This thread is for all your simple questions about installing and running Wakaba or Kareha, that just require quick answers. Please don't create any more new threads for issues like that, post them in here instead.
You've added code that is not well-formed XHTML. You need to close all tags, either explictly, or by implicitly by ending them in />.
Also, just click "[Del]" to delete posts.
Yeah i figured out what i did, it was more of a typo then anything. Thanxs again. Also i tryed deleting them i get wrong pass everytime, not that i remember entering a pass
Can you base it on the timestamp? I forget whether you can access the parent's timestamp easily.
No, you can't, because it's not stored in the database as such. Although, well... Technically the format doesn't really matter so I guess you could use the textual time stamp... Hmm.
Hello, i continually get an SQL connection error, and all my MySQL settings are set up perfectly in and server side.
I can only guess that they are not, in fact, set up perfectly.
I used the Futaba style sheet and edited it completley into my own personal style, i just want to konw how do i go about renaming the futaba style sheet link at the top of the page to what i want?
Just rename the file and rebuild caches. And do your users a favour and copy in the original futaba.css too.
I keep getting this error:
Can't modify constant item in scalar assignment at line 14, near "'blahblah';"
BEGIN not safe after errors--compilation aborted at line 14.
Compilation failed in require at /public_html/ line 16.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /public_html/ line 16.
I have no idea what that means or what to! :(
It means you messed up something in the config file.
I have Kareha all set up and working and everything but I have one question. Is there any way to get it to have each new thread/reply get a unique number instead of saying 1 for the first reply and then 2 for the second and so on.
As has been stated at least once already in this thread, Kareha doesn't do this. It's only possible with a database, like what Wakaba uses.
How would I go about making a custom ban page, where it would show your ip and what you were banned for?
This is what i've done so far.
use constant BAN_PAGE => q{
<p>Ban ;_; (insert more text later)</p><br />
The IP you were posting with was: <var $ip><br />
<if $comment>Reason for your ban: <var $comment></if><br />
<if !$comment>Reason for your ban: None</if>
}; (under sub ban_check($$$$)
print encode_string(BAN_PAGE);
} else {
Should this work? Is there something I need to change?
Disregard that, I just realized that ban_check is for when you post, not view.
I'm gonna have to look into this more =/
Any help before I butcher 20+ Wakaba installations is appreciated.
If you want to prevent banned IPs from viewing the pages, you'll need to resort to .htaccess hackery.
Is it possible to enable my users to be able to use HTML tags in their posts?
Not easily. You could copy some code from Kareha's format_post()
function to Wakaba's, though. It has an automatic HTML sanitizer and filter. I very very strongly recommend using this if you want to hack this, because adding support for HTML safely is very, very hard.
Thanks, tho my motive for this, is to allow my users to embed video into the board from Youtube or dailymotion and such, would you advise against this?
>>336 <embed> is abusable to no end.
Shii killed a board through css and embed, I recall. All you saw when you visited was the waha-supergirl flash.
Anyway, not recommended.
<embed> can be used as long as you make sure to force a certain attribute that disable scripting from inside the swf file.
I forget what exactly it is, though. You know you've got it right if you can embed without getting a bee all over your page, though.
Speaking of which, no, >>338 is not supposed to happen. I'll have to fix that at some point.
Dumb question: how many ways are there to display posts via the URL?
The ones I know of are: multiple selections separated by commas, normal and reverse-order ranges (including open ended ranges), last X posts in thread, and X random post selections. Anything else?
And why do some of these methods display the first post at the top even when it's not specified?
I am creating a japanese imageboard for a small commnity i am a part of. everything has translated perfectly except for the rules.html file, and also when i add any japanese characters into the .pl scripts like they come out as alot of mumbo jumbo.
This is how it appears:
ûmØNïSý€Õ0¡0¤0ë0ÿ Ö0é0¦0¶0k0ˆ0c0f0o0ck8^k0ûmØNg0M0j0D0S0h0L0B0Š0~0Y00
g'Y•b?zÇ0ü0¿0Ï‘o0 KB ~0g0g0Y00sage_jý€ØNM00
;uÏPo0*j Ô0¯0»0ë00&~ Ô0¯0»0ë0’0…H0‹0h0.~\hˆ:yU0Œ0~0Y00
etc. etc., how can i translate this properly, thanks.
On a side note, i have a Japanese friend who is reviewing the translation and will correct any errors if you wold like the corrected japanese?
That's about it. The first post is displayed for simple ranges, to match the behaviour of 0ch.
You need to make sure your files use the right encodings. The include files have to use the same encoding you've specified as CHARSET, and any .pl files need to have a "use encoding" statement at the top that specifies what encoding they use.
I'm helping the owner of the new try to get the "Original Filenames" feature in wakaba, but so far I've had no luck.
Basically, when a user goes into the reply page, after the (size, resolution) it would display the filename that the image had before wakaba converted it. This is very nice for organizing manga/doujinshi/etc.
Question is, is there any way to do this through Wakaba?
uncomment the following lines in
#use constant FILETYPES => (
# gif => '.',
# jpg => '.',
# png => '.',
>>346 Not quite. All that does is not rename the files to unix timestamps. What he's looking for is shown in the picture attached.
