How do I... (things from 4chan) (111, permasaged)

21 Name: fay!N1toQkxgzc 2005-09-28 06:36 ID:mHDwd28b [Del]

Funny you should ask. I spent a week implementing a number of 4chan features and other tweaks for a board I'm gonna start. I haven't made a Mod/Admin distinction, because I don't feel I'll need one on a board as small as mine'll be, but I did add:
automated banning
global post numbering (instead of per thread)
more obvious post capping (using a css style for customizability)
an anonymod (well, anonyadmin at least)
an option to disable a maximum number of post bumps

I have yet to solve the problems of cross thread post referencing (cross thread >> links) and it looks pretty hard from the way the code is set up. Also, when you sticky something, you don't get the little sticky icon because that requires going back and editing the html pages and I don't actually know perl (I did all this in Kareha by the way, maybe I should have mentioned that. Imagine the things I could do with Wakaba and its database!)

Word filters are just regex lines in the clean_string method in

Anyway, if you're interested I'll package the code for you and put it online later.

(Sorry I'm raping your baby waha, please forgive me)

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