So, it's finally release time!
I decided to bump the version number up to 3.0.0, partly because of a number of new features, and partly because there's been lots of messing around in the guts of the scripts, which means there are probably some new and interesting bugs. I do not recommend installing these scripts on any busy boards without doing some testing first, or waiting for others to test them for you. Conversely, testing is very welcome. Report those bugs!
Specific information will follow in the next posts.
Fix where? As far as I can recall, most of the CSS should use html, body
. Did I miss any?
I looked through all the CSS files, and all of them define styles for both html and and body. I can only conclude that you are COMPLETELY CRAZY.
>>20,23,28 fixed. Some of >>31 copied (error messages should be friendly, not professional, though), and some other strings changed a little.
can now edit spam.txt, too.
Also: Most of the translations are getting a bit out-of-date and are kind of full on English. They need updating, if anyone feels like doing some work.
Kareha 3.0.1, mode_message, perl 5.8.6.
I see the following warnings in my servers error.log: Warning: Use of "shift" without parentheses is ambiguous at /home/www/bbs/ line 1145, <FILE> line 7.
The script works but the warnings are a bit annoying.
Find the line, and change shift
to (shift)
. Should fix it.
the problem is that 'background-color' is in body instead of in html.
also, mode_image doesn't have any way to choose formatting
Kareha 3.0.1. The "permasage" link in$thread should be an "unpermasage" link for permasaged threads like in
The code to do that is there, but there was a typo that broke it. orz
There's at least one typo with regard to the DELETED_THUMBNAIL/DELETED_IMAGE parameters in
Also, would it be possible to release a minor Kareha upgrade in the near future with a few tweaks (I've implemented most of them myself in a custom distribution, but it'd probably be good for the main version too)?
> There's at least one typo with regard to the DELETED_THUMBNAIL/DELETED_IMAGE parameters in
Well, what is the typo?
Not possible to implement without regexp trickery that is not guaranteed to work on different templates.
> S_ANOTITLE and S_ANOTEXT parameters
Meh, I never liked those much.
> Removed capcode checks in and (now that they're customizable, admins can easily add the <em> tags and append the name/cap string with '(Admin)')
For mode_image? I think I forgot to update that, will fix.
> PAGE_GENERATION checks at least for mode_image's, if I set a board to 'single' it won't display the page list at the bottom)
PAGE_GENERATION isn't really an option you're supposed to change for a given template. Why would you want to run mode_image in single-page mode? That makes no sense, as there's no way to access the older threads.
> Non-styled (ie, no h1, no center alignment, no extra line break) error template in mode_image, with designated headers above and below -- the markup should have its own div class to be styled in CSS
You can just style h1, can't you? The entire page should have its own class so you can do that (if it doesn't, that's a bug), but I haven't bothered to style it. Thing is, though, I'm not touching the CSS for the Futaba-style templates, because I prefer it to be compatible. I could make the HTML more like the original Futaba/Futallaby error page, but it's not really an issue that has very high priority.
> Is there a way to replace the <br clear> tags with something more sane in CSS? AFAIK the clear parameter has been deprecated in XHTML.
XHTML 1.0 is just HTML 4.0 in XML. Maybe it's deprecated in XHTML 2.0, but this isn't that.
> Well, what is the typo?
Unfortunately, this computer doesn't have anything better than Notepad, so I can't give you the exact line numbers. Just search for "DELETE_THUMBNAIL".
> For mode_image? I think I forgot to update that, will fix.
In too though, since admin functions are now independent of whether you input a capped trip or not.
> You can just style h1, can't you?
I don't know if this is sarcasm or not, but I assumed it's possible in CSS.
> The entire page should have its own class so you can do that (if it doesn't, that's a bug), but I haven't bothered to style it.
Indeed there is no body class for mode_image's error template.
> Thing is, though, I'm not touching the CSS for the Futaba-style templates, because I prefer it to be compatible. I could make the HTML more like the original Futaba/Futallaby error page, but it's not really an issue that has very high priority.
Futaba's error page doesn't use header tags in HTML, but it does center the text (then again, it also centers "postarea" and right-aligns "userdelete")
About <br clear>: I'm really just echoing the W3C spec for HTML 4.01 (, which states it's deprecated.
> Using style sheets, you could specify that all line breaks should behave this way for objects (images, tables, etc.) floating against the left margin. With CSS, you could achieve this as follows:
> <STYLE type="text/css">
> BR { clear: left }
> </STYLE>
> In too though, since admin functions are now independent of whether you input a capped trip or not.