Hello all. I'm having problems installing wakaba. On apache, no matter what perl script I run, I get the same damn 403 error. All the files/folder are 755 and my httpd.conf for the directories is:
<Directory />
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
Options +FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI
AllowOverride All
Order deny,allow
Deny from none
<Directory /wakaba/>
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
Options +FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI
AllowOverride All
Order deny,allow
Deny from none
Does anyone have any ideas as to what I should do? I'm using SuSE, if that helps.
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl
I used to have apache and wakaba created nice little thumbnails but now when i changed to lighttpd it won't create any thumbnails and it just echo out "no thumbnail available".
How do i fix so the thumbnails work in lighttpd?
I've never used lighthttpd so I have no idea, really. Is the switch of web server software the ONLY change you made to the system? If so, I guess lighthttpd is failing to run external commands from CGI scripts for some reason.
But doesnt browsers just send the script to the perl folder and let perl do all the stuff? I haven't changed any perl settings though.
i meant http servers not browsers
Yes, but if the web server process doesn't have permissions to run the command, or if the PATH is messed up, it's gonna break.
If the path is messed up, try running which convert
in a shell, and then putting the result in CONVERT_COMMAND
You hack the source to add it. There's no support for it, and I won't be adding it anytime soon.
How do i allow additional file types, thanks.
Look at the end of
Hi I'm having some trouble setting up a Kareha image board
One problem is that one thread will have a url like
and the second will be
and the third will be
Everything appears to work correctly, permissions etc but is this because the subdomain is trying to add banner ads to the page so it concatenates the thread reply numbers?
Any help is appreciated thanks.
On the other hand, I just set a Kareha image board up at
and it works fine. The difference is that I used the mode_message folder and enabled image replies in
I don't see how using mode_image would be any different though?
I've installed and edited everything that needs to be edited (the test perl script works) and wakaba should be working, but it isn't. If I try to load all I get is a blank page. I have no idea what to do now. Halp
Never seen that before. I'm tempted to blame a messed-up Apache config, since that sounds like a free host and they're pretty unreliable.
Try going to http://.../ and rebuild caches.
Tried that and this is what I got:
"Server error!
Error message:
Bareword "SQL_CAPTCHA_TABLE" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at D:/WWW/xampp/perl/site/lib// line 142. ...lots of other errors with similar format... BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at D:/WWW/xampp/htdocs/wakaba/ line 20. ,
what should I do in order to have a vertical menu like in ? also do I have to install Kareha for for every category?
Hi,i really need help,my HTML sucks and i dont know how to get Kareha or wakaba working at all....can someone guide me step by step pls,i couldnt find a guide too,thanks a lot.Does it start working once i upload those files i extarcted of the zip file onto a Web host?
Assuming you have a webhost... (this is for kareha, which I recommend you use)
0) unzip the zip to a folder on your desktop.
1) open up on your computer using notepad.
2) read the comments and change the things that are required.
3) upload that, and everything else from the zip, to your webspace.
4) in your browser, visit http://.../
5) if that doesn't work, post any errors returned here along with a link to the board.
so is there no way to ban proxies through htaccess or other?
Short answer: No.
Long answer: dmpk2k implemented some code in Wakaba to try and detect proxies using external utilities and such, which does get some of them, but might be tricky to get running. However, proxy detection is inherently shaky and unreliable.
By broken installation, do you mean Wakaba or Apache/MySQL/Perl?
Wakaba. All those constants should be defined by, and if they are not, something's broken or missing.
I am also interested in making my own ban page that shows the ip of the poster and displays the comment, but only when they try to post, how would i do that?
Secondly i am wondering is there a way to let my mods edit the rules.html file? thanks
> Secondly i am wondering is there a way to let my mods edit the rules.html file? thanks
There's no way to do that in Wakaba at the moment (although there is in Kareha), but I guess you could find some other script that lets people edit files.
However: If you don't trust your mods perfectly, you don't want them to be able to edit rules.html directly, because it is run through the templating engine, which can run arbitary Perl code. That means that if you can edit it, you hack it to access anything on the server.
The way to work around this is to make a rules.html file that contains the following:
<var include("include/rules_safe.html")>
And then just let people edit rules_safe.html, which will NOT be parsed by the template engine.
Ok thanks ill look into that,
any ideas on the custom ban page tho?
You'd have to hack it yourself one way or the other... Should be easy if you know a bit of Perl and DBI, otherwise, not so easy.
Hello, i recently went into to do some html editing for a number of things, everything seemed to be working fine for me after i had finished, but when my mods tried to access the admin panel they were getting an XML parsing error, it was telling me that it was expecting html tags everywhere and particularily it also told me that the constants in the footer were invalid. Tho i managed to fix the problem by removing the constants and by basically doing what it told me to and adding in the tags it was expecting i have had to remove things that i wanted to keep in the first place, have you seen this error before? And when exactly caused it?
Wakaba is set up to use XHTML, which means you have to write your code as well-formed XML. You can write any code you want, you just have to write it correctly.
I know you're very busy WAHa, but is there a possibility we may be due for a major new releases of W&K soon?
