The Wakaba and Kareha support thread (1000)

377 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-10-09 05:14 ID:Heaven [Del]

> Secondly i am wondering is there a way to let my mods edit the rules.html file? thanks

There's no way to do that in Wakaba at the moment (although there is in Kareha), but I guess you could find some other script that lets people edit files.

However: If you don't trust your mods perfectly, you don't want them to be able to edit rules.html directly, because it is run through the templating engine, which can run arbitary Perl code. That means that if you can edit it, you hack it to access anything on the server.

The way to work around this is to make a rules.html file that contains the following:

<var include("include/rules_safe.html")>

And then just let people edit rules_safe.html, which will NOT be parsed by the template engine.

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