 2 (1000)

123 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-24 07:29 ID:Heaven [Del]

Provide a line number. It just doesn't happen.

I just traced the execution by hand, and unless I'm incredibly dense, it does no wget or locally implemented equivalent anywhere.
Full execution path is as follows:

  1. post_stuff passes spam_files=>[SPAM_FILES] to spam_engine
  2. spam_engine initializes local @spam_files array
  3. spam_engine passes @spam_files to compile_spam_checker
  4. compile_spam_checker maps read_array on its local arg list
  5. read_array accepts one scalar, which can either be a filehandle or a filename; if it's a filename, it opens the file locally with open FILE,$file. Either way, it returns all the lines in the given file as an array.
  6. back to compile_spam_checker to munge the results from read_array into a form suitable for inserting into a regex
  7. ... which it then does a bit more munging on, saving the results in @re
  8. still in compile_spam_checker, take @re and build a block of code out of it
  9. back to spam_engine; results from compile_spam_checker are saved as $spam_checker and all the form fields are scrunched together into $fulltext
  10. spam_engine still. actually run the spam checker with the given text, and call spam_screen if it gets triggered
  11. spam_screen just prints out a page saying "anti-spam filters triggered". (On an unrelated note, this page doesn't use the templates at all.)
  12. if the spam checker didn't find anything, control returns here.
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