No. They never had anything to do with admin functions before, either. What they DO let you do is post on a board where posting is disabled.
> Indeed there is no body class for mode_image's error template.
I'll have to fix that, then.
> About <br clear>: I'm really just echoing the W3C spec for HTML 4.01
Ah, it's not listed as deprecated when you just look up the definition for the <br> tag. I don't think I'll be changing that, though, because the whole Futaba layout is heavily outdated in the first place. It's also nearly impossible to implement in proper modern XHTML/CSS, at least in such a way as to make it work in IE, too. I tried, but it was much more pain that it was worth.
> the whole Futaba layout is heavily outdated in the first place
You mean the actual Futaba software, or Kareha's Futaba mode template?
> It's also nearly impossible to implement in proper modern XHTML/CSS, at least in such a way as to make it work in IE, too. I tried, but it was much more pain that it was worth.
IE needs to die.
> You mean the actual Futaba software, or Kareha's Futaba mode template?
I mean the HTML code it uses. is an attempt to make it a bit more XHTML-like, and is at least in part based on thatdog's work of Futallaby, but there's only so much you can do with it.
> IE needs to die.
That it does, but it hasn't yet.
Well, here's the latest batch of bugfixes:
Nothing terribly important, just getting these things uploaded so they'll be available.
I was under the impression that mode_image's template was 99% XHTML.
Sure, but you can write circa-1993 style HTML in XHTML too, just as long as you keep it well-formed.
>IE needs to be fixed or upgraded so it supports webstandards.
Should implement the fixes in >>54 (although I was kind of sloppy with that, I might have missed some unused string), some fixes for the Japanese template, and there's now an option to turn off the ability of admins to edit include templates (since templates can execute code, that's a bit risky). It's off by default, so if you want editing, remember to turn it on.
I have to say that kareha has a much more professional feel to it now than it had before!
I installed a new copy of Kareha 3.0.0 (now upgraded to 3.0.2) and the tripcodes are acting funny. Each time I enter my name as "foo#bar" (with foo and bar being constants), the tripcode resulting from bar is different. I've gotten three tripcodes so far out of three posts, entering the same thing in the Name field each time. (Also, none of the three matches my tripcode on another, Kareha 2.0.4 forum.) Why might this happen?
That's strange... could you link to the board in question, or post the results here?
bar is equal to "super" and the results are hnaqdgEjIm, VT4sg21iYS, 8JCn9fwUsm, umVH01Gevu. The expected result (from Kareha 2.0.4) was oCplYpbPzw.
It does work as expected here. That's very strange. The only thing I can think of is that the crypt() function would for some reason be returning weird values, but that shouldn't just affect the one version. The code that generates the 2ch tripcodes hasn't changed at all between those versions, either. Do other tripcodes work as expected? Short ones? Long ones? Try posting in the test thread to compare.
Actually, this experiment is unscientific because one of the variables has changed. The 2.0.4 install is on a Linux server, while the 3.0.x is on a FreeBSD server. I will try installing 2.0.4 on the latter and see if it, too, produces ridiculous results. (Probably it will.)
If it doesn't work, then I suspect BSD has some weird-ass crypt() implementation that doesn't do what it's supposed to. I'm really not entirely sure what can be done about that, though.
Here is the FreeBSD crypt(3) manpage:
It looks like the problem might be that the format defaults to something other than DES (probably Blowfish). Can you do crypt_set_format("des")
first? (I'm not familiar with how C functions are called from Perl.) Of course, you would only do this if (`uname` eq 'FreeBSD')
According to the manpages from NetBSD and OpenBSD, both of their crypt(3) implementations can be used in the traditional way, so no workarounds should be necessary for those.
> I'm not familiar with how C functions are called from Perl.
That's the problem, you can't, without an XS module in between. Searching for this on Google, I turn up lots of Japanese pages. I guess various tripcode-using programs would all have this problem. The only way out I see off hand is to use this suggestion from the man page:
> The global default format can be set using the /etc/auth.conf file using the crypt_default property.
Of course, if you're not allowed to do that, then you have a problem.
If you ask me, FreeBSD should not go around changing how well-established system calls work on a whim, but what the hell do I know.
Does anybody else see a little line above the style picker on the Society board?
That's a pretty useless question unless you specify what style you use and what you mean by a "little line".
Stardard futuba, a 2-3 pixel this <> background-color line where the board into text and the style selector are.
In firefox, too.
A picture alright?
