Wakaba 2.1.0 (48)

1 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-02-26 12:58 ID:+S1qVTsT (Replies) [Del]


A new version with some minor improvements. I bumped the version number since it's not just a pure bugfix release, though. This one isn't a very essential upgrade, so no big rush to upgrade. Changes:

  • Slightly clearer error messages for template errors, for those who like to hack the templates.
  • Small fix for the example.htaccess.
  • Javascript code updates to behave better in XHTML mode.
  • FORCED_ANON implemented for Wakaba too, because recent events reminded me I never got around to that.
  • MAX_MEGABYTES option added, to limit the total size of the pictures on disk. Deletes old threads until the disk space limit is reached.
  • Slightly improved character set handling. Won't be noticed on anything but Shift_JIS boards, but I don't think any of those exist. Also, the world's most famous tripcode, #kami, now works (as long as you're running Perl 5.8 or up).
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