No major releases, no. However, there are some bugfixes I really should get out there, but I've been busy with other projects. Hopefully I'll get around to it soon.
can someone please give me a basic step by step way to install wakaba?
Does Wakaba need a different database for each board? All I saw in the file was that you couldn't was to change the captcha sql table. But when I post on one board it puts that posts on all the other boards as well! I am pretty sure this is an sql thing (though it might not be), how do I go about correcting this and setting sql up properly?
Change the SQL_TABLE option for every board, and possibly also the SQL_ADMIN_TABLE.
Is there any way to ADD file types? I see there's a way to ban them in and then "allow all" but what I want to do here is just add one or two filetypes, like .psd and .tif. Is there any good way to do this? The only thing I've tried is going into and editing
but all that got me was a 500 error. Any ideas?
There is a way to add filetypes at the end of However, those types will not get thumbnails, and will not be renamed.
Nice day :)
I just want to ask like someone (anonymous) above ~
Can someone please,please give me a basic step by step way to install Kareha?
I mean, when i downlod it, there are *.pl files but i need index.html ????
Thanx ~
>>390 OK, here's the walkthrough:
1) edit to your liking
2) upload the entire folder to your webspace
3) navigate your way to on your website through your browser
4 that's it!
Hi -_-
[Forbidden][You don't have permission to access /~colorfull-wallies/ on this server.]
futallaby []
wakaba []
Any ideas ?
I know now - my webspace have no PerlScripts support. T_T
gome ne for troubles with me ~
However since i can not run wakaba and kareha i would like to
make my futallaby work propertly ~
All is fine, it only dont create thumbnails (it only minify
and show original image) - could this be caused with lack of
thumbnailer (i have read in offered link that wakaba and kareha
need this software installed on server to create thumbs)
Is this same with futallaby? , and if yes which one is most
suggested one?
~byg Thanx for help ^_^~
I have a bit of a problem figuring out into what format should I convert and set the encoding in the config file so that I'd be able to have commands (like the Post button) with properly displayed characters like čšž (the ISO-8859-2 Central European characters).
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
The strings file can have any encoding you want, as long as you use a "use encoding" statement at the top that lists which encoding you are using (see
for an example of this, it uses Shift_JIS).
The encoding listed in
can then be anything else you want, and Wakaba should convert between the encodings automatically (as long as you have Perl 5.8). Remember to also set the encoding in .htaccess
so the static HTML pages are displayed correctly.
How much disc storage/transfer storage/bandwich should I have on my web host to put up say.. 5 image boards? I mean, with them completely filled to the 10th page, each one, each thread max posts and whatnot, how much really? Thanls. :3
Is there an easy way to add filename retention (like the way either 4chan or fchan does) to Wakaba?
If so, how?
If you add gif, jpg and png as filetypes in the FILETYPES list, they will not be renamed.
I got his error, everything in my config is correct but it still don't work.
Everything in the config is not correct. Or else the config on the SQL server is not correct. I guess it might also be possible that you have not installed Perl DBD drivers for your database?
Check your error_log to see if it has anything more to say.
Whatever is my host or server OS I need to install DBD? Because I didn't. If yes, it's my problem. I don't know how to install it and where upload it.
Yes, I'm noob.
If you are on a shared host, they are most likely installed for you. If it's a server you set up yourself, most likely not.
You usually need DBI and DBD::mysql (Or DBD::SQLite or whatever it's named). If the script works at all, DBI is installed. DBD::mysql might not be. If it's a Unix machine, you can try running "perl -MCPAN -e 'install DBD::mysql'", or figuring out how to do it through whatever package system you use.
How to remove the verification code when we post and the
excesses style (or only the link on top of the page) on Wakaba?
> How to remove the verification code when we post
Change ENABLE_CAPTCHA from 1 to 0 in
> the excesses style
Delete what you don't want from the css directory.
They give me this error wen I try to open
Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: . /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.4 /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.8 /usr/share/perl/5.8 /usr/local/lib/site_perl) at /home/www/"my url"/board_a/ line 16.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/www/"my url"/board_a/ line 16.
What's the probleme? is there but he can't see it.
Maybe you should start by making sure it's spelled right?
Odd error. I've successfully installed Kareha once and am trying to install it several times t make a variety of boards for my site.
He's the weird part: Every time i change the name so the link is "Fan Art" or something like that instead of "Kareha" everything works fine execpt the style sheets no longer work and i'm left with a rather plain looking board.
I am not sure exactly what you are doing, but I am guessing you need to rebuild caches if you change the path to the script.
I'm making a image board, standard 4chan type set up. This requires several installations of kareha, one or each section. When i change the name of a installation (so that a new one does not overwrite it) or if i install a new one under a changed name the style sheets disappear.
I still don't know what you mean by "name". Path?
And what happens if you rebuild caches?
I have a site with 3 boards right now, at some point in development, it became the case that any new thread started goes to one specific board, (regardless of what board it was posted to) and replies are simply lost.
You've either messed up your SQL settings, or you need to rebuild caches.
Is there a way to get rid of this annoying thing that doesn't involve extensive reprogramming of stuff?