Ordered HTML lists in WakabaMark ("1. foobar..") seem to cause infinite loops in the version included in Kareha 3.0.3.
>>69 fixed (although I'm tempted to call it a Firefox bug, because it was pretty hard to reproduce, and it took a sort of ugly hack to work around it), and also >>70 (which I thought I fixed once already but apparently it didn't take).
Now that ordered lists work:
Undefined subroutine &main::get_reply_text called at /home/waha/public_html/sup/ line 871.
Dead code calling a nonexistent sub, should probably be removed completely in the next release.
Yet another bugfix! There were a couple of bugs related to deleting files that were fixed. You only need to update if you're using images.
Oh, and can you include the fix for >>38 in the next release? I dont want to edit after every update.
I thought I fixed that?
I get a Mozilla yellow screen of death when using
XML Parsing Error: mismatched tag. Expected: </body>. Location: http://mysite/forum/ Line Number 8, Column 50:<br /></div></div></div> </div></div> </div> </div> <div id="navi"> Pages: 0 <a href="/forum/">1</a> <a href="/forum/">2</a> <a href="/forum/">3</a> <a href="/forum/">4</a> <a href="/forum/">Thread list</a> </div> </body></html> -------------------------------------------------^
If you get around to it, the CSS files in Kareha's mode_image have a lot of old unused elements still defined -- and THREADS_LISTED still exists in, while HOME is nowhere to be found. Also:
> the CSS files in Kareha's mode_image have a lot of old unused elements still define
Once again, the CSS for mode_image is the same as both Wakaba and Futallaby uses. It's not supposed to be perfectly tailored to Kareha, and I won't be doing any tweaking for that.
> and THREADS_LISTED still exists in,
All options exist in, even those that don't apply to the current style.
> Error template div/body class in mode_image still missing -- on a side note, what font-size and/or font-weight would be appropriate to match h1 text styling in CSS?
I decided that since neither Wakaba nor Futallaby have it, I'm not going to add it, for the same reason as above.
> This might require its own sub function that basically removes all such limitations (text/file posts, permasaged/closed threads, choice of whether to use ID, etc).
Because it's a lot of work for something that will hardly ever be used, and really isn't necessary for anything.
Also, yet another release:
Fixes >>77 (which was tricky to track down, because it only happens when posts posted in AA mode get abbreviated), and some other more obscure and harmless bugs I found.
What's the point of supporting Futallaby CSS when the only stock styles available are "Futaba" and "Burichan," both of which are also included in the Wakaba and Kareha packages? If it were an issue of maintaining compatibility with Futaba (the software) I would understand, because it's freely available and used across countless Japanese sites, but there is really no reason to bind ourselves to 4chan's crappy exclusive software.
(BTW, don't take any of this personally, despite the strong tones :))
It's just easier to work against a set standard than constantly changing things on a whim, like I do with mode_message. It's a major pain in the ass, keeping all styles updated.
Besides, lots of people have now created more styles to this standard, even if they're using Wakaba and not Futallaby.
>It's a major pain in the ass, keeping all styles updated.
Why not just work on the stock styles (Futaba and Pseud0ch) and leave the others up to the community to update?
Because I made all of them except Blue Moon (and Pseud0ch which was a cooperation)?
That doesn't mean you're the only person capable of maintaining them. I'm sure there's enough of a following that if people really wanted to keep certain styles, they wouldn't mind updating them every once in a while (especially for such a large version jump like 2.0.0 to 3.0.0).
Can you make the path to log.txt configurable? This would make it easy to place log.txt outside of the servers document root (e.g. somewhere in your home directory). While it is possible to configure the server to forbid access to it not many people seem to do this: and even if the file is encrypted it is a threat to posters anonymity.
I thought I had put that in as an option, but maybe I forgot. I should also add some more crypto on the password field, so that one doesn't matter either.
Added config options for LOG_FILE and INCLUDE_DIR, and also a KEEP_MAINPAGE_NEWLINES option to disable the stripping out of newlines when generating the main page. This keeps Google ads working. Also added more encryption to log.txt, so there's really nothing in there to identify anyone in any way.
Configurable CSS directory?
$ grep CSS mode_*/
mode_image/ constant DEFAULT_STYLE => 'Futaba'; # Default CSS style title
mode_image/ constant CSS_DIR => 'css/'; # CSS file directory
mode_message/ constant DEFAULT_STYLE => 'Headline'; # Default CSS style title
mode_message/ constant CSS_DIR => 'css/'; # CSS file directory
There's a bug with the post abbreviation code, which you can see at
I've noticed that one, actually, but for the life of me I can't figure out what causes it.
