[Wakaba] I am unable to activate the .js file (10)

1 Name: OmniD 2005-02-15 03:30 ID:ZI1AVyP/ (Replies) [Del]

I tried everything mentioned in the support about this problem and nothing works. I have perl in the default directory (/usr/bin/perl) as it says so in my cpanel, and I made sure wakaba.pl was directed to it on the first line (#!user/bin/perl).

I would link to the files but would that be a security risk to my settings or is that only viewable to the admin user via FTP as I've been doing? I haven't been hacking my own server or anything so I would have no clue.

Oh and also I used Opera and IE. Opera just shows the Perl code or whatever is in the .js and IE tries to download the script. Then again it's IE. I wasn't expecting it to do what I needed. I don't keep up with Firefox, but I don't think it's the browser. It could be but I doubt it.

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