Capcode (13)

3 Name: Anonymous 2005-02-18 11:28 ID:Heaven (Replies) [Del]


> Well, there is already the basics of a capcode system in Kareha - you define a list of special tripcode.

Couldn't find anything in the documentation about this. How does it work?

> Moderation should be as quiet as possible, and having a special upper class of people on the board doesn't really seem like something that's good for the community.

That's your POV and I don't think it should play that much into software design choices, just like Shii's stance on the E-Mail field.

One might reasonably say, though, that it's sometimes for the good of the community to make statements as a moderator when you step in. You shouldn't have to announce a list of moderators or delete posts to make that believable - a simple capcode would suffice.

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