Well, I sat down and tried again, and I did finally figure >>93 out. It was a regexp bug. I also fixed another regexp bug that caused both Wakaba and Kareha to change "." in filenames to "%2e", which technically isn't wrong, but it's a pretty silly thing to do.
Yeah, I had noticed the %2e thing too. Thanks for the fixes.
I've been extensively tweaking and slimming down the mode_image template for Kareha over the weekend, and making the necessary adjustments to each CSS file (while converting some deprecated variable parameters). Some of it dealt with removing redundant div elements such as postername/commentpostername and filetitle/replytitle, and for others it was changing certain structure elements to more closely resemble the Futaba board layout.
Some shortcomings:
Here's the template + CSS files:
You can test it out on (WARNING: NWS), and use as the unofficial test thread. As you can see, older threads have been left in the dust due to these incompatible changes. The other possible issue is that I voluntarily removed the extra CSS elements that only Wakaba uses, but these can be easily readded if necessary. I hope you will find the changes useful.
Slight template update (changed body margin to 10px and removed the padding altogether).
I don't understand what you mean by "older threads have been left in the dust". Aren't they just created from the database when you rebuild caches?
Second update: created a CSS element each for the inner and outer page list table cells. For now, the border styles and widths are defined in, but maybe they should be offloaded to individual CSS files. If not, they can just as easily be overriden.
Not in Kareha's case. Once threads/replies are created, the only way to keep them up to date is to modify the class names by hand in each html file. still exhibits the >>93 bug, even after updating wakautils and rebuilding the caches. Does the fix affect only new posts?
What in the... The fix has disappeared from all my files, too!
All right, I added it back one more time, and uploaded new files. Didn't bother to bump the version number, just re-download. The only file that's affected is
Snacks is covertly undermining your efforts.
Also, new bug found:
It happens when you put more than 3 whitespaces in front of a line of text.
Not a bug, it triggers code mode. Four space or one tab will make everything <pre> formatted. It's copied from Markdown, but it's a bit unfortunate since it's sort of easy to trigger by mistake. Haven't come up with a better solution though. Using only tabs would be hard to trigger accidentially, but most web browsers make it impossible to input tabs by anything except copy-paste.
is this a bug:
Eh... Let's say it isn't.
This is the ■ ▲ ▼ for the 6th thread on the /dis/ board, and it's located at the very top of the page. css bug?
It's worth noting Pseud0ch is still borked in Opera. Namely, the [del] links. I'm not certain whether it's the -1.3em or the relative positioning, but deletebutton should be replaced with one of the ones in the other CSS.
BTW, Amber seems to work fine with 3.0, at least for normal posting modes.
See here:
It's missing a ton of frames? So what? The differences are trivial. It also works better than Pseud0ch (cough).
Latest batch of bugfixes:
>>111 a missing position: relative;
for sagethread in pseud0ch.css. This bug ist still present in kareha 3.0.9.
Thanks! Fixed and re-uploaded 3.0.9 without bumping the version number.
Some of the "Return" links match the referring url (eg: the error page when a thread doesn't exist) - but when there isn't a referer, those links go nowhere.
Did you make any substantial changes to how build_cache() and build_cache_page() work? The changes I did for my board were done with a nebulous understanding of the inner workings, so...
Umm... In Wakaba, no, in Kareha, yes. As I recall.
Pretty much. Not planning any big work in the near future.
So we will not have a working post preview in the near future?
Post preview shouldn't be implemented in the core functionality. It would work best as a browser extension.
It's not a very big thing, actually, if I implement it with XMLHttpRequest as mentioned elsewhere.
Kareha (in Futaba mode, at least) seems to have a bug where clicking a post number on a main page (to reference the post in a reply) produces a something like in the URL bar. The link actually works for inserting post references -- that's why I'm not sure if it's a bug or not.
What happened to the file came with kareha 2.x? How do I decode the IP address of a poster in kareha 3.x?
Aah, I didn't leave in any automatic way to do it, but you can edit and change <var $masked_ip>
to <var $ip>
to have it show the real IPs instead of the masked ones.
i've found a bug in kareha... if i set CAPPED_TRIPS and rebuild caches, all posts on the board disappear from index.html and the thread views, but are still in the files in res/. if i comment out the line for CAPPED_TRIPS, the posts reappear when i rebuild caches.